
Michigan State University

EEM 255: Ecological Economics - Instructor of Record

Summer Semester 2021

    • Asynchronous online instruction

    • 12 students

Spring Semester 2021

    • Asynchronous online instruction

    • 96 students

    • 1 teaching assistant

Fall Semester 2020

    • Asynchronous online instruction

    • 111 students

    • 1 teaching assistant

Spring Semester 2020

    • In-person lecture until Covid-19 pandemic

    • 72 students

    • 1 teaching assistant

Fall Semester 2019

    • In-person lecture until Covid-19 pandemic

    • 72 students

    • 1 teaching assistant

University of Colorado-Boulder

ECON 2010: Principles of Microeconomics - Instructor of Record

Spring Semester 2016

    • Continuing Education Night Class

    • In-person lecture

    • 45 students

Fall Semester 2015

    • In-person lecture

    • 188 students

    • 2 teaching assistants

ECON 3818: Introduction to Statistics - Teaching Assistant

Spring Semester 2015

  • Led 3 recitation sections

ECON 2010: Principles of Microeconomics - Teaching Assistant

Fall Semester 2013-Fall Semester 2014

  • Led 3-4 recitation sections

As a winner of the 2021 AAEA Teaching, Learning, and Communication Section Graduate Teaching Award, I was invited to share some tips based on my experience as an educator. This video is a version of the talk I delivered in-person at the AAEA Annual Meetings.

Closed captions available: please click the CC button on the right bottom toolbar.