Evening activities

Rope Burn

During rope burn there are two freezing ropes that are wet and frosty. Your team is supposed to attempt to burn down the three ropes. Your team will do that by having the staff from your team gather sticks for the teens (the oldest division) to build the fire, but before any big fires they start with a little bit of fire, and while they gather more sticks onto their fire it will get bigger and bigger.

They keep safe by wearing heavy sweatshirts, helmets, and bandannas over their nose and face.

While the rope is trying to burn off the metal pole, there are cheers by the teams and music from the speakers.

Through the years of color war people have said that if you win rope burn you lose color war, the answer is " they are not true" it just happens a lot.

Sing Night

Sing night is the last night of color war. That night the green and white team sing their song that they have been practicing for five days. The most points go out for your song.

Every sing night has scenery. Scenery is when people from the team decorate the room that everybody is in for sing night. You would decorate the room by the theme of you team.

The scores are announced by Jay-Ro, the people who have the most points throughout color war win. Sing night is a very important night in color war.

1:32 Click on that link to see rope burn

1:34 Click on this link for sing night