Interesting facts about Bulgaria

The name of our country

Bulgaria is one of the oldest European countries, founded in 681. Since then, our country is the only one that has not changed its name.

Oldest church

Alexander Nevsky is the oldest Slavic Orthodox church in the world.

The Varna treasure

The oldest golden treasure has been found in Bulgaria.

The bulgarian yoghurt

Bulgarian yogurt is the best in the world. The bacterium Lactobacillus bulgaricus is found only in Bulgaria.


Bulgarians greet the spring with Baba Mapta. Every year on March 1 they give eachother white and red martenitsa for health. You have to wear it until you see a stork or a blooming tree.

The first computer

The first electronic computer was created by John Atanasov, who is of Bulgarian origin.

The Bulgarian flag

Bulgaria is the only country in the world that has never lost its flag in a war.

The Cyrillic alphabet

The Bulgarians were the first people to use the Cyrillic alphabet, immediately after its creation in the 9th century.

Bulgarian folk music

Bulgarian folk music is extremely unique with its uneven beats


Plovdiv is the fifth oldest city in the world

The Bulgarian roses

The Bulgarian roses produce about 80% of the rose oil in the world

For more information #Discover Bulgaria