
Authors are kindly invited to submit their original work. The accepted papers presented live at the conference will be published in The Conference Proceedings, and selected speakers with best suitable papers will be inquired to submit their expanded papers free of APC for processing in journal PROSTOR (indexed in Web of Science Core Collection and other relevant indexing data-bases). 


Abstract submission deadline: 27 January 2023 - EXTENDED: 17 February 2023

Full paper submission deadline: 17 March 2023

Revised paper submission deadline: 07 April 2023

Scope and Topics

International Scientific Conference on Contemporary Glass Facades Zagreb 2023 welcomes all scientific papers dealing with various subjects specific to technology, design, construction, energy efficiency, future of glass building facades and alike.

The conference board is intrested in the latest research findings and advances in the creation of novel, knowledge-based models and tools as well as conceptual frameworks addressing current and potential future issues in glass facades.

To enhance its value to its readers and, consequently, the advantages to their research, the conference relies on thoughts and contributions from worldwide sources. The practical implications of contributors' work for specific conference tematic areas should be made clear. Case studies are also appreciated.

Main thematic sections of the conference are:

Design and Analysis of Glass Facades

The main focus of this section is on design theory and practice regarding glass facades. It can include, but is not limited to the design of high-rise commercial building envelopes, double building skins, optimal facade geometries, and other aspects of architectural and structural design. It can also cover design problems involving lighting, atmospheric pressure, winds, temperatures and air circulation patterns and other. Further, papers on manufacturing engineering, design of connections in glass structures such as joints, fixings & adhesives etc. are also welcome, as well as papers on numerical modeling and experimental validation of glass structures, engineering software design and alike.

Technologies and Construction of Glass Facades

This section welcomes all papers regarding technologies and innovations in glass facades such as insulating glass units, hybrid & composite glass systems, laminated glass and interlayer properties, blast and fire resistance of glass units, influence of weather conditions on glass properties, building solutions and materials, design and manufacturing engineering as well as any other topic related to the technological and construction aspects.

Energy efficiency and sustainability of Glass Facades

Impact of glass facades on health and environment and topics related to sustainability and energy performances and efficiency, green architecture, optimisation technologies, architectural envelopes with designed thermodynamics, targeted efficiency design, recycling and circular reuse and economy, and all other subjects of the similar matter. 

Future Trends and Opportunities for Glass Facades

Here participants can present their work related to innovative trends in glass facade research and development, as well as trends in architectural and structural design and engineering. Also, innovative trends and new approaches to the design of high-rise building envelopes, special glass facades, and novel applications of current technologies in architecture, structural design and construction can be presented in this thematic section.

Furthermore, any paper covering other subjects not mentioned above, but falling under the main conference topic or any of the four thematic sections may be submitted, and it will be considered by the scientific committee.

Instructions for Authors

All contributions must be original, and of high quality, not published or submitted for publication elsewhere. 

There are no APC (article processing charges) for submitted paper.

Authors should note that proofs are not supplied prior to publication and ensure that the paper submitted is complete and in its final form. It is essential that authors prepare their manuscript carefully because any alterations to the original text are strongly discouraged.

Accepted papers presented live at the conference will be published in The Conference Proceedings.

The reviewing processes

All contributions must be of high quality, original and not published elsewhere, or submitted for publication during the review period. A scientific board will review all abstracts and, if accepted, each paper will undergo a double-blind review process. Each paper will be reviewed by the editors and, if judged suitable for this conference, it will then be sent to blind peer review. Based on the referee’s recommendation, the editor will then decide whether the paper should be accepted as is, revised or rejected. The Editor and the editorial board can accept or decline the paper based on his/her own discretionary power as well.

Copyright and Licensing

Submissions for articles must be original works. Therefore, always employ the preferred Harvard formatting style, indentation, and quotation marks. When submitting an article for publication, authors guarantee that the work does not infringe any current copyrights and agree to indemnify the publisher against any breach of such warranty.

It is the authors' duty to obtain authorization before using any copyrighted content from other sources. The editor may employ plagiarism-detection tools to verify the originality of submitted materials. The conference committee has a strict no-tolerance plagiarism policy.

All proceedings will be published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license, meaning that users are allowed to share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material, for any purpose, even commercially.


Authors are encouraged to submit the abstracts for their original scientific paper. 

Authors are invited to submit abstracts written in English within 150 words relating to the conference topics. Abstracts should include the full title of the paper (up to 13 words long), up to 5 key words, and provide a summary succinctly describing the purpose, content, and conclusions of the paper.

A scientific committee will review all abstracts and, if accepted, each paper will be undergoing a double-blind review process.

Full Papers

In the full papers authors should focus on models, methods, findings etc., addressing the applications of the research results and their implications to the design, engineering, production, construction and alike avoiding extensivelly reviewing literature and history of presented problem.

When you submit a paper, please check all the categories so it can be reviewed appropriately. Categorize your paper under one of these classifications:

It is highly recommended to have the text proofread before submitting it to the Editorial Board. 

The recomended length of the manuscript is 12000 characters with spaces (1500-1700 words). The text should be logically and clearly structured, divided into entitled chapters. All pages should be numbered. Figures, tables, graphs, and other graphic contributions should be inserted within the text. 

All received manuscripts are subject to routine disclosure of similarity with existing literature (plagiarism and self-plagiarism) through the aid of specialised similarity detection sofware. In the case of suspected plagiarism and redundancy, the editorial board will act in accordance with the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Structure of the paper

It is recommended to organize your manuscript in the following structure and sections or their equivalents for your field:

Introduction: state the objectives of the work and provide an adequate background, avoiding a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results. State the purpose of the work and briefly explain your rationale and approach and, whenever possible, the possible outcomes your study can reveal.

Materials and Methods: explain clearly how you carried out your study.

Results: results should be clear and concise to objectively present your work, without interpretation, in an orderly and logical sequence using both text and illustrative materials (Tables and Figures).

Discussion: this should explore the significance of the results of the work, not repeat them. Avoid extensive citations and discussion of published literature. Discussions should cover the key findings of the study: discuss the potential shortcomings and limitations, discuss the integration into the current understanding of the problem and how this advances the current views, speculate on the future the direction of the research, and freely postulate theories that could be tested in the future.

Conclusions: the main conclusions of the study may be presented in a short Conclusions section, which may stand alone or form a subsection of a Discussion or Results and Discussion section.

Formatting and Templates

All manuscripts must be submitted online in MS Word format (.doc or .docx). The whole manuscript should be prepared according to the Full Paper Template.

Anonymized manuscript

Authors are required to anonymize their manuscripts prior to electronic submission. All identifying information should be removed from the manuscript (with the exception of the Cover Page). This also includes references to the institution or the project to which the manuscript is associated.


The Presentation

Please use the prepared template for your presenation, and time it to fit the 15 minutes duration per paper.


Konferencija je financirana iz projekta: Razvoj dvostruke fasade s hermetički zatvorenom šupljinom (H-CCF) koji je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog fonda za Regionalni razvoj. Conference is funded by the research project: Development of a Double Facade with Hermetically Sealed Cavity H-CCF co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).