Jamboree FAQs

When is the Jamboree/how long will I be away for?

The dates of the Jamboree itself are 1st – 19th August 2023. However, you should also allow several days for a pre/post Jamboree experience. Overall, you are likely to be away for around 2.5 weeks.

Where is the Jamboree?

The 25th World Scout Jamboree will be held in Saemanguem, South Korea. The Korea Scout Association was founded in the year 1922 and is now the largest youth organization in South Korea. South Korea also hosted the 17th Jamboree in 1991.

What is a Jamboree campsite like?

A Jamboree is the size of a small town, once everyone arrives there will be tents as far as the eye can see! It can often take as long as one hour to walk from one side of the site to another, particularly if you keep stopping to say hello to Scouts from all over the world! Your unit will be allocated a small area to camp in, this is where you will sleep, cook and relax for the 12 days.

What will a typical day be like at the Jamboree?

You will normally go to activities as a whole Unit, or sometimes in your Patrol of 9 Scouts and 1 Leader. There are a huge variety of amazing activities in a typical Jamboree programme, too many to list here!

In the evening, after the duty Patrol has cooked dinner (maybe with some visiting Scouts from another country), there is still lots to do on site. You might choose to go badge swapping, trying to find the rarest badges out there. Or, you might join in some of the evening entertainment, watching a traditional performance from another country or even getting up on stage yourself!

What are the ceremonies?

It wouldn’t be a Jamboree without the Opening and Closing Ceremonies! It is quite incredible to have Scouts from all over the world sat together in one field. The atmosphere is electric and it is likely to be a very special part of your Jamboree experience.

What is the pre and post Jamboree programme?

The UK Contingent typically organises a 2-3 day experience for UK Scouts just before or after the Jamboree. We don’t have any details yet for this for 2023, but as an example, the UK Contingent to the Japan 2015 Jamboree spent 3 days exploring the sights of Tokyo and in USA 2019, units went to New York and Washington DC.

What is HoHo?

There is a long history of Scouts enjoying HoHo (Home or Hosted Hospitality) before or after a Jamboree.

Ho Ho has changed in recent years and the Contingent Team will be working on ways for you to connect to local Koreans as part of your per/post event experience.

Can I combine it with another holiday?

No. Imagine taking nearly 4,000 young people abroad, individualising pick-ups/meet-ups is just not possible. IST members are able to add their own trip, just select a payment option that includes booking your own flight.

How many Scouts from Bedfordshire will be going?

Each County is allocated a certain number of places, this varies depending on how many eligible Scouts/Explorers there are. We normally try to make sure at least one other person from your District is in the same Unit as you.

Each Unit consists of 36 Scouts and 4 Leaders from Bedfordshire. Within your Unit you also have 4 patrols. You get to name your unit and design your logo!

Who are my Jamboree Unit Leaders?

These are leaders from across Bedfordshire, who in addition to their usual Scouting role have successfully applied to become one of Bedfordshire's Jamboree Unit Leaders. They will be with you every step of the way, from organising the preparation camps to the Jamboree itself.

How many preparation camps will there be?

Typically, you will need to attend weekend preparation camps every few months or so in the leading up to the Jamboree. Your Unit leaders will normally try to rotate around different campsites so the same people don’t always have to travel the furthest.

You are expected to attend every camp unless it is unavoidable. They are really important to ensure that every member of your Unit can work as part of a team to make sure you get the most out of the Jamboree experience. The camps are also really fun!

We know from experience, that Unit members who don’t make it to all the activities don’t get the most out of the Jamboree. You should think about this before applying, as it will be expected that Jamboree activities will take preference over pretty much anything else you might have planned.

I play football/work every Saturday morning, what about the preparation camps?

Generally, you are expected to attend every camp unless it is unavoidable. We would hope that your football team wouldn’t miss you too much for one game every couple of months. If it is really important, or you can’t get time off work, then you should discuss with your Unit leaders whether it is okay to miss part of a particular camp.

How much will the preparation camps cost?

There will be a cost for food, materials and any activities at the preparation camps, just like typical Scout camps. These won’t be included in the Jamboree fee. Your Jamboree Unit Leaders will do their best to minimise these costs and might expect you to participate in fundraising activities for the unit, to subsidise these weekends or buy Unit equipment and clothing.

What will my District expect from me?

As a member of the Bedfordshire Unit, you will be expected to attend certain events to represent the Jamboree. Particularly, after the Jamboree an important part of your role will be to spread the message about International Scouting, by getting out and talking about your experience to younger Scouts across all the the Districts.

Who can apply to go as a participant?

To apply to be a participant you must be born between 22nd July 2005 – 31st July 2009.

What happens if I was born outside of these dates?

If you were born after these dates you will be eligible for the next Jamboree. If you were born before these dates then you should look at other international activities, such as Roverway, or the International Service Team for the Jamboree.

I don’t think I can afford the Jamboree fee?

The cost of the jamboree is still being worked on. It is a lot of money but, as with all Scouting activities, we don’t want people to be put off applying to attend the Jamboree on financial grounds:

  • Your Group and District may be able to offer financial support or help you with fundraising activities.

  • Past participants have found it possible to fundraise in the lead up to the Jamboree through things like bag packing, themed evenings and sponsored events can also be lucrative.

  • Other bursaries and financial support may be available.

  • The fee will be paid in instalments across around 1.5 years.

  • If you have concerns, in the first instance you should contact your District to discuss the fee, in confidence. Please do not let it put you off applying.

  • As a Jamboree contingent we will be working together to fund raise for this. As unit members you will all be expected to take an equal part in these activities.

I have a disability / special needs, can I still go?

The Scouting ethos is that Scouting is open to all, and the Jamboree is a good example of this. We will need to know, and may need to carry out a risk assessment and put in place a care plan. This process may identify additional requirements that we need to put in place but if you are selected, we will do everything we can to make the Jamboree happen for you.

Who can I ask another question to?

There are lots of people who will be able to help you:

  • Your Scout/Explorer leader

  • Previous Jamboree participants

  • The contingent leaders