Remote Learning at

Arden Academy

To reassure you, as parents/guardians, and give you a previously unseen peek into the virtual classroom, we have put together some video clips of lessons in progress. Teaching online throughout the lockdown period has enabled our staff to quickly react to Arden's sudden closure and get live lesson up and running straight away. We continue to do the best we can to provide uninterrupted learning for our students.


This is a view of two of six large gazebos we have put in place to allow students to remain socially distanced and outside during wet weather. You can also see one of a number of signs positioned around the school reminding students how to stay safe.

Here we can see Mr Fletcher, Teacher of Art, teaching a Year 7 group of pupils. As you can see, Mr Fletcher is putting his interactive whiteboard to good use whilst using a laptop to view the work. You will notice that some pupils can opt to turn their camera off during the lesson - they can still see Mr Fletcher and communication remains two-way.

Mrs Ali, Teacher of Science, is using a small wipeable board which she can write on to illustrate points during the lesson. Here she is teaching a Year 8 group of pupils.

Dr Hayes, Head of Science, is teaching a Year 12 Physics class who are looking at the four fundamental forces in the universe & how particles interact through these forces.

Mr Butler, Teacher of Science, can be seen teaching a Year 13 group Biology. Again, with the use of a visualiser and interactive whiteboard, he can clearly see and hear his group and respond to their questions just as he would during a normal lesson. This group were learning about the structure of muscle fibres which fits into a topic about how animals are able to respond to the environmental stimuli and bring about movement.

Mr Naylor, Teacher of Maths, is teaching a Year 9 group. You can see he uses a 'visualiser' to enable the class to see what he is writing and you can also hear a student respond to his questioning.