Organizational Support

The following are links to schools and organizations which promote the learning of native languages.

The Keres Children's Learning Center takes a Montessori centered approach to supporting children when learning native languages.

From Thunder Valley CDC: "Thunder Valley Community Development Corporation is a holistic organization that works for the liberation of the Lakota people. We do our work through eight interconnected initiative areas that are rooted in our lifeways and wellness equity work. "

From the First Peoples' Culture Council website:

"We were a strong advocate to support in-community capacity where Indigenous experts take the lead in language revitalization. We encouraged an approach that would invite language champions from around the world to share their work and languages. centered approach to supporting children when learning native languages."

From the Indigenous Language Institute (ILI) website:

"ILI was founded as the Institute for the Preservation of the Original Languages of the Americas (IPOLA) by Joanna Hess in September 1992 in Santa Fe, New Mexico. In 1997, the organization became a national center to serve all tribes and individuals working to revitalize indigenous languages in the Americas. In 2000, IPOLA was changed to Indigenous Language Institute (ILI) to reflect new Board leadership, expanded services to all indigenous communities, and working relations with indigenous communities internationally."