Opioid Stewardship Programs

Opioid Stewardship Programs - Career Development Award

In 2023, I was awarded a Career Development Award (CDA) from the UArizona Health Sciences Administration and Zuckerman College of Public Health. This award provides me protected time to engage in training and research activities related to dissemination and implementation research (D&I). The specific aims of the research are:

Aim 1: (a) Develop an interactive training that explains OSP strategies for rural healthcare leaders and (b) Assess fit, acceptability, training, and technical assistance needs for implementing OSP strategies. We will partner with the Arizona Center for Rural Health (AzCRH) and the Western Region Public Health Training Center (WRPHTC) to develop innovative and effective training materials and invite healthcare leaders to participate in a survey where the training sessions are embedded. Guided by Murphy’s model11, this will include developing the training, asking healthcare leaders to watch a brief video description of each OSP strategy, followed by a survey that includes categorical, continuous, and open-ended questions that assess fit, acceptability, and training and technical assistance needs for implementation. 


Aim 2: Assess readiness to implement OSPs to address pain and addiction among Arizona rural health care professionals. We will conduct a survey with rural Arizona healthcare professionals to assess readiness to implement OSPs. Implementation readiness is an important construct for translational science. Identifying the OSP strategies that organizations are ready to implement will help us target and tailor our S-TTA efforts to be tested in a randomized control trial in real world settings.  

Invitation to Participate in a Survey about Opioid Stewardship Programs 

Concerned about pain and addiction? Are you an Arizona healthcare leader or professional serving patients in rural areas? Interested in Opioid Stewardship Programs? Learn more here about a 15-20 minute survey https://redcap.link/yryg2jhg #opioids, pain, addiction, treatment, prevention, harm reduction. For more information contact Bridget Murphy, DBH at bridget@arizona.edu or 520-621-6611. An Institutional Review Board responsible for human subjects research at The University of Arizona reviewed this research project and found it to be acceptable.  

"Opioid stewardship program implementation in rural and critical access hospitals in Arizona"

Journal of Opioid Management, 2024


My colleagues and I wrote an article about opioid stewardship program implementation in Arizona rural hospitals. It was accepted and published in the Journal of Opioid Management at the beginning of this year. Please take a look!

The research found differences in the types of opioid stewardship program interventions implemented in emergency departments and acute care settings. Checking the prescription drug monitoring database and offering alternative to opioids were the most frequently cited strategy. Prescribing naloxone and providing treatment for opioid use disorder were the least frequently cited.  We argue increasing access to services for overdose prevention, withdrawal symptoms, treatment for opioid use disorders is needed. 

Resources & Training

Here are the resources and a training opportunity listed at the end of the OSP survey. 

Call or text 9-8-8 or visit the website, https://988lifeline.org/

Arizona 2-1-1, https://211arizona.org/

Arizona Center for Rural Health, https://crh.arizona.edu/

Arizona Department of Health Services, https://www.azdhs.gov/opioid/https://www.azdhs.gov/opioid/

Arizona Opioid Assistance and Referral Line, https://www.azdhs.gov/oarline/

Comprehensive Center for Pain and Addiction, https://painandaddiction.arizona.edu/

If you'd like to learn more about OSPs. Consider participating in the recorded training. It takes about 60 minutes.

Last Updated: 3/24/2024