Welcome to Ms. Tessier's History Class


Content Overview:

Modern World (9th Grade):

This year we will strengthen our historical thinking skills as we explore an overview of world history from the 18th century to the present. Through analyzing primary + secondary sources and considering multiple perspectives, we will deepen our understanding of a range of time periods + areas of the world. 

As we move through the units that comprise the 9th grade history curriculum, we will think critically about history, make connections across time + space, and strengthen our comprehension of course themes.

Topics covered include:

- Thinking like a Historian

- The Industrial Revolution & Imperialism

- WWI, The Interwar Years, and WW2

- Case Studies: Russia, China, Haiti, Rwanda

US History I (10th Grade):

This year we will strengthen our historical thinking skills as we consider the complex history of the United States. Through analyzing primary + secondary sources and considering multiple perspectives, we will deepen our understanding of US history from before colonization to the Reconstruction Era. We will consider the impact of this history on our lives today as we move through the units that comprise the 10th grade history curriculum, make connections to current events, and strengthen our comprehension of course themes.

Topics covered include:

- Foundations of the US

- Colonies & Revolution

- Creating & Launching a New Nation

- Slavery & The Civil War

- Reconstruction

Email Ms. Tessier for access to the class codes in Google Classroom.


 Get to Know Me!


About Ms. Tessier!

MA: American History

Gettysburg College 2023

BA: Secondary Education & History

Emmanuel College 2019

Ms. Tessier spent the past three years teaching an awesome group of kiddos on Nantucket Island, but is super excited to be starting at Arlington!

When she's not teaching, you can find her jamming out to T. Swift, or belting musical theatre songs in her car.

Above all, Ms. T is a huge history nerd and is excited to share her love for history with her students. 

Follow my Teacher Instagram account for class updates, homework reminders, and fun history trivia!