

All of our S1 students are allocated to an S6 student who provides mentoring and support based on our language of skills Each mentoring session is focused on 2 of the skills from our skills framework. At each mentoring session the S1 students are encouraged to reflect on their skills development and record this in a profile.

What kind of questions might a mentor ask?

What is going well at school? What are you finding challenging at school? Give examples of where you have been using communication and collaboration across the school. Tell me something you have achieved in or outside of school recently.

How can I get involved as a parent / carer?

Knowing that these Skills Mentoring sessions are happening is a really good start! You might ask what the focus skills were for that particular session (you can see the skills words in a graphic towards the top of this page!). For example, we might be asking students to focus on the skills of leadership and creativity. You might want to ask a little about the S6 Mentor or about the wider achievements that were recorded as part of the discussion. The images above give you a good understanding of how the sessions are set up.