An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic.

Unit Title: The Art of Expression

People use arts as a form of expression to communicate their uniqueness and culture  

LOI1.  Forms of Art

LOI2: Connection between art and culture

LOI 3.  Expression through art

IB Profiles


How are other subjects integrated


Subject: PSPE

Strand: Identity

Related Concepts: feelings, communication, experience, 

self-knowledge, experience, artifact

Subject: Social Studies

Strand: Social Organization & Culture

Related Concepts: culture, place, time


Strand: computing - programming

Related concepts: STEAM

Subject: Literacy

Strand: Listening, Speaking, Writing, Presenting 

Related Concepts: Poetry, features of poetry, descriptive language

Stand alone: 

Rules for verb endings

Noun phrases

At Home Reinforcement

How can I, as a PARENT, get involved?

around them whenever you can


RAZ kids

My iMaths


Share your knowledge 

You are invited to our classroom to share with us your expertise and experience. 

Communicate with Homeroom teacher to contribute to our unit as a guest speaker. 

Parent's Voice

To help complete your child's learning journey, we really value and appreciate the Parent's voice. 

We would like to have your feedback on your child's unit experience. 

Feel free to email PYP Coordinator :