How many options in total? 

Three options in total, one of which needs to be History, Geography, French or Spanish.

What do you offer at Sixth Form apart from A Levels? 

The Sixth  Form offers some L2 BTEC courses. A full list of current courses can be found on the website. Please be aware that this may change.

Do all students have the possibility to study the triple Science?

The Triple Science is finally decided at the start of Year 11.

Can students choose BPE? 

Yes, they can choose BPE as one of their options.  

Will there be help applying to other colleges not just the sixth form if necessary? 

Yes, students have careers advice on a range of post 16 choices. Students for whom the 6th form is appropriate, we would like to encourage them to stay here.

Will the children learn about possible job/career options to help them decide about their future interests? 

Yes, through the Careers Programme in PSHE.