pac vs. pto

PAC: Parent Advisory Council

The PAC is school-run. Its purpose is to foster relationships between the school and parents; ensuring an understanding of the obligations and opportunities related to their child's education, and the importance of their input regarding school goals and performance. 

The PAC advises administration regarding the success of school initiatives, events and programs and offers suggestions for improvement or advancement for the future.

PTO: Parent-Teacher Organization

A PTO is parent-run. The goal to foster relationships with the school is the same as the PAC, however the goals and activities are determined by the PTO. These goals may include designing forums for parent networking; organizing events to support the school and teachers, or simply to host a fun activity for school families.

A PTO may also fundraise within the school or among the community to support financial initiatives and events. Raised funds are managed by the PTO as an independent, non-profit organization with its own 501(c)(3) tax exempt status. Collection and spending of these funds is determined by the PTO officers, in accordance with PTO bylaws and managed through an official PTO bank account.

Our former PTO hosted regular events such as the PTO Christmas Shop, Comic Con, the Winter Ball, Kids Comedy Night and more! They also supported school events such as Field Day and the Scholastic Book Fair. 

Mr. Henegan, Behavior Specialist, was originally our AAECS PTO President prior to becoming an employee. He has agreed to take on this title again to keep the PTO up and running, but we need YOU to keep it going!