What do I get my dog?!

There is so much to get for your little cute friend, so get ready because you need to do some shopping! But what should you buy? I am going to tell you right now.🐕

You need a leash for walks because you don't want it to run away.

A name tag is for when it runs away. If some one finds the dog, they can call you and bring your dog back home. You also need a collar so you can attach the leash and the name tag to the collar.

A poop bag is so you can pick up the poo and no one will step in it during your walk.

Pee pads is for when you leave your dog at home. You need to train it to go pee on the pad so when you leave and it needs to go pee it won't do it on the carpet.

Treats, are for training your dog.

A brush, so your pup's fur will be nice and soft/ smooth and not tangled.

You also need shampoo so you can wash your dog with soap and it smells nice.

But guess what? There's still more!

  • You need a cage to contain your dog.

  • Dog toys to play with your dog, also to entertain them so they don't get bored.

  • Scissors/shaver so you can cut the dogs hair when it get really long.

  • A bed so it can sleep comfortably.

  • Dog bowl for it to drink and eat out of.

  • A vet so when the dog gets sick or hurt you can see the vet.

  • Air tag so when is runs away you can find it on your apple watch ( put on collar ) ( also optional ).

  • Rain shoes are for the rain. It makes your dog's feet dry during a rainy walk.

  • You NEED dog food so your dog can eat something!

  • Baby Wipes, so instead of your dog getting dirt in your house, you can wipe their feet after walks.

  • And a rain coat for rainy walks as well and so they don't get wet.

Man! That is a lot!

I suggest you get all of these supplies at Pet Co. ( Its a dog store😉. )