In the summer of 2016, several members of Arlington Public Schools' (APS) ESL team attended DESE's ESL Model Curriculum Unit (MCU) Facilitator Training (FacT). We learned about the state's field-based Next Generation ESL Project and entered a more intentional phase of APS's ESL curriculum writing initiative.

At the end of the summer training sessions, many participants from different districts voiced a unified call for a platform to share curriculum between districts in Massachusetts. This site is the first online sharing space dedicated to Massachusetts district-created ESL MCUs as of yet, to our knowledge.

At APS, teacher teams have volunteered hundreds of hours to produce a few polished units, and we have more units in varying states of development. We know that many other teams across Massachusetts are also busy writing quality ESL units that align to WIDA and state content standards. Sharing units will empower teachers as well as boost English Language Learners’ achievement statewide. We created this simple ESL MCU sharing website to pool resources and promote collaboration among ELL teaching professionals across our state.

Thank you for your contributions and insights. We're in this together!