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Leave a message for our amazing research students!!

Congratulations to the AHS Sci Res Class of 2020!! It has been amazing to watch you start as wide-eyed Padawans and grow into confident and accomplished Jedis.

We wish we could have cheered for all of you one last time at Symposium to celebrate your years of hard work and bask in the glow of your incredible community. Wishing you much success as you continue on your journey!

Kudos to Ms. E for creating such a strong and supportive program. Thank you for bringing out the very best in our kids!

Jennifer & Scott Gold

I’m finding it very difficult to believe that my daughter is a senior and this is all coming to an end. This may be long but there is just too much to say!

The science research program at AHS has provided all who are in the program no matter if they are engaged for one year or all three such valuable life skills. Whether these young adults are outgoing and bold or more reserved and shy this program allows them to grow and learn in ways other classes do not. The ability to choose their projects, work with professionals in all areas, create meaningful presentations and speak in public are just some of the obvious ones.

These students learn to work individually and in teams, overcome obstacles, support one another and become stronger with each project.

Thank you Mrs. E for all your support and nurturing. Wishing you many more years enriching these students with research!

Congratulations to all the seniors on the years of hard work and we look forward to how you use these skills as you leave for college. You are our future and this gives us all confidence it will be a good one!

Thank you,

Elisa Blackman

To The Seniors:

“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure” – Colin Powell.

Over the past three years, you have pushed each other, worked with each other and learned from each other and, as a result, achieved remarkable success in the various competitions you have entered. We thank you for the effort you have each put into the Science Research Program and wish you all the best in your future endeavors.


Martin & Marzena Casey

As this wonderful program comes to an end for Jaclyn we all have mixed feelings. There is sadness because it’s over. There is awe reflecting on how much the program accomplished. And there is pride in seeing students growth. The skills students developed in the last 3 years are priceless and will serve them for the rest of their lives.

Thank you Ms. E for your hard work and devotion to the program. Your kids and their families are very grateful!

Tanya and Mikhail.

Hi Sci Res students,
You don't know me (other than the stories you hear from my wife, and I hope they weren't ALL bad), but I feel as though I know each of you. I have been hearing about you and your phenomenal research for 1, 2, or 3 years now. I have heard my wife speak about you and your research often. As a social studies teacher I am often nodding and pretending to understand the research (because I have no clue about any of it), but as a high school teacher and coach for the last 20+ years - I know high school students.

What I know is that you are the best of what we have to offer, the pinnacle of high school students. You are the ones that are going to go out and change the world. You will be the ones who change technology, or medicine, or other things I can't fathom or imagine. That is one of your gifts; your imagination. You have imagined and dreamed (and worked tirelessly ) on a journey for yourselves that you had no way of knowing what the outcome would be. Yet you dared to take that first step anyway. Through your successes and your missteps you kept moving forward, either taking problems on head on, or engineering a work around.

As I watched my wife make this website and looked at all of the work that you have done I was, as usual, floored by its scope, depth, intelligence and creativity. However, nothing was "usual" about this year. Each year I am awed by the Sci Res students, but this year you had to persevere under the most difficult circumstances I can think of. Each of you should be celebrated for your achievements and more importantly, each of you should be extremely proud of yourselves. I hope that you each take a minute from all of the stress, school work, and what is happening in our world to truly appreciate your own accomplishment. Very few of your classmates were capable, or had the desire and work ethic to achieve what you have. I always say to my basketball team "you have to enjoy the victories". Well you all have won (some by a blow out and some at the buzzer) at Science Research.

Lastly, take all that you have learned about hard work, success, failure, going back to the drawing board, and all of the science and words that sound like an alien language to me and go out and shape and change our world for the better. Best of luck to the seniors in your next phase of life, and to the rest of you get your stuff in on time next year!!!! Haha
Thank you all for treating my wife with respect and bringing her joy. She is very proud of all of you!

Matthew Evangelista

Congratulations! I wish all of our Seniors continued success and can't wait to see all of the exciting work our research students produce in the future.

Mr. Frank Carlson, AHS Assistant Principal

What you all have done is extremely impressive. Thank you so much for sharing all your hard work!

Mr. Jarrett Esposito, AHS Science Teacher

Congratulations to the Science Research Class of 2020. It has been an absolute pleasure to see them grow throughout this long journey with lots of learning, excitement,
hard work, happy and rough moments.

Go rock the world scientists.

Thanks to Mrs E for her dedication and commitment to this program and students. Thanks to her family for sharing her with all her students.

Best Always,
Abha and Rajat Goel

Congratulations to all the senior scientists! I am so proud to have known many of you and watch you grow these past three years. Sebastian Thrun once said, "I don’t watch science fiction. I make ’em." I hope you guys also make science fiction come true.

May successes motivate you and failures enlighten you in all of your future endeavors.

Mr. Kim, Science Teacher AHS

Congratulations to the Ardsley High School Science Research Class of 2020!!

The science research program provides the students with invaluable skills – contacting mentors, developing powerpoints and posters, and processing complex journal articles – and countless opportunities to showcase the research they spend hours analyzing.

You guys have all worked incredibly hard in this program, and we can't wait to see all of your future success in college.

But the highlight of our four years following the program is Mrs. Evangelista, who works so hard to help each and every student become the best version of themselves in both an academic and personal capacity.

Thank you Ms. E for your constant nurturing and support!

Krishna and Suman Brahmbhatt

As this exiting journey down R&D road takes you to the next stop remember to accomplish what you never have, you must do something what you have never done.

Thank you Ms. Evangelista for opening the door and leading our researchers into the world of discoveries. Congratulations to class of 2020! Wishing you much success
In all your future endeavors!

Sergey and Yelena Akker