Arden Sixth Form Information Pack

Sixth Form Agreement

Being a Sixth Former is a position of responsibility. You are the oldest students in Arden and the other students will look to you to set the example. There is an expectation that your conduct reflects this position, at all times.

In order for the Sixth Form to function in the most effective way possible, we ask you to accept our way of working. Please read this agreement carefully. Both students and parents/guardians must agree to adhere to all elements of it.

Code of Conduct

  • I will attend school all day, every day, from 8.40am until 3.30pm, unless permission is given to study at home (Y13 only).

  • I will display an excellent attitude to learning.

  • I will be active in my learning both in lessons and between lessons.

  • I will act as a role model to all the younger students in the school.

  • I will attend all scheduled sessions, including morning tutor period at the required times, unless I am ill, when the school will be notified of my illness before 9am by calling 01564 773348 (Opt 2, then Opt 1) or via Edulink.

  • I will maintain a high level of punctuality.

  • I will scan in as soon as I arrive on the school site and scan out if I leave before 3.30pm.

  • I will arrive on time for all sessions with the necessary equipment and resources for each class.

  • If I miss a lesson, with no valid reason, I will attend an hour’s catch up session after school on a set date to make up for lost learning time.

  • I will not book driving lessons, driving theory tests or holidays during school time.

  • If my attendance or punctuality is an issue, I will be placed on a monitoring report.

  • I will wear the appropriate dress code (details below) and visibly wear the identity badge (lanyard) at all times when on Arden premises (even during study time). I will pay for a replacement if I lose it (total cost is £3).

  • If my dress code is incorrect, I accept I will be sent home to change into the correct dress code.

  • I will listen to and respect the opinions of others.

  • I will avoid any language and behaviour that may cause offence.

  • I will submit all work set by deadline and seek permission in advance if this is not possible.

  • I will only use a mobile phone in the Sixth Form block during break and lunch times. I will not use my phone anywhere else in school.

  • I accept that Social Media is to be used in a mature and responsible manner, and will not do anything that brings the school into disrepute. If my use of Social Media brings the school into disrepute or is discriminatory, I may lose my place at Sixth Form.

  • I will not bring or consume any alcohol, drugs or cigarettes/e-cigarettes onto school site, nor will I smoke/vape within the vicinity of the school.

  • I will regularly check my email for messages from school and will update school if my email address changes.

  • I will not park within 1 mile of the school premises and will not drive onto the school site at any time.

I understand that if any of the above is not adhered to, I will attend a meeting with my Head of Year/Head of Sixth Form and my parents/guardians will be informed.

Dress Code

We strongly believe that a smart appearance creates the best atmosphere for learning and, as a result, achievement reaches its full potential.

The expectations are:

Male Students

  • A smart suit

  • A formal shirt

  • Arden Sixth Form tie (available at Early Years or Palmers)

  • Smart shoes

Female Students

  • A smart suit or a smart tailored jacket with trousers/skirt or smart dress, suitable for a school environment.

  • A formal shirt or blouse

  • Smart shoes


In the cold weather, students may wear a plain dark cardigan or V-neck jumper under their jacket. Hooded tops are not permitted. A jumper is not a replacement for a jacket.

Skirts, dresses or trousers that are judged too short or tight are not permitted.

No denim, lycra or stretch material is permitted.

A shirt or blouse that is judged as low cut, cropped, transparent or revealing is not permitted.

Unnatural colour hair dye is not permitted.

Piercings are only permitted in the ears.

Students should adhere to this dress code to avoid unnecessary conversations about their appearance so that a focus can remain on their learning.

Students who do not adhere to this dress code will be sent home to change.

Please note that our Code of Conduct and Dress Code is subject to approval by the Governing Body.

Systems Used at Arden Sixth Form


At Arden we use an e-payment method to pay for dinner money, trips, departmental contributions and school fund contributions etc. This is done online using a very secure website called ParentPay or in cash at local stores where you see the PayPoint logo.

Already have a ParentPay account?

If you already have a ParentPay account, either at Arden or another ParentPay school, you can simply login to that account and add your child via the Add a child tab on your home page.

Unfortunately, if you already have a ParentPay account for the above child at another school you cannot switch this over to Arden; you need to set up a new account but this can then be merged with other ParentPay accounts you may have.

New to ParentPay?

You have a secure online account, activated using a unique activation username and password; you will be prompted to change these and to keep them safe and secure as your Username and Password for future logins.

ParentPay holds an electronic record of your payments to view at a later date. Once you have activated your account you can make online payments straight away.

It is our aim to be a cashless school but we appreciate that some parents are unable to pay using debit or credit cards and so there is a facility to pay cash through Paypoint at an external location (e.g. the Co-op in Bentley Heath). You will be issued with a child-specific barcode which you will hand to the cashier along with your money and they will credit your account. If you want more details then please contact the school finance office in September.

In September, we will send you your account log in details (username/password) so that you may add credit to your child’s lunch account and pay for items and school trips. We will give credit for the first few days until this is set up for new students to Arden.

Consent for use of data for this purpose is within the Google Form we have asked you to complete online. You may withdraw your consent at any time and in writing to the Associate Headteacher.

Biometric Data

Biometric finger printing is an easy and secure way of ensuring your child can pay for food at school. It is also used to allow the Sixth Form students to open the gates to the school site.

The Department of Education’s legislation states that we must have written permission from a parent/guardian to allow your child to continue using the biometric facility on the cashless catering system currently being used in the school.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the benefits of using this system in that it incorporates the latest technology and eliminates the need for pupils to carry cash throughout the day thus reducing the risk of bullying.

If you choose not to have your child registered on the Biometric System a 4 digit PIN Code will be allocated. Please note that PIN Codes do not have the same level of security and it will be your child’s responsibility to remember the code and keep it secure at all times. This system will not be as easy for our pupils as the Biometric System and so we would strongly urge you to continue to support this school wide technology.

May I stress that the system does not take copies of finger prints; it simply measures the size and gap lines on the finger and this information is not shared with anyone. Some further Technical Biometric Information is available over the page.

Consent for use of data for this purpose is within the Google Form we have asked you to complete online. You may withdraw your consent at any time and in writing to the Associate Headteacher.

Technical Biometric Information
The individual templates are encrypted using a 256 bit AES key that is built into the scanners hardware. Also the persisted file is encrypted using a different 256 bit AES key built into the matching algorithm supplied by Secugen and generated by a unique license purchased for each site. This is more secure than the ANSII and ISO standards that government department use as the Secugen Template is encrypted and the ANSII and ISO standards are not. The template data is useless and cannot be interpreted back into a usable fingerprint image. If this was not the case then there would be no world standards and performance measures for such technologies. The data is stored in an array in the RAM of the Biometric Controller and is persisted onto the hard drive of the Bio Controller to be restored in the event of a reboot.
Below is an example of a template code for an individual finger. 0X417741414142514141414445415141414151415341414D415A4141414141414174774541414C714777346C5869656D6C574945494A764A6B42466D6837616C4E764D704F517874517A706A4A395A31784935686C4177395366726E777645576357386C4573314B426F47443166694170675559704C763168423642682A7043
The solution is secure because the matching can only be done by the individual’s consent as the finger has to be presented to the device for matching. We do not hold images of fingerprints in our system.The technology provided for this method of identification meets with DoE guidelines and has the facility for students to opt out of the scheme and use a PIN number instead.Also under the data protection act the school or caterer (the originator of the data) cannot allow access by anyone to this data for any other means than for the purpose the data was collected and that is to identify an individual within the solution we supply. Any biometric data that belongs to an individual that leaves the school is purged which also is in line with the BECTA guidelines.


We are constantly looking for ways to improve our links with you and keep everyone up-to-date and well informed. We all know that sending hard copy information home is sometimes unreliable, and for this reason we also use Schoolcomms, an electronic school communication system.

Advantages of SchoolComms to You:

  • You receive letters as soon as they are written - prevents deadlines being missed

  • You can see letters in your inbox like any other email

  • No need to rely on your child for delivery

  • You can file correspondence away for future reference

Advantages of SchoolComms to Arden:

  • It is a faster way of communicating information to parents/guardians

  • Saves us money on printing, paper and postage

  • We know you have received important information in a timely manner

The school will use the email address and mobile number that we hold for the priority one contact in our database, so please ensure the information provided on the Student Data Collection Form is accurate.

Our emails come from the following email address so you might wish to add this as a contact to avoid our emails going to your ‘junk’ mail folder -

Please follow the link below to find some instructions to assist you with how to add addresses to the safe sender list for some of the more commonly used email programs and also the link to Schoolcomms Full Support pages:

We would appreciate it if you would download the School Gateway App onto your smartphone – this enables two-way FREE text communication between us and your child’s priority one contact.

Your details will not be used for any purpose other than school business.

As always, your co-operation and support is appreciated.

Consent for use of data for this purpose is within the Google Form we have asked you to complete online.


We have a parental information and communication system - Edulink One. We use this system to provide you with essential information about your child/ren and their lives at Arden.

Edulink One is a purpose built parental communication tool in the form of an iOS and Android App – with support from a website for those unable to access the apps.

For security, this new system requires an individual parent login username and password. If you have more than one child at the school, you will only require one account and all children will be visible through this.

To access this new tool, you will need to either:

  1. Search for Edulink One (Overnetdata) from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and install the App to a mobile device – you can have it on multiple devices if you wish.

  2. If you do not have a device suitable for the app, you can access the same great features through the website at

There is a demo available and this will guide you around the Edulink system -!/demo

Usernames and passwords will be sent out on a separate email after your child has started at Arden.

What is Edulink One used for?

  • Viewing home-learning (homework)

  • Viewing timetables

  • Viewing attendance/lateness

  • Viewing achievement & behaviour points

  • Viewing cashless catering balance

  • Viewing assessments/reports/progress checks

  • Booking and viewing parents evening appointments

We hope you find this system useful and easy to use. Once you have received your new login details, if you experience any difficulties please email .

Arden School Policies

Safeguarding & Covid-19 Safeguarding Policy

As we are sure you are aware, Safeguarding is at the heart of any school. Our Safeguarding Policy and Child Protection Policy can be found on the school’s website:

Paper copies of this document are available, upon request, from the School Office.

Please take time to read these policies to ensure you fully understand the school’s policy and practice on Safeguarding.

From time to time you may be asked to respond to surveys or complete acknowledgement slips where we are communicating about issues relating to Safeguarding. It is very important that we are sure that all of our stakeholders are familiar with our policies.

For your information Mr Hooper is the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) for the school, along with Mr Simpson, Mrs Pemberton, Ms Duffy-Turner and Mr Reed.

May we also draw your attention to our Covid-19 Safeguarding Policy which is also available to view on the school’s website:

Use of Images

During your child’s life at Arden Academy we may wish to take photographic or video images of activities that involve your child. The images may be used for displays, publications or on the Academy-managed website.

Photography or filming will only take place with the permission of the Associate Headteacher, and under appropriate supervision. When filming or photography is carried out by the media, children will only be named if there is a particular reason to do so, e.g., they have won a prize, and home addresses will never be given out. Images that might cause embarrassment or distress will not be used nor will images be associated with materials or issues that are considered sensitive.

Before taking any images of your child, we need your permission. This permission will last for the whole of your child’s education at this Academy. You can ask to see images of your child held by the establishment. You may withdraw your consent at any time. Arden’s ‘Photographic & Digital Images’ Policy is available to view on the school website –

If you wish to attend functions and take photographs of your and other people’s children please take appropriate images, be sensitive to other people and try not to interrupt or disrupt concerts, performances and events. Please note an information leaflet regarding this is available from Arden Reception.

Consent for use of images is within the Google Form we have asked you to complete online. You may withdraw your consent at any time and in writing to the Associate Headteacher.

Important Conditions

  • This consent provided is valid from the time your child starts Arden; there may be occasions where images may be used after your child has left Arden, e.g., a celebratory event about the history of Arden. If you do NOT want your child’s image to be used AFTER they leave Arden, then please write directly to the Associate Headteacher.

  • Children will be made aware of why their pictures are being taken and how they will be used.

  • We will not include personal e-mail or postal addresses, or telephone or fax numbers on video, on our website, in our Academy prospectus or in other printed publications.

  • We may include pictures of students and teachers that have been drawn by the students.

  • We may use group or class photographs or footage with very general labels, such as “a science lesson” or “making Christmas decorations”.

  • We will only use images of students who are suitably dressed, to reduce the risk of such images being used inappropriately.

  • If it is found that a camera phone has been misused, Arden will follow its usual disciplinary procedures.

GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect in 2018 and schools must now provide parents with an opportunity to opt in or out of any data sharing. We will not give information about you or your child to anyone outside the school without your consent unless the law and our rules permit it.

As a school, however, we have a legal duty to collect, store and report on personal data that we hold for your child, as part of their statutory education provision. We are required to share this data with the Department for Education (DfE), Local Authority (LA), local government agencies and examination boards. Information that is shared with other organisations is audited against GDPR standards to ensure compliance.

We currently use the following systems to meet these requirements: SIMS – school information management, SISRA – student performance tracking system, CPOMS – safeguarding and child protection software. We also store care plans, personal risk assessments and examination records. We have historical systems that we are migrating away from and these include old pastoral logs and old SEN profiles.

Please visit the school website GDPR webpage for more information about how we collect and process data and to view the Trust’s Data Protection Policy and Privacy Notice –

Any third party that we share your data with has submitted confirmation of their compliance of GDPR regulations, e.g. ParentPay, Schoolcomms, Biometrical Data. Consent for use of data for these purposes is within the Google Form we have asked you to complete online. You may withdraw your consent at any time and in writing to the Associate Headteacher.

Driving & Parking on School Site

There is currently no parental vehicle access to the rear of the school site. Please use the front car park when dropping students off for an early morning club or collecting them from a club at the end of the school day. This also extends to clubs that your child may attend outside school or at weekends.

In line with Health & Safety and in order to protect our students and staff from potential accidents, vehicles should not be driven on to the school site to drop off or collect students after 8.00am or before 4.30pm; the only exception to this would be if you were to collect a child due to ill health or a medical appointment.

Obviously we encourage all students to walk to school where possible. In the unusual event that you have to come on to the school site during the school day please drive extremely slowly and carefully.

At this time may we also advise you that we have been advised that it is illegal to stop on a bus stop and anyone found dropping off or collecting students from the bus stop outside the front of school may receive a fine.

We would be very grateful for your co-operation in safeguarding our students and preventing a serious accident by keeping traffic on site to a minimum at all times.

Internet & Online Policy

As part of the school's IT programme we offer pupils supervised access to the Internet. Before being allowed to use the Internet, all pupils must obtain parental permission and both they and you must sign and return the enclosed form as evidence of your approval and their acceptance of the school rules on this matter. Access to the Internet will enable pupils to explore thousands of libraries, databases and forums, while exchanging messages with other internet users throughout the world. Families should be warned that some material accessible via the Internet may contain items that are illegal, defamatory, inaccurate or potentially offensive to some people.

Whilst our aim for Internet use is to further educational goals and objectives, pupils may find ways to access other materials as well. We believe that the benefits to pupils from access to the Internet, in the form of information resources and opportunities for collaboration, exceed any disadvantages. Ultimately, however, parents and guardians of minors are responsible for setting and conveying the standards that their children should follow when using media and information sources. To that end, the school supports and respects each family's right to decide whether or not to apply for access.

During school, teachers will guide pupils towards appropriate materials. Outside of school, families bear the same responsibility for such guidance as they exercise with information sources such as television, telephones, movies, social media, radio and other potentially offensive media.

Please complete the agreement contained within the Google Form we have asked you to complete online and return.

1. Parents’ Guide to the Internet

What is the internet?

The internet was initially created as a link between Universities and Government organisations as a way to share and transfer information. The internet is thousands of computers connected together, sending and receiving information. There are many different types of connection to the internet, ranging from modems to dedicated cables, suitable for the many different users the internet now has. Internet Service Providers (ISPs) often provide many services to users, including email and protection against threats like viruses.

What is the World Wide Web? (WWW or Web)

As the internet grew and its users wanted to share more than text or scientific data, software was created to allow pages with colour, images, sound and even video. These pages link to each other, so a user can move between pages with similar or related content. This is known as browsing or ‘surfing’ the web or net.

Web sites also started to create directories of pages or even searchable lists of good web pages. As we moved into the new millennium, search engines like Yahoo! and Google allowed users to search for specific pages based on keywords in their content.

It is possible to find many things on the internet today, from encyclopaedias and news sites to games and entertaining videos. Also well-known is the darker side of the web including pornography, racism and supporting material for terrorism.

What is email?

Email is almost as pervasive in our time as the web. It allows users to send electronic messages to each via the internet. The message is stored by their email provider until they next connect to the internet and read it.

What is Instant Messaging? (IM)

Instant Messaging is another way of communicating over the internet, but unlike email, it is real time. Users can send (typically typed text) messages to each other and will receive them almost instantly. The latest services also include pictures, ‘smilies’ and even sound. Popular IM services include Whatsapp, Facebook and Messenger. Children and teenagers are particularly heavy users of IM, mainly for social purposes. Instant messaging usually allows only people on a user’s contact list to message them. We do not allow IM in school.

What are Blogs and homepages?

Homepages have been online since the creation of the web. They act as a person’s ‘home’ online, saying something about them and who they are. A recent update to the idea was the blog, where the page is often updated daily with new thoughts and comments. Blogs are like diaries on the web which are openly available for anyone to read. They range from very technical descriptions of scientific work and progress to descriptions of someone’s social life. Some sites may be set up as homepages for the person who is ‘blogging’ or as journals of events. Sites such as and Tumblr, allow users to create a free blog and will host it for them. Many other sites will allow you to pay to have better hosting and a name for your site. Teenagers, as well as adults, have taken to blogging as a release and a communication tool with peers.

What is social media?

Social media is social interaction amongst people in which they create, share or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities. Social media technologies take on many different forms including magazines, Internet forums, weblogs, social blogs, microblogging, wikis, social networks, podcasts, photographs or pictures, video, rating and social bookmarking. Popular sites and apps currently include: Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram and Whatsapp.

What are message boards and chat rooms?

Chat rooms work similarly to instant messaging, but instead of using software on the computer, they use a web page as a hub to allow several users to send messages to each of the others in the ‘room’ at once. Anyone could use a chat room, there are no limits to the people a user might meet there. Message boards are similar but without being real-time. Messages are sent and stored in ‘threads’ on the message board and can be read at any time. Again, a wide range of people will use a message board and there may not be anyone monitoring what is posted on the message board. Many websites have a message board or ‘Forum’ to allow users to interact with each other and the owners of the site. They can be a good place to ask questions and meet people from anywhere in the world but should be used with caution.

What dangers do children face on the internet?

It is indisputable that there is material on the internet that is offensive to many people, even dangerous in the wrong hands. There are sites containing unsuitable material which can be accessed in minutes by any child. Many ISPs try to ‘filter’ sites known to have offensive material, but the web is too big for this to be completely effective. The locations of this material move all the time, the only way to be sure of blocking it all is to allow only a small range of known websites. This kind of ‘white-list’ destroys the idea of the internet being about free information exchange; the range of information and the dynamic nature of it would be effectively lost.

There has also been great concern in the mass media about children being contacted and ‘groomed’ by adults online. It is important that children know the dangers of meeting people online, however well they think they know them. Giving personal information out on the internet is dangerous, whether this is over IM, email, message boards or chat rooms. While online friendships are valid and important to teenagers, they must accept that it is much easier to be lied to about who someone is online than in the ‘real world’.

The rise in use of email, IM, blogs and personal homepages has given rise to new forms of bullying. Teasing and harassment via messages is easy to trace and deal with but can be very intimidating to teenagers who see it wherever they look. Pictures and comments online seem much more permanent and public than what happens in the playground and can be very hurtful. Photos of other children, even friends, should not be put online without the permission of the parents of that child. This will limit the possibility of websites being used for bullying or being used to ‘enable’ bullying.

Our service provider, Solihull MBC, makes every effort to block the most offensive of material but the most sensible way to avoid these dangers is to educate pupils and encourage an acceptable use policy and partnership between home and school to deal with the less savoury side of Internet use.

How can I get more information?

There are many magazines and books written on the subject of internet safety, and many resources online including sections on our school website. If you have any specific questions, please contact the school and ask for the Online Safety Co-ordinator.

2. School Policy

Pupil Access to the Internet

The school encourages pupils to use the rich information resources available on the Internet, together with the development of appropriate skills to analyse and evaluate such resources. These skills will be fundamental in the society our pupils will be entering.

Online services significantly alter the information landscape for schools by opening classrooms to a broader array of resources. In the past, teaching and library materials could usually be carefully chosen. All such materials would be chosen to be consistent with national policies, supporting and enriching the curriculum while taking into account the varied teaching needs, learning styles, abilities and developmental levels of the pupils. Internet access, because it may lead to any publicly available site in the world, will open classrooms to electronic information resources which have not been selected by teachers as appropriate for use by pupils.

Electronic information research skills are now fundamental to prepare students for their future careers. The school expects that staff will begin to investigate possibilities and blend use of such information as appropriate within the curriculum and that staff will provide guidance and instruction to pupils in the appropriate use of such resources. Staff will consult the IT co‑ordinator for advice on content, training and appropriate teaching levels consistent with the school's IT programme of study.

Independent pupil use of telecommunications and electronic information resources is not advised and will only be permitted upon submission of permission and agreement forms by parents of pupils and by pupils themselves.

Access to online resources will enable pupils to explore thousands of libraries, databases, and bulletin boards while exchanging messages with people throughout the world. The school believes that the benefits to pupils from access to information resources and increased opportunities for collaboration exceed the disadvantages. Ultimately, parents and guardians of minors are responsible for setting and conveying the standards that their children should follow when using media and information sources. To that end, the school supports and respects each family's right to decide whether or not to apply for independent access.

The school's Online Safety Co‑ordinator will prepare appropriate procedures for implementing this policy and for reviewing and evaluating its effect on teaching and learning.

3. School Procedures

Resource Development

In order to match electronic resources as closely as possible to the national and school curriculum, teachers need to review and evaluate resources in order to offer ‘home pages’ and menus of materials that are appropriate to the age range and ability of the group being taught. The Online Safety Co‑ordinator will provide appropriate guidance to pupils as they make use of telecommunications and electronic information resources to conduct research and other studies. All pupils will be informed, by staff, of their rights and responsibilities as users before their first use, either as an individual user or as a member of a class or group.

As much as possible, the school's chosen information provider has organised information resources in ways that point pupils to those that have been reviewed and evaluated prior to use. While pupils may be able to move beyond those resources to others that have not been evaluated by staff, they shall be provided with guidelines and lists of resources particularly suited to the learning objectives. Pupils may pursue electronic research independent of staff supervision only if they have been granted parental permission and have submitted all required forms. Permission is not transferable and may not be shared.

School Rules

The school has developed a set of guidelines for Internet use by pupils. These rules will be made available to all pupils and kept under constant review.

All members of staff are responsible for explaining the rules and their implications. All members of staff need to be aware of possible misuses of online access and their responsibilities towards pupils.

4. Pupil Guidelines for Internet Use


Pupils are responsible for good behaviour on the Internet just as they are in a classroom or a school corridor; general school rules apply.

The Internet is provided for pupils to conduct research and communicate with others. Parents' permission is required. Remember that access is a privilege, not a right, and that access requires responsibility.

Individual users of the Internet are responsible for their behaviour and communications over the network. It is presumed that users will comply with school standards and will honour the agreements they have signed.

Computer storage areas and USBs will be treated like school lockers. Staff may review files and communications to ensure that users are using the system responsibly. Users should not expect that files stored on servers or disks would always be private.

During school, teachers will guide pupils toward appropriate materials. Outside of school, families bear the responsibility for such guidance with information sources such as television, telephones, movies, radio and other potentially offensive media.

The following are not permitted:

  1. Sending or displaying offensive messages or pictures

  2. Using obscene language

  3. Harassing, insulting or attacking others

  4. Damaging computers, computer systems or computer networks

  5. Violating copyright laws

  6. Using others' passwords

  7. Trespassing in others' folders, work or files

  8. Unauthorised use of security or remote access software

  9. Intentionally wasting limited resources

  10. Photographs of children on websites with reference to the name of Arden School unless sanctioned by both parents/guardians and staff

  11. Personal web pages

There are a rapidly growing number of providers of these on the Internet. Parents need to be very aware of the ease with which young people can set up their own Web Page. While these are set up within the privacy of the home there are a number of dangers inherent in this activity, some general and some that have implications for the school:-


  • The danger of providing personal information and/or contact details

  • The danger of activating potentially dangerous contacts

School Implications

  • Entering information/data relating to other pupils that is likely to cause distress or offence

  • Creating the potential to bully or enable bullying to take place

  • Entering photographs of pupils without the express permission of the individual’s parents

Where such actions have implications for the school we reserve the right to take appropriate action. The nature of the action will be determined by the impact of the data displayed on the website and its effect on individuals belonging to the school community. It is possible that, should the site be so offensive, a pupil will face exclusion. This may be permanent for serious or repeated occurrences.


  1. Violations of the above rules will result in a temporary or permanent ban on Internet use.

  2. Additional disciplinary action may be added, in line with existing practice, on inappropriate language or behaviour.

  3. When applicable, police or local authorities may be involved.

5. School IT Resources

  • School provides IT resources for students to use to enhance teaching and learning, accessible from both inside and outside school. These include:

  • Computer hardware and software

  • Computer network user accounts, including internet and email account access

  • Access to mobile and imaging devices

  • Use of your own personal device on a school wireless service (Sixth Form students only)

These resources are provided by the school for teaching and learning purposes only. Any other use of school IT resources is prohibited, regardless of whether you are accessing the resource in school or from another location, e.g. at home. This includes material of the following nature:

  • Illegal e.g. sexting (exchanging self-generated sexual images of somebody under 16 years old), storing or accessing material which is racist, sexually explicit, fraudulent, or that which incites violence or hatred

  • Inappropriate e.g. not directly related to your work, for instance playing computer games or social messaging

  • Unauthorised e.g. accessing material which you are not authorised to access, for instance using someone else’s computer account to gain access to their work or a higher level of access

  • Hurtful to other people e.g. sending bullying emails or offensive computer files

  • A breach of copyright e.g. storing or accessing copyright protected video, audio, images or software, without appropriate permission, for instance in the format of mp3 audio tracks, etc

  • Detrimental to the operation of school IT systems e.g. attempting to cause damage to computer equipment either physically or electronically, for instance vandalism and computer ‘hacking’

  • An invasion of privacy e.g. publishing names, addresses, images or other personal details of yourself or another person

The school uses monitoring tools to detect the activities listed above, and log files and backups are kept which record all network usage, including internet access, wireless access and electronic communication. If pupils are found to be using school IT resources for any purpose other than learning, details may be forwarded to the Senior Leadership Team in school and disciplinary action will be taken. If pupils use school IT resources for illegal purposes, the school will also forward the details to external agencies, including the police.

Please be aware that, without notice to you and at any time, a pupil’s teacher, Head of Year, the school ESafety Co-ordinator or the IT Support Team may:

  • View any document or file stored by a pupil on any school IT facility

  • View the contents of any emails or messages that a pupil has sent or received

  • View log files of a pupil’s network, internet and email

  • Use software to view and record the screen of any computer to access/monitor what a pupil is doing.

Pupil Computer Account

Pupils will be given a username and password which will enable them to access a wealth of IT resources provided by the school. Pupils are responsible for all activity which takes place on the school computer network using their account.

To protect themselves and their work, pupils should:

  • Never tell anyone else their password

  • Choose a password which cannot be easily guessed by other people.

The pupil’s computer account is their responsibility. If they suspect somebody has access to their account, they should change your password immediately and tell an adult member of staff or the IT Support Team.

BYOD - Bring Your Own Device Agreement

Protocol for the Use of Technology at Arden

As new technologies continue to change the world in which we live, they also provide many new and positive educational benefits for classroom instruction. To encourage this growth, Sixth Form students at Arden Academy may now bring their own technology to school

Definition of “Device”

For purposes of BYOD, “Device” means a privately owned portable information technology system that can be used for word processing, wireless Internet access, image capture/recording, sound recording and information transmitting/receiving/storing, etc. For example, Laptop computer, Smart Mobile Phone and Tablets such as iPads.


Only the internet gateway provided by Arden may be accessed while at school.


Responsibility to keep the device secure rests with the individual owner. Arden, nor its staff or employees, are liable for any device stolen or damaged at school. It is recommended that skins (decals) and other custom touches are used to physically identify your device from others. Additionally, protective cases for technology are encouraged. Repairs to software or hardware of personal devices are, under no circumstances, the responsibility of Arden or its staff.

B.Y.O.D Arden Student Agreement

The use of technology to provide educational material is not a necessity but a privilege. A student does not have the right to use his or her laptop, mobile phone or other electronic device while at school. When abused, privileges will be taken away. When respected, they will benefit the learning environment as a whole. Students and parents/guardians participating in B.Y.O.D must adhere to the Arden’s Internet Acceptable Use policy and any Internet Safety guidance.

Additionally, technology:

  • May not be used to cheat on assignments or tests.

  • May only be used to access files on computer or internet sites which are relevant to the classroom curriculum. Games are not permitted.

Students acknowledge that:

  • Usage of BYOD technology at Arden falls under all the conditions sited in Arden’s Internet Acceptable Use policy.

  • The school's network filters will be applied to all connection to the internet and attempts will not be made to bypass them.

  • Bringing on to the premises or infecting the network with a Virus, Trojan, or program designed to damage, alter, destroy, or provide access to unauthorized data or information is in violation of Arden’s ICT policy.

  • Processing or accessing information on school property related to “hacking”, altering, or bypassing network security policies is in violation of Arden’s ICT policy.

  • The school has the right to collect and examine any device that is suspected of causing problems or was the source of an attack or virus infection.

  • Files may have to be saved to ‘cloud’ storage (for example Google Drive), the hard-drive, a USB drive, an external drive, or another media device. BYOD files should not be saved using school devices.

  • Printing from personal laptops/devices will not be possible at school.

  • Personal technology should be charged prior to bringing it to school and should run off its own battery while at school.

Supporting Students at School with Medical Conditions

At Arden we have ‘Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions’ policy and this is available to view on the school website – This policy will ensure that, as a school, we work in line with the recommendations of the Department for Education and Solihull Local Authority.

We would like to share with you some information that outlines the procedures for pupils having medicines in school. Please may we ask that you take time to read this.

Care Plans – Life Saving Medication

For administration of emergency medication e.g. Epipen/Anapen, a Care Plan must be completed by the parent/guardian in conjunction with the school nurse. These are recorded at school so staff are aware and the medicine/s are available in school in the event of an emergency. Parents/guardians are involved in the development and review of their child’s individual Care Plan. They should carry out any action they have agreed to as part of its implementation, e.g. provide medicines and equipment and ensure they or another nominated adult are contactable at all times.

There are other medical conditions that also require a Care Plan; the school nurse is aware of all pupils’ medical information at Arden.

Minor changes to the Care Plan can be made if signed and dated by the school nurse. If, however, changes are major, a new Care Plan must be completed. Care Plans should be reviewed at least annually and it is the parents’ responsibility to notify school/school nurse of any changes required to the Plan e.g. treatment, symptoms, contact details.

Other Medicines

With the exception of those pupils for whom we have a Care Plan, if your child needs to have medicines or prescribed drugs whilst at school, there are specific requirements that must be adhered to:

Pupils MUST NOT carry any medicines on them whilst at school without their parent/guardian completing a consent formthis includes over the counter medication such as paracetamol and ibuprofen. Medicines carried without consent will be confiscated, but held safely in case needed by the pupil whilst at school; this is to ensure safety of our pupils during the school day. If the medication is necessary on that day, we will contact the parent/guardian to obtain consent to administer.

Parent/Guardian Responsibilities

Parents/Guardians should provide the school with sufficient and up-to-date information about

their child’s medical needs. Verbal instructions cannot be accepted in order for the school to administer medicines; we can only do so in an emergency. A document ‘Consent Form to Administer Medicines’ must be completed in all instances. This is available on the school website:

Only one parent (defined as those with parental responsibility) is required to agree to, or request, that medicines are administered by staff.

If it is known that pupils are self-administering medication in school on a regular basis, a completed consent form is still required from the parent/guardian.

The parent/guardian needs to ensure there is sufficient medication and that the medication is in date. Parents/guardians are responsible for ensuring that date expired medicines are returned to a pharmacy for safe disposal.

Medication should always be provided in an original container with the pharmacist’s

original label and the following, clearly shown:

  • Child’s name, date of birth

  • Name and strength of medication

  • Dose

  • Any additional requirements e.g. in relation to food etc

  • Expiry date whenever possible

  • Dispensing date


Parent/guardians should be encouraged to ask the GP to prescribe an antibiotic which can be given outside of school/setting hours wherever possible.

Most antibiotic medication will not need to be administered during school/setting hours.

Twice daily doses should be given in the morning before school/setting and in the evening. Three times a day doses can normally be given in the morning before school/setting, immediately after (provided this is possible) and at bedtime. It should normally only be necessary to give antibiotics in school/setting if the dose needs to be given four times a day, in which case a dose is needed at lunchtime.

All antibiotics must be clearly labelled with the child's name, the name of the medication, the dose, the date of dispensing, be in their original container and brought into school in the morning and taken home again at the end of each day by the pupil.

School Contact

We hope this information is useful and clarifies the school’s policy; should you have any queries or concerns or wish to obtain a ‘Consent Form to Administer Medicines’ form, please contact Mrs Webber in the School Office - 01564 732647. The School Nurse team may be contacted on 0121 770 1919.

Parent / Legal Guardian Privacy Policy

Policy Statement

During your child’s time with us, we will gather and use information relating to you. Information that we hold in relation to individuals is known as their “personal data”. This will include data that we obtain from you directly and data about you that we obtain from other people and organisations. We might also need to continue to hold your personal data for a period of time after your child has left the Academy. Anything that we do with an individual’s personal data is known as “processing”.

This document sets out what personal data we will hold about you, why we process that data, who we share this information with, and your rights in relation to your personal data processed by us.

What information do we process in relation to you?

We will collect, hold, share and otherwise use the following information about you:

  • personal information (such as name, address, home and mobile numbers, personal email address, emergency contact details and relationship marital status)

  • financial details (such as bank account or credit card details), and other financial details such as eligibility for free school meals or other financial assistance

  • CCTV footage and images obtained when you attend the Academy site (where applicable)

  • your relationship to your child, including any Court orders that may be in place

We will also use special categories of data such as gender, age, ethnic group, sex or sexual orientation, religious or similar beliefs, information about health, genetic information and biometric data (where applicable). These types of personal data are subject to additional requirements.

Where do we get your personal data from?

We will obtain an amount of your personal data from you, by way of information gathering exercises at appropriate times such as when your child joins the Academy, and when you attend the Academy site and are captured by our CCTV system.

We may also obtain information about you from other sources. This might include information from the local authorities or other professionals or bodies, including a Court, which might raise concerns in relation to your child.

Why do we use your personal data?

We will process your personal data for the following reasons:

1) Where we are required by law, including:

  • To provide reports and other information required by law in relation to the performance of your child

  • To raise or address any concerns about safeguarding

  • To the Government agencies including the police

  • To obtain relevant funding for the school

  • To provide or obtain additional services including advice and/or support for your family

2) Where the law otherwise allows us to process the personal data as part of our functions as a Trust, or we are carrying out a task in the public interest, including:

  • To confirm your identity

  • To communicate matters relating to the Academy to you

  • To safeguard you, our pupils and other individuals

  • To enable payments to be made by you to the Academy

  • To ensure the safety of individuals on the Academy site

  • To aid in the prevention and detection of crime on the Academy site

3) Where we otherwise have your consent

Whilst the majority of processing of personal data we hold about you will not require your consent, we will inform you if your consent is required and seek that consent before any processing takes place.

Why do we use special category personal data?

We may process special category personal data in relation to you for the following reasons:

  1. Where the processing is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest, including for purposes of equality of opportunity and treatment, where this is in accordance with our Data Protection Policy.

  2. Where the processing is necessary in order to ensure your health and safety on the Academy site, including making reasonable adjustments for any disabilities you may have.

  3. Where we otherwise have your explicit written consent.

There may also be circumstances where we need to use your information in relation to legal claims, or to protect your vital interests of those of your child, and where it is not possible to seek your consent.

Failure to provide this information

If you fail to provide information to us we may be prevented from complying with our legal obligations.

How long will we hold your personal data for?

We will hold your personal data only for as long as necessary. How long we need to hold on to any information will depend on the type of information. For further detail please see our Retention and Destruction Policy.

Who will we share your personal data with?

We routinely share information about you with:

  • Local authorities, to assist them in the exercise of their responsibilities in relation to education and training, youth support and safeguarding purposes

  • The Department for Education and/or the Education and Skills Funding Agency, in compliance with legal obligations of the school to provide information about students and parents as part of statutory data collections

  • Contractors, such as payment processing providers to enable payments to be made by you to the Academy

The Department for Education may share information that we are required to provide to them with other organisations. For further information about the Department’s data sharing process, please visit:

Contact details for the Department can be found at

Local authorities may share information that we are required to provide to them with other organisations. For further information about Solihull Council’s local authority’s data sharing process, please visit:

Your rights in relation to your personal data held by us

You have the right to request access to personal data that we hold about you, subject to a number of exceptions. To make a request for access to your personal data, you should contact our Data Protection Officer(s):

  • Mr Gareth Davies, Data Protection Office,Lode Heath School, Lode Lane, Solihull, B91 2HW

  • Mrs Eleanor Collett, Privacy Officer, Arden Academy, Station Road, Knowle, Solihull, B93 0PT

Please also refer to our Data Protection Policy for further details on making requests for access to your personal data.

You also have the right, in certain circumstances, to:

  • Object to the processing of your personal data

  • Have inaccurate or incomplete personal data about you rectified

  • Restrict processing of your personal data

  • Object to the making of decisions about you taken by automated means

  • Have your data transferred to another organisation

  • Claim compensation for damage caused by a breach of your data protection rights

If you want to exercise any of these rights then you should contact our Data Protection Officer. The law does not oblige the Trust to comply with all requests. If the Trust does not intend to comply with the request then you will be notified of the reasons why in writing.


If you have any concerns about how we are using your personal data then we ask that you contact our Data Protection Officer in the first instance. However an individual can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office should you consider this to be necessary, at


If you would like to discuss anything in this privacy notice, please contact our Data Protection Officer, Gareth Davies (Lode Heath School) or Eleanor Collett, Privacy Officer (Arden Academy).

Pupil Privacy Notice

Why are we giving this to you?

As your school we need to use information about you. We do this for a number of reasons. This form tells you what information we use about you and why we use it. It is very important that information about you is kept safe. We explain below how the school keeps your information safe.

If you want to know anything about what we do with information about you then please ask your teacher, or speak to your parents/guardians and ask them to contact the school. The school wants you to feel free to raise any questions at all.

We also have a person called the Data Protection Officer at the Trust and a Privacy Officer within the Academy. They can answer any questions you have about what the school does with your information. If you or your parents/guardian wants to speak to them, then you can do at:

  • Mr Gareth Davies, Lode Heath School,, Tel: 0121 704 1421

  • Mrs Eleanor Collett,, Tel: 01564 773348


During your time with us, we will use information that we gather in relation to you for various purposes. Information that we hold in relation to you is known as “personal data”. This will include data that we obtain from you directly and data about you which we obtain from other people and organisations. We might also need to continue to hold your personal data for a period of time after you have left the school. Anything that we do with your personal data is known as “processing”.

This document sets out what personal data we will hold about you, why we process that data, who we share this information with, and your rights in relation to your personal data processed by us.

What information do we use about you?

We will collect, hold, share and otherwise use information about you set out in the boxes below:

  • Name

  • Telephone and email contact details

  • Date of Birth

  • Address

  • Assessment information

  • Details of previous/future schools

  • Unique pupil number

  • Behavioural information

  • Language(s)

  • Photographs

  • Attendance information

  • Eligibility for free school meals

  • CCTV images

We will also collect, hold, share and otherwise use some information about you which is special “special category personal data” and we will take extra care to make sure that this is kept safe:

  • Racial or ethnic origin

  • Religious beliefs

  • Special educational needs and disability information

  • Medical / health information

  • Biometric data

  • Information relating to keeping you safe

  • Dietary requirements

Where do we get this information from?

We get this information from:

  • You

  • Your parents/guardians, and other children’s parents/guardians

  • Teachers and other staff

  • People from other organisations, like doctors or the local authority for example

Why do we use this information?

We use this information for lots of reasons, including:

  • To make sure that we give you a good education and to support you through this

  • To make sure that we are able to address and support any educational, health or social needs you may have

  • To make sure everyone is treated fairly and equally

  • To keep you and everyone at the school safe and secure

  • To deal with emergencies involving you

  • To celebrate your achievements

  • To provide reports and additional information to your parents/carers

Some of these things we have to do by law. Other things we do because we need to so that we can run the school.

Sometimes we need permission to use your information. This includes taking pictures or videos of you to be used on our website or in the newspaper. Before we do these things we will ask you or if necessary your parent/carer for permission.

Why do we use special category personal data?

We may need to use the information about you which is special (mentioned above) where there is a specific interest to do so for example health and social care purposes or to provide you with equal opportunities and treatment. We will also use this information where you have given us permission to do so.

There may also be circumstances where we need to use your information in relation to legal claims, or to protect your vital interests and where you are unable to provide your consent.

How long will we hold information in relation to our pupils?

We will hold information relating to you only for as long as necessary. How long we need to hold on to any information will depend on the type of information. Where you change school we will usually pass your information to your new school.

Who will we share pupil information with?

We may be give information about you with:

  • Other schools or educational institutions you may attend or require support from Local Authorities, to assist them in the exercise of their responsibilities in relation to education and training, youth support and safeguarding purposes

  • The Department for Education and/ or ESFA as required by the law

  • Contractors, to enable them to provide an effective service to the school, such as school meal providers or external tutors

Keeping this information safe

It is very important that only people who need to use your information can see it. The school keeps your information safe by:

  • Securing our buildings and checking all visitors

  • Providing staff with lockable draws and cupboards so that information is locked away

  • Disposing of confidential paper documents safely by shredding them

  • Reminding staff to ensure that they are not overheard or their monitor isn’t viewed by anyone not authorised to know or see information about you

Your rights in relation to your information

You can ask to see the information we hold about you. If you wish to do this you should contact your teacher or form tutor in the first instance.

You also have the right to:

  • Object to what we are doing with your information

  • Have inaccurate or incomplete information about you amended

  • Ask us to stop doing certain things with your information in some cases

  • Ask that decisions about you are not made using automatic systems

  • Claim against the school in certain circumstances where you have suffered as a result of the school breaching your data protection rights

If you feel it necessary to do any of the above, you can speak with our Data Protection Officer. The school does not have to meet all of your requests and we will let you know where we are unable to do so.


If you are concerned about how we are using your personal data then you can speak with either of the people below, your teacher or form tutor, or if necessary you or your parent/ carer can contact an outside agency - the Information Commissioner’s Office who could also help at

  • Mr Gareth Davies, Lode Heath School,, Tel: 0121 704 1421

  • Mrs Eleanor Collett,, Tel: 01564 773348

Other Useful Information

Term Dates

Due to the current Covid-19 situation, if there are any changes to the school dates/times for 2021-22, we will inform you prior to September

Autumn Term 2021

Term Starts: Thursday 2nd September*

Half term: 25th October – 29th October

Term Ends: Friday 17th December*

Spring Term 2022

Term Starts: Tuesday 4th January

Half term: 21st February25th February

Term Ends: Friday 8th April

Summer Term 2022

Term Starts: Monday 25th April

Half term: 30th May – 3rd June

Term Ends: Friday 22nd July*

*Non Pupil Days 2020 - 2021

Thursday 2nd September 2021

Friday 3rd September 2021

Monday 6th September 2021

Monday 6th September 2021

Friday 22nd October 2021

Friday 17th December 2021

Plus two further days to be confirmed.

We reserve the right to alter these Non Pupil/INSET days

School will be closed on Monday 2nd May 2022 for a Bank Holiday

School Day - (Subject to Change)

Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays

08:40 Registration

08:45 Form/Assembly

09:05 Period 1

10:05 Period 2

11:05 Break

11:25 Period 3

12:25 Lunch

13:25 Period 4

14:30 Period 5

15:30 End of School Day


09:05 Registration & Period 1

10:05 Period 2

11:05 Break

11:25 Period 3

12:25 Lunch

13:25 Period 4

14:30 Period 5

15:30 End of School Day

We operate a two-week timetable in rotation. A copy of your child’s timetable will be issued to them and recorded in their planner. This does not affect the times of the school day, but will require your child to ensure they have the correct books and equipment for each lesson.

Additionally the two-week timetable will be placed on the school website for you to confirm which week is applicable.

During the school year there are occasions when we finish the school day at 14:15, e.g. Parent Consultations. These days will be denoted in the calendar on the school website and in the student’s school planners. The students still have 5 lessons on these days, of 50 minutes duration:

08:40 Registration

08:45 Period 1

09:35 Period 2

10:25 Break

10:45 Period 3

11:35 Period 4

12:25 Lunch

13:25 Period 5

14:15 End of School Day

Sixth Form Bursary

The Department for Education has allocated an amount of money to Arden to allow the school to grant bursaries to students on low incomes to contribute towards the costs of studying at Arden.


To be eligible to receive a bursary you must be a full time student at Arden Sixth Form and be aged under 19 on 31st August in the academic year in which you begin your programme.

To receive a bursary you must also satisfy the following conditions:

  1. Students must register every morning at 8.40am. No more than 5 exceptions per term will be allowed whatever the circumstances.

  2. Sixth Form regulations must be followed as laid down in the Sixth Form Contract.

  3. Students must attend all lessons. Any lessons missed through illness must be supported by a letter from parents or guardians within 7 days of the absence occurring.

  4. Failure to adhere to any of the above will result in the bursary being withheld.

An email will go to all parents at the start of the year with details of how to apply if you are eligible.

The three levels of payment at Arden

Level One

Students who are or have recently left local authority care or are in receipt of universal credit or Personal Independence Payments.

Level Two

Students who are in receipt of free school meals.

Level Three

Those with a household income of less than £28,000 per year.

How the funds will be paid

Those eligible for the bursary, will submit claim forms (forms provided by Sixth Form office) attaching receipts for all expenses/purchases which will then be verified and paid within 2 weeks of receipt of claim form. These can be submitted to the Sixth Form office at any time throughout the academic year not just at the end of the term. Funds will be paid directly into the student bank account.

The Process you should follow

If you are eligible for a bursary on any one of the levels, you should apply as soon as possible.

A panel consisting of Head of Sixth Form, Principal and a Governor will meet each academic year to examine claims.

For all applications, appropriate evidence needs to be provided. This may include proof of free meal entitlement, P60 etc.

For more details of the scheme please visit the following web site:

Free School Meals

Information and an online form to claim Free School Meals can be found on the Solihull MBC website:

Please Note: If you already receive free school meals for your children and there are no changes to your details there is no requirement to re-apply as your free meal entitlement will transfer to your child’s new school as long as the previous school was a Solihull School.

If your child’s previous school was not a Solihull School you will have to make an application to this local authority as your entitlement will not transfer.

Once Arden has been advised by the Local Authority that an application for FSM has been confirmed, we will update our system to reflect this.

Arden - Free School Meals Guidance 2020-21

  • The Free School Meal daily allowance is £2.20 and this applies to items purchased at lunchtime only (i.e. not at morning break).

  • The daily allowance will automatically be added at lunch-time; any unused allowance for that day will be identified and removed. The following day, the full allowance will automatically be added, as before, at lunch-time.

  • The allowance may not be carried over to the following school day.

  • Parents/Guardians may add extra credit to their child’s school meal account, via ParentPay, and this additional money may be used to buy snacks at morning break and to cover any extra food at lunchtime. Items purchased at morning break are not eligible for the FSM allowance.

  • There is a daily 'meal deal' available for £2.20 which is a main meal and a dessert.

  • The catering staff will not allow children in receipt of FSM to buy solely snack items, e.g. cookies, cakes, with their FSM allowance; this is to ensure that they eat a suitable meal/sandwich at lunchtime.

  • The catering staff will not allow children in receipt of FSM to exceed the £2.20 allowance unless there are extra funds, credited by their parent/guardian, available in their ParentPay lunch account.

  • A daily maximum ‘spend limit’ of £5.00 will be programmed into the system (for purchases made at morning break and lunch). This can be increased or decreased for an individual pupil by you making a written request to the school’s Finance Office.

Young Carers

At Arden we are committed to providing the very best levels of care for every pupil. We pride ourselves on looking after each child’s health and well-being. We are aware that there may be situations where our pupils provide significant levels of support to other family members. When a young person looks after someone within the family who has a serious illness or disability he or she may need a little extra support to help them get the most out of school.

We have designated members of staff who are able to provide support and guidance to young carers within the Arden community.

Please advise us if your child has a very significant role in the care of anyone in your family. Our coordinators who support children who are primary carers are Mr Hooper – Deputy Headteacher and Ms Brennan – Pastoral Support/Teacher of MFL.