Mrs. Walsh Bradley

English Weekly Assignments:

                      Major assignments will be posted on google classroom with due dates. Nightly

                                   assignments will be posted on the whiteboard and started in class. 


Syllabus LINK




The color relates to the period your class meets during the day

Google Classroom Codes

Red code (period 1): o2smtpp

Orange code (period 2): yff3rua

Yellow code (period 3): rdr3xrz

Blue code (period 5): cwbbvxr

Purple code (period 6): fztwco5

I will help the students sign onto google classroom when I see them the first week of school!


Ottoson Open House Slideshow LINK

A little bit about me: 

My name is Rebecca Walsh Bradley, and I will be your English teacher this year. This will be my sixth year at Ottoson, eighteenth year in Arlington, having previously taught at AHS for 12 years. I love Arlington, and I am so excited to be starting a new year. I am going to do everything I can to make your 7th grade year at Ottoson successful, especially in my favorite subject, ENGLISH! 

I grew up and have lived in the Boston area for most of my life, but lived overseas in England and Japan for three years. I love to travel and both physically and through the amazing world of literature.

My hobbies: traveling, baking, hiking, kayaking, reading, swimming, camping, taking photographs, biking, and making mosaics.

My new favorite book: Hang the Moon by Jeannette Walls

My hope: To find a piece of writing that speaks to each and everyone of you this year.