Our expectation is that every runner will attend EVERY practice and meet from September 3rd until the end of the season. 

All team members can expect to train 5 days a week Monday-Friday, 3:15 to 5:15pm

All athletes should meet at the AHS track at 3:15pm. Both JV and Varsity teams will warm up on the track. Together we will complete a dynamic stretching routine prior to setting out on a group run. Meets will be held on Tuesday. Practice will rarely, if ever, be canceled due to weather. 

Varsity runners will add a Sunday practice.

  If you have questions, please ask. If you have an issue let us know well ahead of time.


Late once without a note from teacher/parent = warning

Late twice = sit out next meet

Regular tardiness = dismissal from the team

Absent from practice without notification/note = probation

Additional absence = dismissal from the team

Absent from a meet without a note = dismissal from the team

Unexcused absence/tardy the day before or during the week of a meet = not eligible to run that meet

Excused absences/tardies include the following:

family emergency

absence from school (parents called in and you were absent all day from school) 

religious observation

extra help sessions with a teacher

Unexcused absences/tardies include the following:

part-time jobs


club participation

private music/sport lesson

missing practice, or arriving late without a teacher's note