Meditation Oasis has been bringing meditation to thousands of people worldwide since 2002. Their meditation course and guided meditations are based on universal principles that can be discovered in many traditions and practices.

Since 2014, Understood has served millions of families of kids who learn and think differently. In 2012, our Workplace Initiative was created and has helped thousands of people with all types of disabilities find meaningful employment at inclusive companies.

Young Minds is leading the fight for a future where all young minds are supported and empowered, whatever the challenges. They are here to make sure students get the best possible mental health support and have the resilience to overcome life’s difficulties.

The Respect Diversity Foundation promotes tolerance and acceptance across differences through communication, education, collaboration, & the arts.

Welcome to This is Beauty, a campaign by The Body Positive that brings this message to life. Through videos, photographs, poems, and stories, our gallery invites individuals to participate in the radical re-imagining of what beauty is, where it can be found, and how each of us can welcome it into our lives.