Welcome Back
Maggi Peyton Gallery
Hosted by the Manhattan Borough President’s Office and President Gale Brewer
October 4th to December 6th, 2021
1 Centre St. South Entrance, 19th Floor
New York, NY 10007
(347) 239-9086
Welcome Back is a group exhibition featuring over thirty artists’ responses to the unprecedented COVID-19 Pandemic. Curated by Jean Sonderand for Maggi Peyton Gallery, and hosted by the Manhattan Borough President’s Office, the exhibition is an opportunity for artists and residents to come together and consider the variety of public and private experiences we have faced over the last two years. Welcome Back is a celebration of our resiliency as a city and culture, and an invitation for New Yorkers to consider how we will grow and adapt as we recover over the years to come.
Each artist in this exhibition had a unique response to the pandemic, but certain themes jump out as we look at the collection as a whole. Some ticked away the time reading the daily updates in the news, with headlines and crosswords marking the uncertain trajectory of an unfolding, global crisis. PPE, consisting of masks, gloves, and medical ephemera, littered our lives and our streets, accumulating physically as well as symbolically. With the world cut off, the familiar shape of our homes was radically transformed. Our bedrooms and offices became safe havens in which entire lives were carried out, while a view out of a window became a portal to an unfamiliar world of vacant streets. Meanwhile, our obsession with sanitation led others to re-investigate the meaning of touch and contact, especially when physical closeness could spell a death sentence for those we cherished. Scarcity, uncertainty, and boredom drove us nearly mad, but the same forces inspired many to re-envision our lives, our communities, and our aspirations.
Welcome Back is a reflection of how our sensibilities have changed and adapted to this ‘new normal’, and an invitation to embrace these experiences as they guide the trajectory of our recovery, in New York and beyond.
This exhibition is generously supported by City Artists Corps Grant made to the curator, Jean Sonderand. More info at https://www.nyfa.org/awards-grants/city-artist-corps-grants/
The Venue
Manhattan Borough President's Office
1 Centre St. 19th Floor South
New York, NY 10007
Maggi Peyton Gallery is hosted inside the office of the Manhattan Borough President, Gale Brewer.
Jean Sonderand
Jean Sonderand (they/them/theirs)
“I am an artist, academic, and advocate working to bring light to issues of social justice and sustainability. I work primarily in photography, but have exhibited video work, as well as paintings and drawings, at galleries in the United States and internationally. After moving to New York in 2013 from Kansas, my home state, I became deeply involved in my art practice, while also enmeshing myself in New York’s vibrant queer community.
This gave rise to my first projects in photobook making and zine printing, which I first exhibited at the Brooklyn Zine Festival. Since then I have performed in queer theatrical dances at the New York Library of Performing Arts as well as Judson Memorial Church, and regularly volunteering for organizations advocating queer art and activism. I recently finished my masters degree in Visual and Critical Studies at the School of The Art Institute of Chicago, which culminated in two separate exhibitions at Weinberg/Newton Gallery and another in conjunction with the 16th Architecture Biennale in Venice, Italy.
While I work to keep my connections with communities in all of the places I’ve worked and studied, I now live in New York, where I hope to find further opportunities to collaborate locally while deepening my art practice and advocacy.”
The Artists
Andrea Arroyo
"Hope in a Vial" Digital print, 12x12
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/andreaarroyoart/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/andrea.arroyo1
Andrea Arroyo is an award-wining artist working in drawing, painting, site-specific installation and public art.
Her work has been exhibited in fifty individual and numerous group shows, and is in private and public collections around the world, including The Library of Congress, The Smithsonian Institution, The New York Public Library, The Latin Recording Academy of Arts and Sciences, The Ellis Island Foundation, The Richmond Museum and The National Museum of Mexican Art.
Honors include: New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowships, NY Artist Corps, Clinton Global Initiative Award Artist, 21 Leader for the 21st Century, Art in Embassies Program, US Department of State, Outstanding Woman of New York, Official Artist of the Latin Grammy, Groundbreaking Latina in the Arts and Outstanding Latina of the Year.
She has received multiple grants from the Northern Manhattan Arts Alliance, the Puffin Foundation, the Harlem Arts Alliance, The Upper Manhattan Empowerment Zone and the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council.
Public Art projects and commissions include projects for the New York City subway, The International Museum of Women, The Elizabeth Cady Stanton Museum, The Morris-Jumel Mansion Museum, The New York Women’s Foundation, The Women’s Rights National Historical Park, The Latin Recording Academy of Arts and Sciences and New York Restoration Project.
Her artwork has been published extensively including in The New Yorker (cover art,) The New York Times and The International Herald Tribune, and has been the subject of over two hundred features in the international media.
Ms Arroyo is also a curator, a speaker and an activist. Please visit: www.andreaarroyo.com
“Hope in a Vial” is part of my series “Solidarity - Images for Social Justice”
The “Solidarity” series consists of works created in response to social justice issues, including the impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic.
These works of “artivism” reflect on our collective experience during the pandemic (from trauma and fear to empowerment and hope,) while expressing universal values of love, justice and equality, that aim to build bridges across borders, languages and cultures.
The images are created digitally and have been published widely including in The Nation, The Manhattan Times, Viceversa, Fanyblog and WeEmpower (Italy,) Chartis (Greece,) and other publications, and have been exhibited in the USA, Italy, Turkey, Portugal and Spain.
2022 Upcoming: “The Fence of Solidarity” Public Art project, NYC.
2022 Upcoming: “Images for Social Justice” The City University of New York
2021 "CoVIDA-Homage to Victims of the Pandemic" Morris-Jumel Mansion Museum, NYC.
2019 New York Restoration Project, 2 outdoor locations, NYC.
2019 "EmPOWER - Images for Social Justice" Grady Alexis Gallery, NYC.
2018 “Women Who Fly” New York Restoration Project, 3 public gardens NYC.
2017-18 Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s Historical House Museum, Seneca Falls, NY.
2018 "The Rite of Spring" South Oxford Space, Brooklyn NY.
2016 “Women with Wings” Outdoor exhibition, NYRP, 2 outdoor locations, NYC.
2016 and 2013 The Morris-Jumel Mansion Museum, New York City.
2016 “Boundless in the City” Outdoor traveling exhibition, NYRP, 4 outdoor locations, NYC.
2016, 2015, 2014, 2013 National Women's Rights Gallery, Seneca Falls, NY
2016 Rio Gallery, New York City.
2014 and 2007 Grady Alexis Gallery, New York City.
2014 The Malcolm X & Dr. Betty Shabazz Center, NYC.
2013 and 2012 The City University of New York, Hall of Fame Gallery, New York City.
2011 Mark Miller Gallery, New York City.
2011 and 2000 Treasure Room Gallery, New York City.
2011 Azucarera Gallery, New York City.
2010 Women’s eNews Gallery, New York City.
2009 and 2007 ArtHaus Gallery, San Francisco, CA.
2009 La Galeria, New York City.
2008 Marmara Gallery, New York City.
2008 Berkeley Gallery, New York City.
2006 Latin Collector Gallery, New York City.
2006 Julia de Burgos Cultural Center, New York City, NY.
2005 PhilosophyBox Gallery, New York City, NY.
2003 Azarian-McCullough Gallery, Sparkill, NY.
1999 Bridgeport University Gallery, Bridgeport CT.
1999 Sivertson Gallery, Duluth, MN.
1997 The Museum Gallery, White Plains, NY.
1996 B.Abrahams Center Gallery, NY.
1995 Lehman College Art Gallery, NY.
1993 Marymount Manhattan Gallery, New York City.
1993 Steinhardt Conservatory Gallery, Brooklyn, NY.
1992 Stage Installation, Brooklyn Academy of Music, NY.
1992 Mexican Cultural Institute of New York Gallery, NY.
1992 Ollantay Center for the Arts Gallery, New York City.
1991 Hewlett-Woodmere Gallery, Hewlett, NY.
1991 Schoharie County Arts Council Gallery, Cobleskill, NY
1990 Jagendorff-Bacchi Gallery, New York City.
1989 and 1988 On the Wall Gallery, New York City.
Over one hundred group exhibitions, notable venues include: USA: The Library of Congress, Washington DC; The National Museum of Mexican Art, Chicago, IL; The Hillwood Art Museum, NY; The Islip Art Museum, NY; The Alternative Museum, NY; The Ellis Island Museum, NY; The Lower East Side Tenement Museum, NY; The United Nations, NY; Google Headquarters, Sn. Francisco, CA. International: Museum of Modern Art, Dominican Republic; Museu de Imprensa, Porto, Portugal; Arkana, Alcalá de Henares, Spain, Proloco Gallery Gallarate, Italy, San Antonio de los Baños Museum, Cuba; Alianza Francesa, Mexico; Banat Museum, Romania, Turizm Akademisi, Anatolya, Turkey: Camara Municipal, Caldas da Rahina, Portugal.
Ann P. Meredith
KID GLOVE 11X14 Black & White Photograph, Latex Free Glove (c)annpmeredith.com 8.30.21 334pm
QUEER GLOVE 11X14 LGBT Rainbow Flag, Latex Free Glove (c)annpmeredith.com 8.30.21 326pm
52 years creating creating Queer Art that helps give a compassionate, compelling realistic face and voice to people and cultures who have been persecuted, marginalized under-recognized and therefore underserved.
Almost 2 years of wear a mask and gloves to protect myself and keep myself healthy. KID GLOVE C-19 & QUEER GLOVE C-19 express the protection of, the suffocation of and the devouring and murder of children and LGBTQAI+ people by (the pandemic)
Fine Art Resume
69 West 9th Street #9-J New York, New York 10011 +1.917.806.9078/mobile annpmeredith7@gmail.com www.annpmeredith.com
U.C. Berkeley B.A. – History of Art, Post Graduate - Photo-Printmaking, Cal State University Hayward, California College Arts & Crafts
Adjunct Professor - The New School for Social Research, NYU, The Feminist Art Institute, UC Berkeley Extension, SPEOS Paris Institute
10.21.21 SPECIAL – Rape, Sexual Assault New Perspectives Theatre Co. League of Professional Theatre Women NYC
9.23.21 1 SPECIAL – Sexual Harassment, Rape, Sexual Assault Theatre Row Arts Building NYFA/CAC Scripted Reading NYC
9.11.19 THE FORGOTTEN – Child Torture, Incarceration, Experimentation, Interrogation and Sex Trafficking, TheTankNYC
8.10.18 THE FORGOTTEN – Site Specific Pont Neuf, Notre Dame, Les Tuileries, Le Louvre, Les Champs Elysee
L’Arc de Triumph, La Tour Eiffel, Princess Diana’s Eternal Flame - Pont d’Alma - Paris
10.11.17 SPECIAL - Incest, Rape, Sexual Assault, Sex Addiction, Stage Production, New York New Work Theatre Festival, Broadway Showcase, New York Ensemble Cast, Semi-Finalist, Duke Theatre 42nd Street - New York
3.12.18 SPECIAL- Dramatic Scripted Reading – ‘Male’/LGBTQAI+ Actors reading ‘Female’ Roles
Theatre of Note, Hollywood
8.25.17 SPECIAL - Dramatic Scripted Reading – ‘Female’ Leads, Hudson Theatre Guild, Chelsea - New York
9.10-15.09 SPECIAL Stage Production – Audience Awards Best Play, Best Director, 5 Best Lesbian Actors, Fringe Festival
1.21.17 TRIANGLES – Witnesses of the Holocaust - -Art Installation, Solo Theatre Performance, - Leslie Lohman Museum of Gay & Lesbian Art, Spring Street Performance Space, SoHo - New York, Theatre for Human Rights - Washington D.C.
6.11.1998 - Starving My Mother to Sleep - Incest & Family Values – Art Installation, Solo Theatrical Performance
Matrix Gallery – Sacramento, CA
9.1995 - A World for Peace: A Peace in Our Time- Solo Theatrical Performance, Tiananmen Square – Beijing, China
U.N. Intl. Conference on Women Sacred Circle - Sacred Sites - The Great Wall of China – Huairou, China
11.1994 - The Re-Definition of Home: An End to the Legacy of Poverty – Art Installation 14th St 309 Gallery - NYC
1989-1993 - And No One Heard Me Scream – Solo Theatrical Performance Dixon Place, Boston Museum, Ceres Gallery, CAA Sheraton Conference Washington DC, Creative Time, Inc., Brooklyn Anchorage - NYC
7.1985 - Reaching Common Ground - I Did Not Come to Africa to Die, - Paa Ya Paa Arts Centre - Nairobi, Kenya
8.1982 - 40: The Balance of Aging – Art Installation and Interactive Theatrical Performance Katz Studio - Oakland, CA
The Forgotten – The Tank Art & Performance Space New York 2019, Paris 2018
President and Rogers – Crown Heights, New York November 2017
Two Days In January – Washington D.C. January 2017
Triangles-Witnesses of The Holocaust, Leslie Lohman Museum of Gay & Lesbian Art Prince Street Project, SoHo, January 27th 2017
Until That Last Breath! The Global Face of Women with HIV/AIDS
Byerly Gallery, Harvard University September 8- May 15th 2009, Art in Embassies, American Embassy Togo, West Africa 1995
The Brooklyn Museum 1993, The New Museum of Contemporary Art January 1- March 31st 1989
SOMAR Arts, San Francisco 1987
Everything I Know … I Learned in the Movies
Bank of America Concourse Gallery, San Francisco, CA April 5th- June 5th 2001
The Oakland Museum, CA 2000
Saul Zaentz Media Center, The French Hotel, Muse Media Center 1999
Starving My Mother to Sleep, MATRIX Gallery, Sacramento, CA 1998
Don’t Call Me Honey: Women and Their Work September 29th-October 31st 1995
United States Dept. of the Interior National Historic Park for Women’s Rights, Seneca Falls
The Greensboro County Historical Museum, Greensboro, North Carolina 1994
California History Center & Foundation, Cupertino, CA, Cornell University, NYC 1993
Survivors! The Sitting Room-Ruma Village, East Africa La Galleria, San Francisco, CA 1994
On Fire! Faggots, Fairies, Dykes & Queens - Fire Island, New York – Spectra Gallery, NYC 1986
In Passing: Lucy Lee Leonard, The Joseph Dee Museum, San Francisco 1983
Strap ‘Em Down! The World of Drag Kings Paul Gabriel Art Gallery Historical Society 2003
Urban Landscapes, The Oakland Museum, Citicorp Bank, LIMN Gallery- San Francisco 1985
Reaching Common Ground: United Nations End of the Decade, Gallery Nairobi, Kenya 1985
Cornell University Gallery, NYC, Afro-American Cultural Society, Fort Mason, SF 1986
Dykes and Their Dogs, Atlas Gallery, San Francisco 1980
1987-1997 The Library of Congress, The Smithsonian Institution National Museum of American History, Washington
Simon Lowinsky Gallery NYC, Ira Michael Heyman, Chancellor U.C. Berkeley, William B. Hunt-New York, Monique Goldstrom, NYC SONY Pictures Theatre Collection, Deutsch Inc. NYC, Michael Toby Solomon, Esq. Tower Records, Leslie Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art - NYC, The New Museum of Contemporary Art, The Schlesinger Library on The History of Women - Harvard University
2018 Art In America, Art News, 1995 LIFE Magazine Centerfold,1975, 1980, 1985, 1990 Ms. Magazine, 1989USA Today, 1989 NY Newsday, 1989 Rizzoli, 1989, 1999 The Village Voice, 1970 Artweek, 1989 The New York Times
2021 Welcome Back Maggie Peyton Gallery NYC, 2019 Bridging the Gap-All Nation of Art, 2019, AIR Gallery, New York, 2019 Art After Stonewall, Grey Art Museum, New York, Leslie Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art, SOHO, Silence = Death 2017, A Deeper Dive, Expanded Visions 2017, Leslie Lohman Museum, SOHO, Art AIDS America 2017-2016: Tacoma Art Museum, Georgia State Museum, SFMOMA, WEHO Gallery LA, Bronx Museum of Art, Alpha Museum Chicago, OFF SITE- Mercedes Benz-NY, Queer Migrations-NYC Progress of World’s Women UN, American Faces US Embassy Sarajevo, Bosnia, Troubling Customs, Ontario Design Center, Gay Art Tampa Museum of Art, AIDS Timeline, Wadsworth Anthenaeum, Eyes of Women, China World Trade, Beijing, China, Queer in The Year 2000 – Parsons/Aronson-PSDX, Unarmed Revolutionaries-Artists/Art/Social Change Consortium – MN, Global Focus-NMWA,D.C., Fax Art, Lee Link Arts Int III, Gunma, Japan, Kunst Und AIDS, Stadt Bibliothek, Hanover/Munich, Saints & Survivors in A Time of Plague, Lowinsky, Dwellings of Introspection, Center for Contemporary Art, Intl Women Artists Italy, Sweden, Royal Society Bath UK, California Women – Riverside Art Museum Living With AIDS – Social Movement Gallery, TN & Nexus-Atlanta, Women, An Historical Perspective, Transamerica-Occidental, International, Delaware Center for The Arts, Women in The Mainstream World’s Fair-New Orleans, Indomitable Spirit ICP NY/LA, The Other, Houston Center, Family Values, White Columns, Women In America-MN/Riverside Art Museum, Other, Galeria de la Raza, NEOQUEER-Seattle Ctr Contemporary Arts, Holocaust Remembrance Day Ravensbruck Camp Memorial 2021.
The Lila Wallace - Reader’s Digest International Artist Fellowship 1992/3, U. S. Dept of Labor, Region II - Women’s Bureau, Nelson B. Delavan Foundation 1995, Mid - Atlantic Arts Foundation, Downtown Community Television-A.I.R.1985, AmFAR-American Foundation for AIDS Research 1986, Creative Time, New York Public Art Fund Subway Sculptures 1988, Santa Fe Realty Corp, Pettus Crowe Foundation, Zellerbach Family Fund, Rainbow Fund and The L.J. Skaggs and Mary C. Skaggs, St. Monica’s Help at the Door 2004, SOS 2016, Puffin Foundation, Ltd., Art Matters, Inc., Episcopal Actors Guild Grant, Mayer Foundation Grant, BGC Grant, Haven Foundation Artist Grant, American Academy of Artists & Writers, Change, Inc, Women Photograph, Hire Her Back, Artist Fellowships.
Anne Katrine Senstad
How We Live Together, 2018, Wood, brushed brass aluminum, 35 x 38 x 1/2 in. / 88.9 x 96.5 x 1.3 cm. Edition of 3. (AKS0060) Courtesy of Yi Gallery, New York and the artist.
Anne Katrine Senstad is an interdisciplinary Norwegian-Amernican artist whose practice lies in the intersections of light sculpture, installation, immersive environments, photography, video, land and site-specific art. Senstad was raised in Singapore and Norway, today she lives and works between New York and Oslo. Having studied video art at the University of California at Berkeley and earned her BFA Honors in Photography from the Parsons School of Design, she went on to study film at the New School for Social Research in New York. Notable exhibitions include Radical Light (2021) at Seinajöki Kunsthall, Finland and Radical Light (2020) at Kai Art Center in Estonia, a monumental light environment accompanied by acclaimed composer JG Thirlwell’s sound composition, Music for Plutocracy at S12 Gallery, Norway (2021), How We Live Together, Yi Gallery, New York (2020), Seen Unseen (2018) at He Xiangning Art Museum in Shenzhen, China with an immersive light sculpture and color environment ELEMENTS II (2018); light art survey Through The Spectrum at Athr Gallery alongside James Turrell, Robert Irwin, Carlos Cruz Diez and Leo Villareal with ELEMENTS I (2018); the 55th (2013) and 56th (2015) Venice Biennales and Bruges Art and Architecture Triennale (2015). Her video work has been shown worldwide at Centre Pompidou, Haus Der Kultur Der Welt, Beirut Art Center, The Canadian Museum of Nature, Museum of Modern Art Ukraine, Dallas Aurora, Eva Peron Museum, Oslo Screen Festival and K4 Gallery.
My exhibition How We Live Together at Yi Gallery in Brooklyn, set to open in March 2020 was effected by the pandemic in numerous ways. First the gallery was closed so we carefully opened it in August 2020, and secondly, the whole exhibition concept changed from a societal theory based installation, to a humanistic and critical response to what we as New Yorkers were going through in the spring and summer of 2020. I developed the text piece, with the same title as the exhibition title, How We Live Together, in 2018 , a long time prior to the pandemic, based on the philosophical theories of Roland Barthes on ideorrythmic living formats in relation to societal structures and ideas of utopia, which in Barthes 1977 world, lies in tolerance of the fellow citizen – yet transformed the concept of isolated living formats, to responding to the crisis. The exhibition included 4 works: the wall text piece in a brass covered corporate signate asesthetic “ How We Live Together” , a neon wall work, “Ascension/Descension Graph” as a response to Cuomo's daily briefings on the numbers of hospitalized and deceased from Covid televised as a corporate graph, “Circle of Babel” plexiglass cultures seeking to unify pour separateness, and a short film in collaboration with acclaimed actor Bill Sage, famous from Amercian Psycho, Law & Order and much more, who performed a remote reading of a selection from Barthes book, and footage from our lives during the pandemic as a way to creatively process the isolation. The 10 minute short film can be viewed on request as it is password protected and has been screened with Streaming Museum in NY and Yi Gallery in 2020. There are 4 films in total in the How We Live Together short film series I created with Bill Sage.
The sculpture series Tower of Babel, was built during the early stages of the pandemic, while I also investigated historic art works of human and societal erosion. Mythology and iconic symbolism seemed to reflect our condition and the story of god, or a larger consciousness punishing the human race for its wickedness by separating us from our families and loved ones. The sculpture installation The Circle of Babel suggests a unifying togetherness of separated parts.
Kunsthalle Seinäjoki, Finland, Radical Light – Elements VI, June 16 – Sept 4, with a sound environment composed by JG Thirlwell. Organized in collaboration with Kai Art Center, Estonia and Art Promoction Center Finland. With support from the Royal Norwegian Embassy Helsingfors. www.seinajoentaidehalli.fi
S12 Gallery, Bergen, Norway, Music for Plutocracy, Opening Jan 15, 2021. www.s12.no
With a sound environment by JG Thirlwell.
Open Art Advisory, New York. On Eternity’s Tablets curated by Sarah Walko. Online solo exhibition. Nov 24 2020 – Feb 28 2021. www.openartadviisory.com
Patioo Monoroom, Sotogrande, Spain, The Sensory Chamber, incl sound by JG Thirlwell. Sept 17 – Dec 17, 2020. Curated by Camilla and Firouz FarmanFarmain. https://nouvellevagueartspaces.com
Yi Gallery, Brooklyn, New York, How We Live Together, July 17 – Aug 15, 2020 Curated by Cecilia Jalboukh. Exhibition program includes a short film release with acclaimed actor Bill Sage Utopie/Utopia, 2020.
Uj Kriterion Galeria, Miercurea Cuic, Transylvania, Romania. Trans/essence, April 2 – July 11, Curated by Botond Reszegh. Exhibition catalogue, essay Gary Snyder.
KAI Art Center, Tallin, Estonia, Radical Light, Jan 26 – July 5. ELEMENTS IV, including sound by JG Thirlwell.
Freight and Volume Gallery, New York, Hyperborea, Jan 9 – Feb 12. Organzied by Nick Lawrence. Exhibition catalogue, essays Sarah Walko, Nick Lawrence.
SL Gallery, New York. Beckoned to Blue, With sound by CC Hennix. Curated by Tony Long and William Schwinghammer. April 3 – May 31,2019
The Yard. New York. From Other Worlds, Curated by Sarah Crown
May 2– August 21, 2018
Trafo Kunsthall, Asker, Norway. Soft Geometry, Jan 13 – Feb 25.
Organized by Knut Blomstrøm.
K4 Galleri, Oslo, Norway. TIME BEYOND PLACE, video,14.25 min loop, sound composed by JG Thirlwell. Sept 29 – Oct 12, 2017. Curated by Bjørn Hatterud.
Good Children Gallery, New Orleans. UltraModerne. Jan 14 – Feb 5
Curated by Generic Art Solutions
Athr Gallery, January 6-30. The Infinitesimal, Curated by Jumana Gouth. Sound composed by Catherine.C. Hennix.
El Magazen Dell’Arte, 56th Venice Biennale, May 9 – June 30, 2015.The Vanity of Vanities, curated by Dr Roberta Semeraro, organized by RO.SA.M.
Zhulong Gallery, Dallas, TX. Color Gamut, Feb 8 - March 6. Curated by Aja Martin
SALT (Saltarelli Salong), Oslo, Norway. State of Space, curated by Bjørn Hatterud, Sept 4 – Oct 10, 2013
St Brigid's Centre for the Arts, Ottawa, CA. Site Specific installation at St Brigids Cathedral Kinesthesia for Saint Brigid, with sound by JG Thirilwell, Curated by Celina Jeffery
Utsikten Kunstsenter, Norway. Kinesthesia in Kvinesdal, Sound by JG Thirlwell, Curated by Torill Haugen
ThisIsNotAgallery, Buenos Aires. The Infinity of Colour, Curated by Carlos Baragali
Stiftelsen 3,14 Kunsthall. Is Her Name Red?, Bergen, Norway, Curated by Malin Barth.
Eva Peron Museum, The Reason for my Life, curated by Carlos Baragali and Andrew Utt
KK Projects, New Orleans, The Sugarcane Labyrinth, Site Specific, 1,4 Acre Agricultural Landart, March-Dec 2009, Theriot, Louisiana
KK Projects, New Orleans, Real Estate Representation, Site Specific installation, March-Oct 2009, curated by KK Projects
The Lab for Performance and installation Art, Diaspora USA Chapter, curated by KJ Bajsa
Gallery Nine5, NY, Translating Raw, Curated by Sebastien LePelletier
Zendai MOMA, Shanghai, Light Words, White Neon, curated by Lies Coppens
Houston Center for Photography, TX, Light Writes Always in Plural, Curated by Madeline Yale,
Björn Ressle Gallery, New York, Light Writes Always in Plural , Curated by Björn Ressle
Trygve Lie Gallery, New York, The Norwegians, w/ artist book release
Galleri JMS, Oslo, Norway, ONE, Curated by Birgitte Schiøth
Welcome Back, Maggi Peyton Gallery, Manhattan Borough Presidents Office, New York. Curated by Jean Sonderand. Oct 4 - Dec 8, 2021
Carriagetrade, NY, New York: Social Photography VI, July 15 - Sept 1, 2021. Curated by Peter Scott.
Brusfabrikken, Kragerø, Norway: Hjerte til Hjerte, July 10 – Aug 10, 2021. Curated by Rina Beldo and Erikka Fyrrand. Suported by Arts Council Norway.
Streaming Museum, New York Digital Dynamics: New Ways of Art, Aug 27-Sept 30. Curated by Tanja Toft Ag and Nina Colosi.
Airmattress Gallery, New York, Born Again Virgin, Aug 8 – Sept 7, 2020.. Curated by Mark DeMuro and Ben Peterson.
Art of the Quarentine, YI Gallery on ARTSY.net, April 10 – June 10, 2020
Galleri Del Campo, Wijster, The Netherlands. COSMOSIS COLLAGES, June 23 – Sept 22, 2019. Curated by Wim Melis.
Yi Gallery, Kind of Green, NY, New York. June 1-June 11. Curated by Cecilia Jalboukh Noorderlich House of Photography, Groningen, Holland. March/April 2019. IN VIVOTempo-The Nature of Nature. Curated by Wim Melis. Anne Senstad, Chris Jordan, Evan Roth, Christine Seely, Helen Sear.
He XiangNing Museum, Shenzhen, Scene/Unseen .Dec 1, 2018 – March 3, 2019.
Octavia Art Gallery Houston, 10 Years 10 Artists, Nov 8, 2018 – Jan 4, 2019 Curated by Georgia Fox and Kasey Short.
Octavia Art Gallery, 10 Years 10 Artists, New Orleans. Aug 2 – Sept 29, 2018
Athr Gallery, Through The Spectrum, May 28 – Aug 31, 2018. Anne Senstad, James Turrell, Robert Irwin, Leo Villareal, Timo Nasseri, Carlos Cruz-Diez, Nasser Al-Salem. Curated by Afia Bin-Taleb and Mohammed Hafiz.
Airmattress Gallery, New York, Summer Lovin, July 20-Sept 9, 2018, Curated by Mark DeMuro and Ben Peterson.
Airmattress Gallery,, New York, 2D or Not 2D, May 1 – July 10, 2018. Curated by Mark DeMuro and Ben Peterson
A:Code.org.uk: Nordic DeLight, Light Art festival, London. Jan 13-28. Curated by Vassiliki Tzanakou. Showing Color Synesthesia VI, 2015. Sound by Catherine Christer Hennix.
Øya Festivalen – Kunst på Øya, Aug 8-12, Oslo, Norway. GOLD GUIDES ME – Capitalism in the Public Realm. Curated by Alexander Rishaug and Kyrre Karlsen.
Knockdown Center, NY. Nasty Women, Jan 12-15, exhibition and fundraising for Planned Parenthood. Curated by Jessamyn Fiore and Roxanne Jackson.
Carriage Trade, NY, Socal Photography IV July 11- Sept 17. Organized by Peter Scott.
Shoot Gallery, Oslo, OSLO+PARIS, Oct 29 – Dec 18. Anne Senstad, Per Maning, Tom Sandberg, Eric Antoine. Curated by Helene Gulaker-Hansen.
Bærum Kunsthall, Norway, Everything Else is Too Narrow. Anne Senstad, Christine Istad, Anna-Marit Staurseth. Oct 12-30. Curated by Sarah Walko.
Sonic Architecture/Sonica Festival, Museum of Transitory Art, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Sept 27 – Oct 1, curated by Martin Bricelj Baraga/MoTa.
One Art Space, NY. The Best Thought I Had, Opening April 22. Curated by Georgia Harrell and Suzanne Levesque.
Views, Manama,Kingdom of Bahrain, March 10-25. Organized by Sharabi & Stafford. Video installation. Under the patronage of Shaikh Rashid bin Khalifa al Khalifa.
Dallas Aurora Festival – The Synesthesia Edition, Oct 18th, 2015. Immersive site specific projection installation at St Pauls Methodist Church, Dallas. Sonoptic Parallels – The Infinitesimal, 2014. Curated by Julia Kaganskiy, New Museum, NY.
Joshua Treenial, California, May 22-26th, curated by Dr KJ Baysa and Bernard Leibov. Organized by Honolulu Biennial and Boxoprojects.
Bruges Art and Architecture Triennial, Belgium, May 20 to Oct 18 2015 .Curated by Michel Dewilde, Dr Manfred Sellnik, Till Holger Borchert and Lies Coppens.
Safina Radio Project, 56th Venice Biennale, Collateral Event. Curated by Anabelle de Gersigny, Organzed by Al Serkal Avenue Dubai, UAE. The Swamp, by Anne Senstad
Prospect 3 Satellite, The New Orleans Biennale, The Nature of Now, 25 Oct – 25 Feb 2015. Curated by Pamala Bishop
LIwa Art Hub – The Age of Transformation, Oct 30th, UAE, curated by Nasser Palangi
Abu Dhabi Art Hub, Artist residency and exhibition, Sonpotic Parallels – The Infinitesimal, in conjunction with ISEA Dubai2014. Nov 3rd 2014.
ISEA Dubai2014, Oct 30-Nov 8th. Interlacing Worlds, curated by Janet Bellotto
No Longer Empty, NY, Tears on a Coffin, Site specific performative installation Nov 4-16th. Conveying the Invisible – curated by Sarah Crown.
Light of Convergence, Oct 18th, Aurora, Dallas,TX. Colour Synesthesia IV – projection installation at The Cathedral Shrine of the Virgin of Guadeloupe.
The Metamorphoses of the Virtual - One Hundred Years of Art and Freedom, 55th International Art Exhibition La Beinnale di Venezia 2013 - Arte Eventi, Officina delle Zattere, June 1- Nov 1st 2013
Whitebox, NY–Art On The Beach, curated by Jee Won Kim
Museum of Modern Art of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine. Neurodiversity, curated by dr. KJ Baysa
Canandian Museum of Nature , Ottawa, Canada – PRETERNATURAL. Curated by Dr Celina Jeffery Ph.d. Nov 2011 – Feb 2012.
Björn Ressle Art Projects, New York, Winter Salon, Curated by Björn Ressle
Life is Art Foundation West, Sonoma, California, The River of Migration, permanent light installation, curated by KK Projects, Sept 2010.
VIBA, Video Arte Internacional Buenos Aires, w/ThisIsNotAGallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina, curated by Andrew Utt and Carlos Baragali
Elga Wimmer Gallery, NY, A Matter of Light, curated by Elga Wimmer
Zendai MOMA, Shanghai, Museum collection exhibition, curated by Lies Coppens
Perpetual Aart Machine, Utsikten Kunstsenter, Norway, curated by Iris Piers
Björn Ressle Gallery, New York, Works on Paper, Dec –Feb 1 2009
KK Projects, New Orleans Biennial – Prospect 1, Nov 10/2008- 01/25/2009
KK Projects, New Orleans, The Light House, curated by KK Projects
Bjorn Ressle Gallery, New York, Anne Senstad/Dan Flavin, Summer exhibition, 2007
Houston Center for Photography, TX, Antennae, curated by Madeline Yale
Art Mine. Port Hadlock , WA, Square One, curated by Eric Swangstu
Art: Pulse, NY , curated by Dr Koan Jeff Baysa
Paradigm Art, NY, 4 Artists, curated by Christina Kang
Trygve Lie Gallery, NY, Sheer Veil – Three points of view, curated by Turid Meeker
HVVCA, Peekskill, NY, The Peekskill Project, curated by KJ Baysa
Galleri JMS, Oslo, Galleriets Kunstnere, curated by Birgitte Schiøth
Galleri JMS, Oslo, Norway, Plexi, curated by Birgitte Schiøth
Vestfossen Kunstlabratorium, Norway , School of 2003. Curated by Birgitte Schiøth
Transientnyc, New York “Anne Senstad and Matthew Abbott”, curated by Laura Raisanen
Heiberg Cummings, New York, “Red”, curated by Turid Meeker 2002
Noorderlicht, The Netherlands, “Mundos Creados”, curated by Wim Melis
Gary Snyder Fine Art, New York, Works on Paper, curated by Gary Snyder
Robin Rule Gallery, Denver – CO, Semblance, curated by Robin Rule 2001
Gale Gates Gallery, New York, Serial number, curated by Lauren Ross
Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, Norway, Høstutstillingen 1997
Gary Snyder Fine Art, New York, A new Naturalism, curated by Gary Snyder
Gary Snyder Fine Art, New York, Affinities, curated by Gary Snyder 1995
The Munch Museum, Oslo, Norway, Annual National Photography Exhibition
2016 – Shortlisted: NYC EDC, NYC Parks and recreation, NYC Arts Council, The New Stapleton Waterfront public art commission, Staten Island, NY
2010 – Bowling Green State University, Ohio State Percent for Art Program/Snøhetta Architects,The Wolfe Center for Performance Arts – Permanent publicart commission
St Brigid’s Art Center,Ottawa, Canada, 2012 – On installation and Projection, 2011
ArtTalks: Anne Senstad, 2009, Bowling Green State University,Ohio
Bærum Kunsthall, Norway October 27 2016: Artist talk with curator Sarah Walko in conjunction with the exhibition And Everything Else is Too Narrow.
The Mosaic Rooms, London, August 24th, 2017. Lecture on TIME BEYOND PLACE – The Cultural Bridge, a cross cultural platform for women artists established by Anne Senstad in Saudi Arabia in 2016.
Corcoran School of Art and Design George Washington University, Washington DC, on TIME BEYOND PLACE as part of WISAL symposium on cross cultural initiatives. Organized by ITHRA Dec 4, 2017.
Is Blue the calmest color – SL Gallery, An artist dialogue with Sarah Walko and Anne Senstad on the occasion of UNESCO’s International Day of Light, May 16, 2019.
Trafo Kunsthall Norway, On Light Art, an educational lecture series, Nov. 2020
S12 Galleri, Bergen, Artist talk with historian Erik Meling. Music for Plutocracy, 1/6, 2021
Arlene Schulman
Mask Up Uptown series with Juan Ignacio Rosa / Rene de los Santos /Temple Kemezis and Derek Ratzenboeck / Lisbel Martinez
Arlene Schulman was born in a tiny hamlet called the Bronx and grew up in the Linden Houses in the East New York neighborhood of Brooklyn. She currently resides on the island of Manhattan. As a writer, photographer, and all-around creative person, her published books include the award winning The Prizefighters: An Intimate Look at Champions and Contenders; 23rd Precinct: The Job; and Cop on the Beat. Her writing and short films can be found on her website, ArlenesScratchPaper, and on her YouTube channel, ArleneSchulman123.
Mask Up Uptown was produced during the early stages of the pandemic to remind people to wear a mask. Uptown neighbors were pressed into action to illustrate this important message.
Brenda Berkman
"2021," 8"x10" framed, 2021, two-stone lithograph print, drawn and printed by the artist
In 1982, Brenda Berkman won her landmark sex discrimination case against the New York City Fire Department and became one of the FDNY’s first women firefighters. For 25 years, she served the City as a firefighter and fire officer, rising to the rank of Captain. A PBS documentary about her career “Taking the Heat” can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6l56ShNMAE&t=63s She continues to mentor girls and young women both in firefighting and other non-traditional work and is also a volunteer tour guide on the 9-11 Memorial.
On retiring from the FDNY in 2006, knowing nothing about drawing or printmaking, Brenda decided to study printmaking at the Art Students League, where she quickly fell in love with stone lithography. Part of the WNET documentary about the League, Berkman has always been eager to collaborate with other League artists. She created a collaborative art project commemorating the tenth anniversary of 9/11 involving 12 other artists connected to the League. After an exhibition at Westbeth, that group of works was then collected and exhibited by the League. For the 15th anniversary of 9/11 in 2016, Berkman created “Thirty-six Views of One World Trade Center,” to document the rebuilding of lower Manhattan after 9-11. Drawing and printing hundreds of stone lithograph prints of 36 iconic views of the new One World Trade Center over the course of three years (averaging a print per month!), Berkman’s series was collected by the 9/11 Memorial and Museum and is currently the subject of a solo exhibition at St. Olaf College on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of 9/11. A news story about her artist talk can be found at https://kstp.com/minnesota-news/september-11-2001-exhibit-at-saint-olaf-college-altered-skyline-brenda-berkman/6240618/ Her book about Thirty-six Views was published in September.
A short video about the Thirty-six Views project is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7Bp7LXlf2M&feature=youtu.be
Berkman is the featured artist for the 2021 White House Fellows conference this October.
Berkman serves on the Board of Directors of Monumental Women (MW), dedicated to honoring women and people of color in public spaces. On the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment on August 26, 2020, she coordinated the unveiling of MW’s Women’s Rights Pioneers Monument (WRPM) in the midst of the pandemic, the first statue of real women in the 167-year history of Central Park. The unveiling ceremony can be watched at https://monumentalwomen.org/ and more information is at https://monumentalwomen.org/the-unveiling/ She also coordinated MW’s Talking Statues project for the WRPM, an app featuring the voices of Meryl Streep, Jane Alexander and Viola Davis (English), and Rita Moreno, America Ferrara and Zoe Saldana (Spanish). Monumental Women’s projects include a “toolkit” to help more communities honor women in public spaces and a 5-borough Women’s Rights History Trail.
In March 2020 when the Covid pandemic shut down art studios all over New York City, stone lithograph printmakers like me did not have options to continue our printmaking – we had no access to the litho stones, presses and other equipment we need. Even when vaccination was possible and studios started to reopen with limitations, I still had health concerns about mass transit, infection rates, etc. that made me hesitant to fully embrace resuming artmaking. For one of my first images after returning to the studio, I drew a small stone to resemble a cave, with nooks and openings that reminded me of how I felt being separated from most family and friends. Two little eyes peering out of the “cave” express the hesitancy I still feel about resuming normal activities. The surrounding green vegetation is inviting and symbolic of hope and renewal.
Collaborative art project I organized commemorating the tenth anniversary of 9-11
http://www.ny1.com/content/top_stories/145297/artists-bring-9-11-inspired-works-to-west-village?ap=1&MP4 (2011)
Thirty-six Views exhibit at DC 37 gallery (2016)
"From Lawyer to Firefighter to Artist" exhibit at the Charles P. Sifton Gallery, US District Court Eastern District (Brooklyn) (2018)
Selected as one of five featured printmakers by the New York Print Club (2019)
Numerous radio interviews about my art including on NPR and by the Women’s Media Center https://www.wnyc.org/story/brenda-berkman-september-11-responder-firefighter-artist/
"Altered Skylines" solo art show Flaten Gallery, St. Olaf College (2021)
Multiple exhibits at the Art Students League (2007-present)
Carla Lobmier
Flip Book, March 2020, watercolor/graphite on paper with vellum overlay (watercolor/graphite), 2020, 46"x36"
Halo, graphite/mixed on paper with vellum overlay (graphite/mixed), 15"x12", 2020
Illinois native Carla Lobmier was awarded an APEX Studio NYC residency in 1999, prompting her move to NYC. Since 2000 she has lived and worked in Jackson Heights, Queens. Her paintings, drawings and mixed media pieces have been exhibited at the Queens Museum, Langston Hughes Cultural Center, Resobox Gallery, NYC; The Buckman Center, Memphis, TN; as well as site-specific watercolor installations for the Mid-Manhattan Library, NYC. Grace In Dwelling, her companion book to the art of the same title, was published by Ragged Sky Press on the occasion of this piece exhibited at the Queens Museum. Shaping the Container, her art/movement piece was supported by a Queens Council for the Arts 2018 New Works Grant. She is a recipient of a 2021 NYC City Artist Corps Grant.
Concentration is disciplined, requiring practice.
I am a visual artist, primarily. I paint and draw. My studio practice languished with the pandemic’s escalation here in NYC where I live and work, so the necessary concentration came hard. Making the piece, “Flip Book, March 2020,” was the means to move through my inertia and give my thoughts and hands a place of focus.
Most mornings early in the pandemic my husband and I took long walks to Flushing Meadows - Corona Park in our home borough of Queens. We plotted a route skirting contact with people, arriving at the park consoled to be in such open space. Quite possibly, the landscape in FM-CP was the largest, unoccupied panorama in NYC during that spring. The Unisphere, commissioned for the 1964-65 World’s Fair, became a fixture of my study. Designed by Gilmore D. Clarke, the steel monument represents the world’s continents and major mountain ranges in relief and is encircled by three rings that represent the orbits of early satellites. As my perception of the monument changed with light and weather conditions, I was unfailingly fascinated. I drew this motif as a landmark in Flip Book’s composition, next painting an over-sized microscopic coronavirus overhead a draped torso (me). Beneath this vellum layer is a second paper layer with a painted shadowy figure encircled by text and continuous calendar numbers.
The text reads:
December November Octo
Octobet October No ember
Dee rember Janu Can uary
Feb February March March
March Fevery January
June May April Apart May B
Maybe Maybe Jump July A
August September See
See Ember Ag
A Gust July Why
Jump June May A
Maypole May Pop Hop
Hop Hop Jump
Flip Book
The circle of our walks to the Unisphere intersected the orbit of changing information transmitting the world’s pandemic condition. The studio became a satellite in these rings – a space to process and make something of my finite movement.
Although my studio is only one flight down from my home floor in my building, I still take a big breath, open the door, and hurry down the stairs.
Shaping the Container, Art-Movement/Queens Arts Fund New Works Grant, NYC (2018)
Scrolling Confluence, Art in the Corner Room, Mid-Manhattan Library, NYC (2016)
Scrolling Confluence: Supernova, Art Wall on Third, Mid-Manhattan Library, NYC (2016)
Love Letter (to Light), Levy Gallery, The Buckman Center, Memphis, TN (2014)
Dirt, rock and far views, Langston Hughes Library and Community Center, NYC (2014)
Not so fast, Resobox Gallery, NYC (2012)
Residency, APEX ART C.P., NYC (1999)
Turn your back, it’s gone, Memphis Center for Contemporary Art, Memphis, TN (1989)
New Pictures, Grae Gallery, St. Louis, MO (1988)
Stitch, Memphis College of Art, Memphis, TN (1986)
Organic Configurations, Olney Central College, Olney, IL (1980)
All Things Paper, Raiches Taller 222 Art Gallery, Tucson, AZ (2021)
Drawings in the Time of Renewal, LIC-A, NYC (2021)
Aqua Sagrada, Raíces Taller 222 Art Gallery, Tucson, AZ (2021)
FAME, Ivy League Gallery, Minneapolis, MN (2021)
Color Blind, Cultural Alliance of Western Connecticut, Danbury, CT (2021)
Mujeres, Mujeres, Mujeres Artists 2021, Raices Taller 222 Art Gallery, Tucson, AZ (2021)
OverThinker, Tyme Lapse Studio Gallery, London, UK (2021)
Artists Responding To Gallery, London, UK (2021)
Roche Faces of a Community, Southern Arizona Arts & Culture Alliance, AZ (2021)
Process -> Project: What Comes Out of Our Sketchbooks, Jamaica Center for the Arts & Learning, NYC, (2021)
Small Works, Clarksville Gallery, West Nyack, NY, (2021-2020)
Regalitos, Raices Taller 222 Gallery, Tucson, AZ, (2021-2020)
What Matters Most, The Artist Essentials, (2020)
Corazones Unidos, Raices Taller 222 Gallery, Tucson, AZ, (2020)
Pride In Bloom, PFLAG Rockland, Rockland County, NY, (2020)
USPS Art Project, Ely Center of Contemporary Art, New Haven, CT, (2020)
The USPS Art Project, Pelham Art Center, NYC, (2020)
New York State of Mind, Inside Small Art Exhibition, NYC, (2020)
Drawings In A Time of Social Distancing, LIC-A, NYC, (2020)
Art Like Air and Water: Mobile Zine & Artist Book Library, Southeast Queens Artist Alliance, NYC (2019)
Diary of a Radio Junkie, Guest Artist, Frosch and Portmann, NYC (2019)
First Radio Headlines Heard of the Day, Guest Artist, Esther Massry Gallery, Albany, NY (2019)
OFF THE WALL, The Plaxall Gallery, NYC (2019)
Fall Forward, The Factory, NYC (2018)
I Dream in Blue and Green, The Factory, NYC (2018)
Resistance, Jersey City Theater Center, Jersey City, NJ (2018)
Disillusionment – Perspectives Beyond, Taller Boricua Gallery, NYC (2018)
Queens Art Intervention: Dwelling, commissioned intervention/piece, Queens Museum, NYC (2017-18)
Fall Salon Show 2017, The Plaxall Gallery, NYC (2017)
The Art of the Garden, The Lazarus Gallery, New Rochelle, NY (2017)
Pop-Up, Queens Arts Council, NYC (2017)
I catch the pattern, Langston Hughes Library and Community Center, NYC (2015)
I catch the pattern, LIC ARTS OPEN 5, NYC (2015)
Summer Show, Guild Hall, East Hampton, NY (2015)
Winter, Hamptons Art Hub, East Hampton, NY (2015)
Local Color, Jamaica Center for the Arts & Learning, NYC (2014)
Roots/Drawing Connections, MSKCC In-Fusion Center, NYC, 12-month loan (2013)
Bridging the Gap, LaGuardia Community College, NYC (2013)
Bridging the Gap, Flushing Town Hall, NYC (2013)
Virtual Delight, Melissa Wolf Fine Arts, NYC (2013)
SQUARE, Space Womb Gallery, NYC (2013)
Natural Elements, Memorial Sloan-Kettering, NYC, 18-month loan (2013-14)
BIG QUEENS DRAWING SHOW, Jamaica Center for the Arts & Learning, NYC (2012)
Backlash, Soho 20 Chelsea Gallery, NYC (2012)
Bloom Time, Space Realty Group, NYC (2012)
Women in Art/Film 2012, Queens Museum of Art, NYC (2012)
Words Become Air, Space Realty Group, NYC (2012)
A Sense of Place, Space Realty Group, NYC (2011)
ARTSPoetica, A-Lab Forum, Crossing Gallery, NYC (2011)
Square Exhibition, Space Womb Gallery, NYC (2010)
BABEL, Space 37, NYC (2010)
Oncology on Canvas International, Union Station, Washington D.C. (2010)
Oncology on Canvas International, Altman Building, NYC (2009) (2008)
The Tax Form Project, Cynthia Braun Gallery, NYC (2009)
The Impermanent Collection, The ‘temporary Museum of Painting, NYC (2005)
Stu-di-ous, Upstairs at Dish, NYC (2004)
Cambridge Art Association National, Cambridge, MA (2002)
RED, Gallery 118, NYC (2002)
YELLOW, Gallery 118, NYC (2002)
BLUE, Gallery 118, NYC (2002)
Artist at Work, The New Century Artists Gallery, NYC (2001)
A Shared Journey, Greater Lafayette Museum of Art, Lafayette, IN (2001)
13th Biennial Drawing/Watercolor: Illinois, Tarble Arts Center, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL (2001)
WinterThaw National, Gallery 510, Decatur, IL (2000)
45th Annual Paris Juried, Paris Bicentennial Art Museum, Paris, IL (1999)
55th Annual, Sheldon Swope Museum, Terre Haute, IN (1999)
53rd Illinois State, Capital Center, Springfield, IL (1999)
St. Charles Art and Music Festival National, Dellora A. Norris Cultural Arts Center, Chicago, IL (1999)
12th Biennial Drawing/Watercolor: Illinois, Tarble Arts Center, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL (1998)
PAINT SEEN, Dellora A. Norris Cultural Arts Center, Chicago, IL (1998)
Yeiser 98, Yeiser Art Center, Paducah, KY (1998)
Art for Sale, Fort Wayne Museum of Art, Fort Wayne, IN (1998)
Fine Line National, Dellora A. Norris Cultural Arts Center, Chicago, IL (1998)
art & soul, ART St. LOUIS, St. Louis, MO (1998)
Paint Illinois, Paris Bicentennial Art Museum, Paris, IL (1998)
Gesture as Value, NYC (1998)
Gesture as Value, Bordesholm, Germany (1998)
Summer, Steinbocks Gallery, Chicago, IL (1998)
Paint Illinois, Paris Bicentennial Art Museum, Paris, IL (1997)
St. Charles Art and Music Festival National, Dellora A. Norris Cultural Arts Center, Chicago, IL (1997)
Rhythm and Rhyme, GALLERY TEN, Chicago, IL (1997)
Paducah ’97 National, Yeiser Arts Center, Paducah, KY (1997)
43rd Annual Paris Juried, Paris Bicentennial Art Museum, Paris, IL (1997)
53rd Annual, Sheldon Swope Museum, Terre Haute, IN (1997)
Gesture as Value, Franziska Pia Gallery, Bern Switzerland (1997)
Harper National Print and Drawing, William Rainey Harper College, Chicago, IL (1996)
Cora Jane Glasser
The Party's Over (Fiesta Flag #2), 2021, 30 x 22, Oil on Arches oil paper
The Party's Over (Fiesta Flag #4), 2021, 30 x 22, Oil on Arches oil paper
The Party's Over (Fiesta Flag #5), 2021, 30 x 22, Oil on Arches oil paper
IG: @corajaneglasser
FB: Cora Jane Glasser
Cora Jane Glasser is a third generation New Yorker, born in Brooklyn and residing in Manhattan. She received her education in New York City public schools, earned her degree at Queens College and received further art education at the Arts Students League.
Glasser’s family history is deeply entrenched in the history of the City. Her father’s family worked in a building trade, and her mother’s in the garment and entertainment industries. Her personal generational connection to the City and its growth gives her a layered, archaeological view of it that is reflected in her work. Recently, she has worked on a commission for the production of permanent artwork onto architectural glass for a building in Queens, and created a monumental installation for a group exhibit at FIT inspired by these influences. Her work has been shown in numerous solo and group shows nationally and internationally, and is held in private, corporate and municipal collections.
Glasser works from her studio in South Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
While wandering my neighborhood during the pandemic, I sadly took note of the emptiness. I passed the location of a restaurant where for decades my family had celebrated happy occasions; it was like a gut-punch to see that it had closed. My head swimming with memories, I peered inside and beyond the darkness I saw only ghostly furnishings. Wanting to hold onto something that I knew was already out of reach, I stood up against the window and took some photos through the glass – not expecting much. The photos, however, unexpectedly captured reflections of translucent layered images that appeared to be floating into the ether. I knew that when I got back into the studio I would somehow paint these images. The Party’s Over is a series of paintings inspired by this and the many closings of familiar and beloved spots in NYC neighborhoods as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Fiesta Flags, playful ubiquities in Mexican restaurants, are depicted as lost objects, shadows and reflections, emblematic of the disappearances and losses we have experienced. On the bright side, over the month we have seen the streets of New York come alive, and we can even see Fiesta Flags beckoning again.
CAUSALITY, Atlantic Gallery, (pending Nov.), curated by Kim Power
WELCOME BACK, Maggi Peyton Gallery, New York, NY
WOMEN CELEBRATE WOMEN, El Barrio Art Space, New York, NY
ROOTED, Greenly Art Space, Signal Hill, CA
MADE IN NEW YORK, Schweinfurth Art Center, Auburn, NY, juror, Sharon Loudon
CONNECTIONS V, Atlantic Gallery, New York, NY
REFRESH!, Organized by Odetta Digital in collaboration with the SHIM Art Network on Artsy
PAGE TURNER, Organized by Odetta Digital in collaboration with the SHIM Art Network on Artsy
USPS ART PROJECT, A multi-venue traveling exhibit, Greenly Art Space, CA
SEA CHANGE, Organized by Odetta Digital in collaboration with the SHIM Art Network on Artsy
PANDEMIC PROOF, Organized by Odetta Digital in collaboration with the SHIM Art Network on Artsy
ESSENTIAL WORKS, Organized by Odetta Digital in collaboration with the SHIM Art Network on Artsy
USPS ART PROJECT, a multiple venue traveling exhibit, Pelham Art Center, Pelham, NY; Ely Center for Contemporary Art, New Haven, CT; Sunset Studios, Dallas, TX; Art Gym, Denver, Denver, CO; inLiquid, Philadelphia PA
PICTURING SPACE, FIT Pomerantz Center Lobby, NYC (installation)
ALLEYWAY ARCHAEOLOGY: SLOW SPACES BETWIXT AND BETWEEN, An exhibition of art and artifacts in conjunction with the Department of Anthropology, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York (installation; collaboration)
MADE IN NEW YORK, Avelon’ARTS, Lavelanet, France
SPACES, Long Island City, NY
ADAPTATIONS 2, Goodhue House Lobby Gallery, NY (solo)
CAUTIOUS OPTIMISM, Fitton Center for Creative Arts, Hamilton, OH (installation)
WHEN LANGUAGE MEETS ART, The Louise Hopkins Underwood Center for the Arts, Lubbock, TX
A DIFFERENT VISION, Plymouth Center for the Arts, Plymouth, MA
ARTIST III EXHIBITION, Miller Gallery, Jamaica Center for Arts and Learning, NY
PAINTING AND SEEING, Univ. of NC, Wilmington, NC
HOME, Theresa A. Maloney Gallery, College of Saint Elizabeth, NJ
ADAPTATIONS, Goodhue House Lobby Gallery, NY (9/14-1/15) (solo)
BENEATH THE SURFACE, Art at First Gallery, NY (solo)
CORA JANE GLASSER, SELECTED WORKS, Roger Smith Hotel Lobby Gallery, NY (solo)
TRAJECTORIES, Gallery 61, NY Institute of Technology, NY (2 person)
ARCHI | TEXTURE: 2014, Living Room Gallery, NY (solo)
EXQUISITE, LabSpace, Hillsdale, NY
SPRING EXHIBIT, Dalton Gallery, Agnes Scott College, Decatur, GA
ARCHI | TEXTURE : NEW WORK, FXFOWLE Gallery, NY (2 person)
ARCHIVE OF UNREALIZED DREAMS, Gallery of the Institute Library, New Haven, CT
NURTUREart 2013, Bernarducci Meisel Gallery, NY
WORKING IT OUT, The Painting Center, NY
FOUNDATIONS, Blackney Hayes Architects Gallery, Philadelphia, PA (solo)
QUERY, James Oliver Gallery, Philadelphia, PA (solo)
ARCHI | TEXTURE, Broadway Suites, NY (2 person)
A SENSE OF PLACE, Holiday Inn Manhattan View, NY; Space Realty Group, NY
WORKSITES, Wachovia Bank, Corporate Real Estate Offices, NY (solo)
BERLIN BLUES, Julio Valdez Studio at AAF, NY (solo)
AN EXCHANGE WITH SOL LEWITT, Cabinet Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
THE ARCHITECTURE SHOW, James Oliver Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
URBAN VOIDS AND ABSENCES, Turn-Berlin Gallery, Berlin, Germany
LONG ISLAND CITY GRID, Acumen Capital Partners Lobby & Gallery Exhibition, NY
ENCAUSTIC: WAX AND IMAGE, Westchester Community College Center for the Arts, NY
BEAUTY AND ITS OPPOSITES, 301 Gallery, Montserrat Collage of Art, Beverly, MA
CONTEMPORARY CONNECTIONS, Katonah Museum of Art, Katonah, NY
COLOR KEY, The Painting Center, NY
TIMELESS, THE ART OF DRAWING, Morris Museum of Art, Morristown, NJ
ABSTRACT & GEOMETRIC, Woman Made Gallery, Chicago, IL
ANNUAL EXHIBIT, Artworks Gallery, Trenton, NJ
NEW AMERICAN TALENT, NINETEENTH EXHIBITION, Arthouse at the Jones Center, Austin, TX Juror: Jerry Saltz, traveling to: Texas A & M University Gallery and Wichita Falls Museum
SUMMER EXHIBIT, Godwin-Ternbach Museum, Queens College, NY
NIGHT AND DAY, Fairfield University Gallery, Fairfield, CT
TWENTY THIRD ANNUAL TRAVELING METRO SHOW, City Without Walls, Newark, NJ, traveling to : Johnson Free Public Library, Hackensack, NJ; Palmer Museum, Springfield NJ; B. Beemderfer Gallery, Highland Park, NJ; Ramapo College, Mahwah, NJ
MODERN PAINTINGS, Dezart One Gallery, Palm Springs, CA
FISH FOLLIES, Cordova Historical Museum,” Cordova, AK
22ND ANNUAL NATIONAL SMALL WORKS, Schoharie County Arts Council, Cobleskill, NY
LANDSCAPES UNLIMITED, Fine Arts Building Gallery, Chicago, IL
SMALL WORKS 2002, Nexus Gallery, NY
THE LANGUAGE OF VISION, Williamsburg Art & Historical Center, Brooklyn, NY
THE LANGUAGE OF VISION, Watchung Arts Center, Watchung, NJ
B.S./B.A. Anthropology/Art, Queens College, NY; Art Students League, NY
2017-2018 Fabrication by Glassmalerei Peters’ Studio, Paderborn, Germany, for The Delson
Design, develop & realize designs for permanent fabrication onto glass totaling approximately 130 square feet for permanent installation into a newly constructed building. Disclosure of names & details subject to approval by owner & architect of record.
Finalist, MTA Arts For Transit, E. 180th Street Station, 2008
“Uncertainty”, ekphrasic poem by Nancy Defoe, inspired by “Holding Patterns#7”, on occasion of “Made in NY” exhibit, Schweinfurth Art Center
“Alleyway Archaeology: Art & Artifacts”, exhibition catalog, commentary by Shannon Novak
“Picturing Space”, exhibition catalog, essay by David Ebony
“The Delson”, exhibition catalog, essay by Ann Aptaker
“A Different Vision”, Plymouth Center for the Arts, Exhibit Review, Louisa Clerici
“Cautious Optimism”, brochure essay by Jonathan Goodman
“Sunrise in the West”, curatorial statement by Ann Aptaker
“Speaking Volumes-and Voids,” curatorial statement by Anne Stanner
Yew Journal, Summer volume, 2015
“Beneath The Surface”, First Presbyterian Church of New York, Interview by Amy Ullo, “First Notes”.
“Natural/Constructed Spaces Catalog”, The Painting Center, NY
“Archi | Texture”, Q & A, with commentary by Liane Torre, NY
“Query”, Catalog, essay by Ann Aptaker
“Urban Voids & Absences”, Catalog, turn-berlin Gallery, Berlin, Germany
R & F Paints On-Line Gallery, Interview by Gallery Director, Laura Moriarty
“Timeless, The Art of Drawing ” Catalog, Morris Museum of Art, Morristown, NJ
“22nd Annual National Small Works”, Catalog, Schoharie County Arts Council, Cobleskill, NY
“New American Talent, Nineteenth Exhibition”, Catalog, Arthouse at the Jones Center, Austin, TX
Landmarks Preservation Commission, Library, New York City
Department of Anthropology, Syracuse, New York
Transitional Services for New York, Inc.
Arts Alliance of Decatur (municipal collection)
Williamsburg Art & Historical Center, Brooklyn, NY
Pfizer, Inc., NY
Acumen Capital, NY
Vericon Construction, NJ
XØ Projects, NY
TowerBrook Capital Partners LP, NYC (exhibition)
Various national and international private collections
David Straange
CRUELTY, 2020, acrylic, 20 x 16
LAWLESS, 2020, acrylic, 20 x 16
David Straange was born in Charlotte, North Carolina in 1992. David’s work is informed by his diverse study of sculpture, Jazz, ballet, art history, analog photography, theatre, cultural communications and anthropology. Primarily working in painting and drawing, David’s art practice also includes artist books and music.
David is the son of a Fraud Bank Analyst Mother, and a Desert Storm war veteran Father. His earliest memories include gas being 99 cents, going to Burger King to get french toast sticks, (4 pieces), being afraid of grass, and listening to his brother freestyle emcee over the radio.
"Cruelty" and "Lawless" are from a body of work titled "Requiem Future" also a stylized Art movement, using monochrome colours, water colour, and various materials mixed with oil and acrylic paint. Requiem Future is David Straange’s first official body of work released to the public. The experience is a monochromatic opera, a modus operandi of architecture, geometric forms, and discourse bending dimensional space.
David's thoughts on Cruelty and Lawless:
Cruelty is a piece that juxtaposes what is meditative and what is obscene. The painting technique requires complete zen, to just be, and the external opulence collides with the audiences ideas of color, politics, structure, art, and classical painting. What is deemed cruel in a pandemic, being confined to the home in quarantine, or watching other pass on due to infection in distance.
Lawless challenges what is proper in painting and society. The extreme securities to even drop off art work, because it could carry explosives. The tight rigidness in clothing, speech, art, media, news, finance, and food is very telling of an impending doom looming in the air if one table leg goes missing. The juxtaposition here is the extreme security breaching the divine rules of human rights, calling undocumented people illegal is the result of this tight rigidness in society. The modus of thinking has made society become lawless ignoring universal law.
Intern, installations @ Mccoll center, Charlotte, NC(2015)
Bambhanani, Teresa Byrnes Gallery, New York, NY(2019)
Some paintings @, The African Museum, New York, NY(2019)
Postcard, Bortolami Gallery, New York, NY(2020)
Artswestchester, My super power, Yonkers(2021)
Gallery Y, Bloom, Maryland(2021)
Wysing arts centre, lumps, Cambridgeshire, England(2021)
SECCA, Community Chords(2021)
Port Angeles Fine Arts Center, Resilient & Creative(2021)
Kohta, First International Festival of Manuports, Finland(2021)
Able Art Gallery, Freedom group show, Abu Dhabi(2021)
Millenium Times Square, Still Life(Art Installation)(2021)
New Amsterdam School, Fundraiser, East Village NY(2021)
In 2 private collections. Was recently granted into sva residency program. Nominated, won, and also placed 3rd for a Clio award. Awarded NYFA grant(2021) Featured in nycxdesign, artnet, studio visit magazine, etc.
Dea Segatto
"Hidden Feelings" (multiple), 2018 mixed media 50 x 37.5 in
My creation is strongly impacted by personal processes and my way of seeing the world. A common issue that runs through all my artistic production is the water. The fluid appears in the technique, represented visually or metaphorically in issues such as transformation, balance point, adaptation and cleanliness.
The essential conceptual issue of my creation is in the nature of things - both environmental and human nature are explored in their beauty, flaws, traditions and contradictions. With a background in the study of marine biology, since the beginning of my career as an artist I have created ceramic pieces inspired by the nature of the oceans. Transformation, destruction, rebirth and breaking point are present. My research also incorporates elements of popular cultures and ancestral wisdom.
During the pandemic, I started a process of reaction to a depression and various personal issues that is metaphorized in my current production. I started creating ceramic bombs and weapons that also deal with phenomena like destruction and rebirth. In these series, I try to explore our psychological nature and, at the same time, propose a reflection on our turning points – how a destructive reaction can be the beginning of something that is being built.
“Outsider/ Outsiders“ - Local Project – New York, USA “ Lic-A Members Showcase”- New York, USA - Online
“Lic-A Members Showcase”- Plaxell Gallery - NYC, USA
“Mostra Tua Arte“ - Belo Horizonte – Brazil
“Sarava” - House of Yes - New York, USA
Elizabeth Riley
Untitled Orange-Yellow Mural; 40 x 120"; 2021; Video stills inkjet-printed on paper, colored pencil
instagram: @elizabethrileyprojects
Elizabeth Riley’s art addresses questions concerning the complex and changing world we inhabit and our “mixed reality,” living between physical and digital/virtual contexts. The works produced take the form of two and three dimensional wall works, installations, and tabletop cityscapes, made from video, video stills, and diverse materials. A long time New Yorker, Elizabeth Riley graduated from Barnard College and received an MFA from Hunter College. The artist recently completed a proposal, as a finalist, for a Percent for Art commission for a public school in New York City. April 2021, her two-dimensional wall work was presented in a 2-person show at Spantzo Gallery on New York City’s Lower East Side. She was a resident at the Millay Colony, November 2020, and has participated in 14 artist residencies, in the US and aboard. “Ribbons Become Space,” a solo show of her work, featuring an installation including six live video elements, was presented at SL Gallery, in Manhattan, 2019. In 2018 her video, “The Life of a City,” was screened as part of the BRIC Garage Door Video Series, at BRIC Arts-Media House in Brooklyn. Also in 2018 the artist curated "Trill Matrix" for The Clemente Center on the Lower East Side, a show of seven dynamic women artists. In December, 2017, Elizabeth Riley’s wall sculpture was on display in Excessive Frugality at Odetta Gallery in Brooklyn. In April, 2017, the site-specific participatory installation, “City Remix,” appeared in the exhibition, Reconstruct, at LIU in Brooklyn, and in June, 2017, the 20 x 20 ft installation, “Paper Dragons, Brooklyn,” which functions as a walk-in, physical video, appeared in Bigger, Bolder, Better at 470 Vanderbilt Ave, Brooklyn, sponsored by Chashama. In 2016 the multipart tabletop cityscape, “Video City,” appeared in the show LAND AIR PLACE at Project Artspace in Manhattan.
“Sheltering-in,” in order to focus on artwork, is something artists do in the best of times. Being asked to do this for the sake of personal and community safety for this artist wasn’t a stretch. While witnessing the news and sights and sounds of the pandemic saddened and opened my heart, my private acts as an artist gave me comfort and even joy. My lifelong struggle, even before the pandemic, has been between feeling locked down due to my cultural experience growing up female, and a strong drive to “open up.” Being in “lock down” for external, legitimate reasons, provided a sense of relief, while I was further freed to “open up” in the pursuit of, and exploration of my art practice.
My work addresses questions concerning the complex and changing world we inhabit and our “mixed reality,” living between physical and digital/virtual contexts; are we our everyday, familiar, material past, or our digital future, and is this apparent “mixed reality” of the moment to be embraced or resisted. Is the digital present the bells and whistles of an unchanged and familiar humanity, or does it define us and the future? This project is embodied in two and three dimensional wall works, installations, and tabletop cityscapes, made using video, inkjet-printed video stills, and diverse materials.
My primary working materials, video and video stills, are from the same source but utilized in immaterial and material forms. Video is light and motion, while the video stills are a material expression of the live videos. These video stills have been exported from my short videos, imported into a page layout program and often arranged and printed out as lengths of consecutive video stills. I fold and roll these to make shapes I then build sculptures with.
Recently, during the 2020-2021 pandemic, I’ve been collaging two dimensional wall works from torn and shaped video stills. This current body of work began in 2019 as large 3-D wall works which referenced multiple qualities of “light”: the light of the “soul” that combine the internal and external; light that’s both here and not as a new thought originates; radiant and funky city light; the light that animates video and makes it real to our eyes; and light captured and made material in video stills, and in these current works symbolically present as orange and yellow, pigment printed on paper.
In the development of my art my drive has been in looking through the video media shapes and structures I’ve made, toward forming an embodiment of the present and the future. This embodiment is based in personal experience and the sensation body, and also in a determination to reach beyond the self, and beyond the personal moment. A propelling motive in my work history and process has been in reaching beyond the limited roles provided for women and enforced by the social standards which I encountered as a young woman and young artist. Another major influence on my art has been the raw and nurturing influence of the urban environment that’s been my home as an adult, and speaks to me continually about the future, and our direction as a society.
Elizabeth Riley, Mohamed Khalil – GALANTE, Spantzo Gallery, New York NY
Friends of Dorothy, Spantzo Gallery, New York NY
Embody, Ely Center for Contemporary Art, New Haven CT
My Octopus Friend Inspiration, WoArt Blog, Online Exhibition
People Places Things, Project Gallery V, Online Exhibition
All of the Lights, Treat Gallery, Online Exhibition
One in a Year, The Painting Center, Online Exhibition
Art from the Boros VIII, Denise Bibro Fine Art, Online Exhibition
Drawing Challenge XIX, Jason McCoy Gallery, Online Exhibition
2021: January Featured Artists, FLATFILE Gallery, Online Exhibition
#PandemicProjections – Night 8, Curated by Wavelength, Outdoor projection, Little Falls NJ
#PandemicProjections, Gardenship: Art House Projections, Curated by Wavelength, Kearny NJ
#PandemicProjections 3.0, MoCA L.I.ghts, Curated by Wavelength, Patchogue NY
Changing a Point of View, All She Makes, Curated by Christina Massey, Online Exhibition
Spring Forward, Arcade Project, Curated by Ruben Natal-San Miguel, New York NY, Online Exhibition
USPS Art Project, Pelham Art Center, Organized by Christina Massey, Pelham NY
Computer Love, DAS NYC, Brooklyn NY
(solo) Elizabeth Riley: Ribbons Become Space, SL Gallery, New York NY
Mounds, Piles and Massings, Walsh Gallery, Seton Hall University, South Orange NJ
Among Friends / Entre Amigos, The Clemente, New York NY
#CollageNow, Denise Bibro Fine Art, New York NY
REVISION 2, Edison Price Lighting Gallery, Queens, New York NY
Collage/Mixed Media/Digital Art (The Art of Layering), NAWA, New York NY
Transcendental Pathway, Gallery 55, Empire Stores, Brooklyn NY
BRIC Garage Door Video Series, BRIC Arts|Media House, Brooklyn NY
Away From the Wall, National Arts Club, New York NY
JuxtaPostions, The Painting Center, New York NY
Zoom In, Zoom Out, The Cluster Gallery, Brooklyn NY
Defining Form, The Untitled Space, New York NY
Introductions 2018, Trestle Gallery, Brooklyn NY
Trill Matrix, Abrazo Interno Gallery, The Clemente, New York NY
Sideshow Nation VI, The Greatest Show on Earth, Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn NY
Excessive Frugality, Odetta Gallery, Brooklyn NY
Dancing with Rhinos, Van Der Plas Gallery, New York NY
Bigger Bolder Better, Curated by Jaynie Crimmins, Christina Massey & Etty Yaniv, Chashama Space to Present Program, 470 Vanderbilt Ave, Brooklyn NY
Reconstruct, Curated by Michal Gavish & Etty Yaniv, Salena Gallery, Long Island University, Brooklyn NY
The Constructicons, It’s All About Things Project Space, Port Chester NY
Nasty Women Exhibition, Knockdown Center, Queens NY
Sideshow Nation V, Thru the Rabbit Hole 2, Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn NY
Land, Air, Place, Curated by Leslie Kerby, Project Artspace, New York NY
My Nights Are More Beautiful Than Your Days, Curated by Osman Can Yerebakan, AC Institute: Online + Live Event, New York NY
Seeking Space: Making the Future, David & Schweitzer Gallery, Brooklyn NY
Made in Ridgewood, Outpost Artists Resources, Queens NY
OPEN (C)ALL: Up for Debate, Gallery at BRIC House, Brooklyn NY
Thru the Rabbit Hole, Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn NY
Shifting Scapes, Curated by Dashboard Co-op, Duluth GA
Out of Place, Curated by Etty Yaniv & Fanny Allié, 172 North 1st St, Brooklyn NY
Reactivator, Curated by Matt Miller, The Active Space, Brooklyn NY
Gone Fishin’, Curated by Dana Kane, 315 Berry Street, Brooklyn NY
Holiday Salon Extravaganza, Lesley Heller Workspace, New York, NY
BOS Cinema Sunday, Bushwick Community Darkroom, Brooklyn NY
The Big Small Show, Drawing Rooms, Jersey City NJ
Going Big, Curated by Suzan Shutan & Susan Carr, Central Booking Gallery, New York NY
New Work City, Curated by Julie Torres, Momenta Art, Brooklyn NY
Paperazzi 4, Janet Kurnatowski Gallery, Brooklyn NY
Sideshow Nation llI, Circle the Wagons, Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn NY
Inhabiting Ten Eyck, Site-specific work by 14 artists, Curated by Karin Bravin, Storefront Ten Eyck, Brooklyn NY
COSMS, Dashboard Co-op, Atlanta GA
Best Case Scenario, Curated by Jeanne Tremel & Eliot Markell, Brooklyn Fireproof, Brooklyn NY
Second Family, Curated by Julie Torres, 2 Rivington, New York NY
Paperazzi 3, Janet Kurnatowski Gallery, Brooklyn NY
SO1EO1 — Dennis Congdon, Oliver Herring, and Elizabeth Riley, Kijidome, Boston MA
dB Artist Series — Rhia Hurt and Elizabeth Riley, Dungeon Beach, Brooklyn NY
Transitions, v.1 (Like an Indefinite State), Associated Gallery, Brooklyn NY
Portraits of Fern, Norte Maar, Brooklyn NY
Paperazzi 2, Janet Kurnatowski Gallery, Brooklyn NY
Sideshow Nation, Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn NY
Martin Bromirski, Rachel LaBine, and Elizabeth Riley, Storefront Bushwick, Brooklyn NY
Salon Exhibition, The Active Space, Brooklyn NY
Art From the Boros, Denise Bibro Fine Art, Platform Project Space, New York NY
Art Snack Registry, Curatorial Project of Krista Saunders, New York NY
Traps, Space 1026, Philadelphia PA
MIC:CHECK (the human mic), Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn NY
Fiction is Fact, Studio Salon: Curated by David Gibson, New York NY
VIDEO ALCHEMY – Elizabeth Riley & Jeanne Wilkinson, Creon Gallery, New York NY
Hidden Cities, Woman’s Caucus for Art, Juried by Lisa Phillips, New Century Gallery, New York NY
Experimenta, Streaming Festival Sixth Edition {The Hague}, Online
New York Group Show, Kianga Ellis Projects, Brooklyn NY
IT’S ALL GOOD!!! (Apocalypse now), Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn NY
(solo) OUTSIGHT INN: 28 Solo Projects, Rupert Ravens Contemporary, Newark NJ
Party Animal, Curatorial project of Elliot Lessing, at SUGAR in Bushwick, Brooklyn NY
Jamaica Flux Video Slam, Art as Action, Jamaica Center for Arts & Learning, Jamaica NY
Painting with Pictures, David Gibson, Savannah Spirit and Asya Geisberg, Curators, Casita Gallery, Bronx NY
Idle Time/Busy Mind, NURTUREart, Brooklyn NY
Open Portfolio Salon & Exhibition, Sponsored by Frére Independent, Chelsea Museum, New York NY
Trill Matrix, Abrazo Interno Gallery, The Clemente, New York NY
Artists include: Nancy Baker, Jaynie Crimmins, Christina Massey, Elizabeth Riley, Christine Romanell, Linda Kamille Schmidt and Etty Yaniv
Millay Colony For The Arts (Artist Residency—Austerlitz NY)
Soaring Gardens Artists Retreat, Lacyville PA (Artist Residency)
Heliker-LaHotan Foundation, Great Cranberry Island ME (Artist Residency)
Two Trees Cultural Space Subsidy Program (Subsidized studio space in DUMBO, 2015-2017)
I-Park Residency, East Haddam, CT (Artist Residency)
BRIC Media Arts Fellowship, BRIC Arts | Media House, Brooklyn NY (Media Fellowship)
Anderson Center Residency (Supported by a grant from the Jerome Foundation), Red Wing MN (Artist Residency)
I-Park Residency, East Haddam, CT (Artist Residency)
SIM Residency, Reykjavik, Iceland (Artist Residency)
Ox-Bow Fall Residency, Saugatuck MI (Artist Residency)
Chashama North, Pine Plains NY (Artist Residency)
Byrdcliffe Artist Colony, Woodstock NY (Artist Residency)
Valparaiso Foundation, Mojácar Playa, Almería, Spain (Artist Residency)
Atlantic Center for the Arts, New Smyrna Beach FL (Artist Residency)
Aljira Emerge 2001, Newark NJ (Juried program of professional developmental seminars)
Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Mount San Angelo, Sweet Briar VA (Artist Residency)
Yaddo, Saratoga Springs NY (Artist Residency)
Mode Shifting: Elizabeth Riley at SLGallery, John Mendelsohn, Art Critical, 2019
Ribbons Become Space at SL Gallery, Etty Yaniv, Art Spiel, 2019
Elizabeth Riley (interview), Woart, Christina Massey, 2019.
The Thrill of Trill Matrix at The Abrazo Interno Gallery, Clemente Soto Vélez Center, Ante Mag, Audra Lambert, 2019
“Trill Matrix” at The Clemente, Arte Fuse, Johnathan Goodman, 2019
Hunter College, MFA
Barnard College, BA
Felipe Galindo Feggo
"COVID Hammock", 11x14", 2021, Signed Digital Print.
Felipe Galindo (aka Feggo) creates humorous art in a variety of media, including cartoons, illustrations, animations, fine art & public art. He is also an educator. Born in Cuernavaca, Mexico, resides in New York City. BFA, Visual Arts from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. His humorous drawings have appeared in The New Yorker, The New York Times, The Nation, The Manhattan Times, The Wall Street Journal, Reader's Digest, Mad, Narrative, NACLA, INXart.com, etc. and international publications and his artwork has been exhibited, published and awarded worldwide. He created “Magic Realism in Kingsbridge,” a series of 4 permanent public artworks fabricated on glass based on Galindo’s humorous designs. They are installed at the 231st Street subway station platforms of the No. 1 subway line in New York City. Visit www.feggo.com
I use the universal languages of art and humor to create visual commentaries on society. I aim to bring together the traditional and the new, the familiar and the unexpected. I am inspired by history, art and every day life.
Upcoming exhibition: "Portraits of My Community", Morris-Jumel Mansion, Oct 7, 2021 -Jan 2, 2022. For previous exhibitions, visit www.feggo.com
Francis Hsueh
‘Home Office’, April 2020, 12”x16” Watercolor on Cold Press Paper
‘Fresh Bread on Parchment Paper’, July 2020, 12”x16” Watercolor on Cold Press Paper
Creativity fuels Francis Hsueh’s life. He sketches his fellow commuters on the subway and loves the challenge of depicting life in all its detail, no matter the medium, but is particularly drawn to the ephemeral yet timeless qualities of watercolor. Francis lives in Washington Heights with his wife, two sons, and Fluffy.
I paint with watercolors to capture everyday moments and have a particular fondness for urban scenes. I love the challenge of imbuing life into a familiar scene and always carry a sketchbook or camera to document compelling subjects. With instincts honed through photography and filmmaking, I compose my paintings well before sitting down for a pencil sketch.
Since early 2020, I’ve been painting scenes in and near my home in Washington Heights as a way to seek beauty in dark times. Whether it’s a classic car, a steaming loaf of fresh bread, or a collection of Japanese soda bottles, my work reflects the inspiration and solace I found around me. My bedroom became the ‘Home Office’, where my wife and I setup our laptops and makeshift desks, even unintentionally replicating the side by side layout from my actual office environment. We count ourselves extremely fortunate to have been able to work remotely throughout this period. Painting this scene, with our bed and myriad possessions filling the room around us, was a testament to that unique period of our lives. Like others during that time, I tried various new skills. A new hobby I picked up was breadmaking, and "Fresh Bread on Parchment Paper” shows an early loaf of Dutch oven bread that I made in our kitchen during the summer of 2020. I don’t recall how many loaves I made that summer, but once I started, it was so much fun that I couldn’t stop.
My works during the pandemic reflect my existing passion for honoring our shared spaces and depicting life where others might not see it.
Solo Show, Buunni Coffee Shop, New York, NY (forthcoming January 2022)
HEIGHTS PERSPECTIVES, Group Show, Buunni Coffee Inwood, New York, NY (forthcoming May 2022)
Center for Art Law Benefit Auction (Capsule Auctions) (March)
Bird and Branch coffee shop, New York, NY, In-store retail (June- Present)
Jennie Booth
01. Covid-Diary Day 3, Self-Check for Symptoms, 9”w x 12”h, 2020, Mixed-media on Paper
02. Covid-Diary Day 10, Another Anxiety Day, 9”w x 12”h, 2020, Mixed-media on Paper
03. Covid-Diary Day 23, It’s About the Breathe, 9”w x 12”h, 2020, Mixed-media on Paper
04. Covid-Diary Day 40, Or Maybe It’s Just Me, 9”w x 12”h, 2020, Mixed-media on Paper
05. Covid-Diary Day 44, BLANK-My Time, 9”w x 12”h, 2020, Mixed-media on Paper
06. Covid-Diary Day 68, Persevere, 9”w x 12”h, 2020, Mixed-media on Paper
07. Covid-Diary Day 78, I Touched His Phone With Bare Hands, 9”w x 12”h, 2020, Mixed-media on Paper
08. Covid-Diary Day 164, Opp-Ortunity, 9”w x 12”h, 2020, Mixed-media on Paper
09. Covid-Diary Day 175, So Much is At Stake, 9”w x 12”h, 2020, Mixed-media on Paper
10. Covid-Diary Day 211, Focus on the Good While Carrying the Heavy, 9”w x 12”h, 2020, Mixed-media on Paper
11. Covid-Diary Day 217, Went and Voted, 9”w x 12”h, 2020, Mixed-media on Paper
12. Covid-Diary Day 272, Bits and Pieces, 9”w x 12”h, 2020, Mixed-media on Paper
Brooklyn artist Jennie Booth’s work is cerebral and challenging in its quietness.
Widely exhibited, her recent shows include a solo exhibit at the Sheen Center For Thought and Culture, NYC and the international sculpture festival, Socha a Objekt XX in Bratislava, Slovakia. Significant to her practice are the many residencies and grants she has been awarded; City Artist Corps Grant, artAmari (Crete), Cill Rialaig (Ireland), Mano Y Mente (New Mexico), and the prestigious Marie Walsh Sharpe Studio Program, to name a few. From a humorously scathing Wall Street Journal review to positive words from New York Time’s Roberta Smith, Booth has a rich bibliography that spans print and digital genres. She maintains a Brooklyn studio through the ChaShaMa Space-To-Create Program.
During the NYC Pause, I decided a way to help alleviate my isolation and stress was to create a Covid-Diary, documenting my experience during this unique time. As someone who enjoys doing crossword puzzles, I made it part of the project to do a puzzle each day and then use parts or all of it in a spontaneous collage drawing. I noted a diary entry about my day on one edge and the top news headlines I saw on my Apple and Google newsfeeds on another. These drawings represent days 3, 23, 44, 68, and 211 of the shutdown. All together I did 366 crossword puzzle collages. The project gave me a focus during those empty, silent days and posed a challenge to my creative process. And yes, I still enjoy doing crossword puzzles!
2011-2021 Studio Residency, Chashama, Brooklyn Army Terminal, Brooklyn NY
2021 City Artist Corps Grant, NYC Department of Cultural Affairs, NY,NY
2014 Artist in Residence, artAmari, Crete, Greece
2013 Artist in Residence, Cill Rialaig, County Kerry, Ireland
2007 Artist in Residence, Mano Y Mente, Tularosa, New Mexico
2005 Finalist: Aljira Emerge Program, Newark, NJ
2003 Winner-Concorso Per Artisti, Comune di Roma, Italy
2003 Ucross Foundation, Alternate-Artist Residency, Ucross, Wyoming
2002 Fellow, “Food for Thought” Emerging Artists, Sumei Multidisciplinary Arts Center, Newark NJ
1999 Resident, Fundacion Valparaiso, Almeria, Spain
1998 Full Fellow, Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, VT
1997 Recipient, Marie Walsh Sharpe Foundation-Studio Program
2016 Through the Dark (Darkly), Sheen Center for Thought and Culture NY, NY
2015 The Raw and the Cooked, Honey Badger Motel, Brooklyn, NY
2011 The Universe Goes Looking For An Answer, chashama Gallery 461, NY, NY
2010 Die Suche des Universums nach einer Antwort, Feral Kunst Galerie, Aigen, Austria
2009 Speechless, Art on Armitage Gallery, Chicago, IL
thinking about water, Figment NYC, Governor's Island, NY
Booth at Solomon's Porch, Culture Caravan, Brooklyn, NY
2007 To the Nth Power, The SkinNY, NY, NY
2003 del dicho al hecho, Art for Change Carlito’s Gallery, E. Harlem NY
Odradek, Rome, Italy
Comune di Roma X Municipio, Rome, Italy
Selected Works, Gallery at Libreria Oberdam, Perugia, Italy
2000 Signs of the Unseen, White Pines College, Chester, New Hampshire
2021 ChaShaMa Open Studios, Brooklyn, NY
Trilean Logic, Chashama Space to Create 23rd St. Gallery, NY, NY
Metamorphosis, P&P Townhouse Salon, Brooklyn, NY
Harvest of Dreams 2021, Incubator Studio Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Almost Endless, Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art, Altoona, PA
2020 Pushing Your Buttons, Incubator Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
2019 Total Eclipse, Friday Studio Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Red Hook Summer Pop Up, BWAC Red Hook Brooklyn, NY
O, Portmanteau Project Space, Dayton, Ohio
No Rules, eskff Benefit, Mana Contemporary, Jersey City, NJ
The Unambiguous Line, Friday Studio Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
REDUX; McKinney Arts Pop-up, 526 11St. Space, NY, NY
2018 Solstice, Friday Studio Gallery, Brooklyn NY
A Mirror To Reflect Myself Upon, T.A.F Gallery, Athens, Greece
2017 Wizard, Friday Studio Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
A Fine Tuned Machine, Friday Studio Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
2015 Opposable THUmbs, Booth and Licul, Friday Studio Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Time Regained, Fo Kia Nou, Athens, Greece
Brooklyn 2 Bratislava, Sculpture and Objects Exhibition XX, Bratislava, Slovakia
2013 Harvest of Dreams, Friday Studio Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Artists U Nite /Project Fishtown, Philadelphia PA
Art For Music's Sake, Brooklyn Symphony at Rogue Space, NY, NY
Pinwheel, CCCP-Northern Light Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
2012 Scope Art Fair, chashama , NY, NY
Hey Beautiful!, Amos Eno Gallery, DUMBO Brooklyn, NY
may queen, CCCP-Northern Light Gallery, Bushwick Brooklyn, NY
Celebration, Gallery Bar, NY, NY
Vellum Art Zine, Featured Artist, Human Nature, Issue 24, 2020, pgs 14, 15
“A return to 11th Street this weekend for ‘McKinney Arts REDUX,’ EV Grieve.com 1/25/2019
Sheen Center for Culture Fall Season Brochure, Cover Pg, Interior Pages 2016
Featured Artist, MISC Magazine, Mind Issue, (Photo), Spring 2012
http://www.time2imagine.com/site_1/Stories/Entries/2011/12/5_The Universe_Goes_Looking_4_an_Answer.html
http//:villagebeat.nyuhyperlocal.org/arcfhives/2694 (Video Image, Piano)
New York Narratives Catalogue, Winter 2009, Cover, pgs 1,2 (Photos)
"Think About How You Think" Sing For Hope Piano, United States Post Office, Jackson Heights, Brooklyn, NY 2013
"Try To Be An Ear,” Sing For Hope Piano, Astor Place NY, NY 2011
“Cerca di Essere Un Orechhio” Mural, Albania Hotel Arts Center, Lecce, Italy 2003
“El Arbol de la Sabiduria” Mural, Escuaela San Augustin Etla, Oaxaca, Mexico 2001
“Cow Science”, New York Cow parade, Museum of Science, Queens NY 2000
JoAnna Mendl Shaw
Untitled Doodles (Various) 2020-21
Veteran choreographer and dance educator, JoAnna Mendl Shaw has been devising performance works for stage, rural and urban landscapes since the 1980’s. Her body of interspecies work initiates visceral engagement with the natural and cultural environment. Redefining the possibilities for dance-making, Shaw’s research into the human-equine dialogue began in 1998. Her company, The Equus Projects, tours throughout the States and Europe creating site-specific works through immersive collaboration with local equine and arts communities. An internationally recognized dance educator, Shaw has taught on faculty at NYU, The Juilliard School, Alvin Ailey, Princeton, Mount Holyoke and Montclair State. Shaw is the recipient of NEA Choreographic Fellowships and multiple NEA grants for Interdisciplinary Performance. She has brought her somatic practice of Physical Listening into elementary schools and academic think tanks, into the Strategic Studies group at the Naval War College and NYU Medical school. She is a certified Laban Movement Analyst and the author of the 2021 book, Physical Listening, A Dancer’s Interspecies Journey, where 150 of her doodles appear throughout the book.
I am a choreographer, not a visual artist. However during the pandemic, began doodling, in part to occupy my restless hands during long Zoom meetings! With each doodle I began with a single-line outline - a diagonal serpentine, or a swirling border - or I made a grid of odd shapes that contoured the negative spaces between the shapes. Faces emerged, animals, designs. Once the first idea was on the page I tasked myself with to follow just that one concept. Well over 200 doodles later, I continue to be surprised by the creatures that seem to emerge. A selection of 100 doodles are on my Equus Projects website: https://www.equus-onsite.org/jms-doodles
AUTHOR: Physical Listening, An Interspecies Journey, Arnica Press, April 2021 ARTISTIC DIRECTOR
The Equus Projects / OnSite NYC - 1989 – Present – www.equus-onsite.org OnSite NYC, Producer - 2010-2015
New York City Productions (Gibney Dance, Dance Theatre Workshop, Dancspace, 92nd St Y) – 1991-2017 Danceworks Northwest, Seattle WA – 1979 - 1991
Training Magazine Conferences – 2021, 2020
Naval War College, Strategic Studies Group – 2013
NYU Medical School – 1st Year Student Training in Physical Listening
Ailey/ Fordham BFA Program - 1998 - 2015 The Juilliard School 2003 – 2013 Marymount Manhattan – 2012 - 2014
NYU / Tisch School of the Arts – 1995-1999 Montclair State – 1995 – 2001
Cornish College – Fulltime Faculty – 1979-1990
Festival Faculty: Bates Dance Festival, UF Swamp Dance, Florida Dance Festival, Heiftez International Music Festival, Saratoga Arts Festival. Guest Artist: Princeton University, Mount Holyoke College, Virginia Commonwealth University, University of Wisconsin (MI), Dickinson College, George Mason University, Lane Community College.
Choreographic and Community Projects & Commissions
DeGarmo Dance Salon Series, Virtual Performance – June 2020
Pullman Salon Series, Immersive Community Engagement Projects, far south Chicago – June 2018 - December 2020 Bettina Drummond: The Arts & Equestrian Artistry- April 2019
New York State Dance Force, Ithaca NY – May 2019
INSITU Site-Specific Dance Festival – July 2018, July 2017
Landes Museum, Zurich Switzerland – June 2017
Center for Contemporary Art, Santa Fe - June 2016
Gates-Ferry Commission, Centenary College, April 2016
SUNY Potsdam Commissioned Site Work / September 2015
Snug Harbor Cultural Center, Staten Island NY - June 2015
Commission for Klinten Kultur, Sweden - July-August 2014
Commission for Klinten Kultur, Sweden - July-August 2013
Heifetz Institute - July 2012
Lower Manhattan Cultural Council Commission for Governor’s Island for River-to-River Festival, NYC - July 2012 Chashama, NYC - May 2012
Center for the American Horse Johnson, VT - Sept 2011
Bates Dance Festival - August 2011
Heart of the Horse Equestrian Center Vashon Island, WA - August 2010
XO Ranch Aubrey, TX - May 2010
The Myrna Loy Center for the Performing Arts, Helena, MT - Oct 2009
White Oak Plantation - July 2009
Heart of the Horse Equestrian Center Vashon Island, WA - August 2009
Landscape: Polo Fields - Commissioned by the Saratoga Arts Festival - June 2008
Bates Dance Festival ME /-Aug 2008
American College Dance Festival, Connecticut College - Feb 2008
Equine Affaire, Pomona, CA, - February 2007
Bates Dance Festival, Lewiston, ME, - August 2006
Heifetz International Music Institute, NH - July 2006
Connecticut Dressage Association/ OxRidge - August 2005
LMCC Commission for River to River Festival, NYC - June 2005
Symphony of Horses, Ocala - Florida/December 2004
Virginia Commonwealth University - March 2004
Flynn Center for the Performing Arts, Burlington VT - August 2003
Real Arts Ways at The Ethel Walker School, Simsbury, CT - Oct 2003
NPN Commission from The Flynn Center, Burlington, VT - August 2002
Green Mt. Horse Assoc, Woodstock VT - 2001
The Equestry - New Haven, VT - 2001
Mount Holyoke College – 1998-1999
Dancing in the Streets, NYC Neuberger Museum SUNY Purchase SUNY Potsdam
Dance Theatre Workshop, NYC Dancspace, NYC 92nd Street Y
25 Works created for Danceworks Northwest- 1979-1990
Dogged Persistence / 2018
Earth Poem (Producer) / 2015
A Meditation (Producer) / 2015
Hastdans pa Hovdala Documentary Film, (Producer, Choreographer) / 2013
NEA Interdisciplinary Grant for The Pullman Project, Chicago – 2018 O’Donnell Green Foundation Grant – 2017
NEA Interdisciplinary Grant for The Pullman Project, Chicago – 2017 RSF Foundation Funding – Annual Funding, 2001-Present Oppenheimer Foundation Grant, Chicago – 2017
Chicago Public Schools grant for Pullman residency
LMCC – OnSite NYC – 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016
Mount Holyoke College Alumnae Achievement Award – 2014
American Embassy, Sweden - 2013
Francis Hazen Award – Mount Holyoke College - 2013
Lower Manhattan Cultural Council & The Drawing Center - Commission - 2012 Chashama - Commission - 2012
Bates Dance Festival Commissions - 2006, 2008
Economic Revitalization for the Performing Arts (ERPA) Grant / 2008-2010
National Performance Network Commissioning Grants - 2002, 2009
Jerome Robbins Foundation - 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
The Harkness Foundations for Dance - 1995-2006
Trust for Mutual Understanding & Dance Theatre Workshop Suitcase Fund - 1995 - 1997 Department of Cultural Affairs, NYC - 2005
Open Meadows Foundation - 2000, 2001
Bossak Heilbron Foundation - 1999
National Endowment for the Arts Choreographic Fellowships -1990, 1992
Special Achievement Award/ Seattle Corporate Council for the Arts Seattle -1986
King County Arts Commission grants 1979-1990
Washington State Arts Commission 1979-1990
National Dance Educators Conference, Presenter – 2016, 2017, 2018
Bill Evans Somatic Festival, Presenter – July 2017
Creative Problem-Solving Conference, Keynote & Teaching – 2017, 2018 Swamp Fest, University of Florida – 2016
Bates Dance Festival - 1998, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2017 Heifetz International Music Institute 2006 - 2012
Florida Dance Festival – 2010
Saratoga Arts Festival - 2008
Seattle Summer Institute / Bill Evans Dance Company 1976-1980
Athletes Projects
Six works created as NYSCA Commission for Ice Theatre of New York / 2003
Austria, Hungary, Korea, Switzerland, Canada, Scotland, Sweden, Wales, Yugoslavia, Japan.
Mount Holyoke College, BA /Philosophy
University of Utah, MFA /Dance
Certified Movement Analyst - Laban Institute of Movement Studies
Julian Silverman
"Social Distancing" black and white photography
My name is Julian Silverman and I'm an 18 year old street and cityscape photographer from the Upper West Side. I am a senior at the Horace Mann school, where I take film and digital classes. However, the majority of my photography takes place outside of school. I have always been inspired by the people, culture, and overall energy of New York City. Throughout my photography career, I have documented New Yorkers and their cultures. I often use the city's recognizable cityscapes, bridges, and streets as a backdrop.
Taught photography to At-Risk kids through NYC Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) in East Harlem
Through business with separate EIN, sell original works at art shows and through my own street stand and website
Choose featured photography reflecting New York City street and cityscape scenes twice per week
Participated in discussion around capturing the essence of Black Lives Matter protests though photographer. Was one of 3 panelists along with Professional Flo Njala and was one of four photographers representing various fields
Introduced and organized photography exhibit at Horace Mann campus featuring artists reflections of the Black Lives Matter protests in NYC
Provided photographs and assisted in sourcing for potential segment on Black Lives Matter
JUNE 2022
New York, NY
JULY 2021
New York, NY
Maria Fernandez
Pandemic Sunshine 8x10 Black & White Photo
IG - mcfphotos2020
This quote sums up how I feel about my photography:
“There is one thing the photograph must contain, the humanity of the moment.” Robert Frank
I use photography to express my interpretation of the world around me. Photography allows me to interact with people I would otherwise not be able to engage with. My camera act as a bridge to connect with people photograph.
My choice of subject comes from my interest in ideas about human realty and intuition. I enjoy finding photographs that capture sincere moments. I photograph people in their natural environment because I want to preserve the moment. I use a Sony a7 full frame mirrorless camera. The a7 uses a 24.3 megapixel CMOS sensor with a low-pass filter and on-chip phase detection.
Originally, I started taking photos because I was interested in exploring human rights and identity. I am a self-taught photojournalist based in New York City and Dominican Republic. Since my days as a high school student I was very concerned with the issues that affected the Dominican diaspora in New York City. Being a photography enthusiast allowed me to see these issues from a different lens. Photography afforded me the opportunity to approach different people within the community including the community leaders of the time to confront these different issues. Using the camera as my tool, to voice these issues and facilitated my interaction and approach towards people. It wasn’t until my college years that I became aware of the important role women play in our community. As ironic as it sounds, me being a woman in a patriarchal society it is very hard to understand this. From that moment on, my work was mainly focused on the different activities that women were performing in our community in their daily lives, in the arts, in school, in the political arena, education, etc. My work as a photographer has consisted in exposing the inequalities I see everywhere I go.
When people see my work, I’d like them to feel that moment of shared emotion and experience. Photography is a source of some of my utmost pleasure.
Monday March 16, 2020 marked the beginning of the COVID-19 global pandemic in New York City. On this day, the world came to a standstill and life as it was known stopped. Millions of establishments closed their doors, some forever, while online businesses flourished and became the new normal.
The virus spread rapidly and some of the immediate measures were: social distancing, isolation, curfews and lockdowns. This led to vast underemployment/unemployment, widespread of hunger, and an upsurge in homelessness just to mention some of the immediate impact of the pandemic.
We all have been affected by the pandemic, However, the impact is felt differently depending on our status as individuals and as members of society.
I, for example, was overwhelmed working from home but had to adjust. I was forced to learn many new computer applications, to better support my students with their online learning. Nonetheless, I was lucky that I didn’t get exposed to the virus while keeping a tiny part of society “functioning.”
During the first 100 days of the pandemic, I illustrated a photographic diary of everyday life at Inwood, NYC. I exposed the dreadful and unfortunate situations that my community faced during those dark days of uncertainty.
I, also, became more aware of the importance of self-care and mindfulness.
The COVID-19 global pandemic that masked people, unmasked the world nations sanitary system
photography-in-berlin -PAN-DIARY
The Children's Art Carnival and Centro Civico Cultural Dominicano -Resilience
nomaanyc-Healing and Community: Connecting with Inner Strengths
nomaanyc-Women in the Heights: Creating for the Future
Miriam Kurman
Between Ambiguous Loss and Tenuous Hope, No. 1, 9"x12", 2021, China marker, acrylic, ink and graphite on watercolor paper
Between Ambiguous Loss and Tenuous Hope, No. 2, 9"x12", 2021, China marker, acrylic, ink and graphite on watercolor paper
Between Ambiguous Loss and Tenuous Hope, No. 3, 9"x12", 2021, China marker, acrylic, ink and graphite on watercolor paper
Between Ambiguous Loss and Tenuous Hope, No. 4, 9"x12", 2021, China marker, acrylic, ink and graphite on watercolor paper
Between Ambiguous Loss and Tenuous Hope, No. 5, 9"x12", 2021, China marker, acrylic, ink and graphite on watercolor paper
I’m a New York based artist in Manhattan, focusing on drawing and painting. Besides attending RISD and receiving a BFA with honors from Pratt Institute in drawing, I have a master’s degree in Counseling Psychology from Goddard College and extensive postgraduate training in Narrative Therapy in both Chicago and Cambridge, MA.
While not a direct influence on my art, the underlying philosophy of innovative language, power and narrative energizes and strengthens my creative practice.
My art has focused continuously on a personal vision with a very strong sense of linear evolution. I work in ongoing series of drawing / paintings derived from the same imaginary or landscape-like source and explore the inherent, expressive meanings in that image by returning to the original drawing structure in each new work, searching for meaning content in the nuances found and elaborated in each new piece.
This is a particularly contemporary concern relating to the work of artists like Vija Celmins or Jim Dine, but extending back through artists like Morandi, Picasso and Monet.
What has always fascinated me is the nature of psychic energies––the sixth sense we all possess to varying degrees that allows us to be receptive to the subtle energies and signals in our surroundings and inner landscape. It is this tension between positive and negative energies that are not separate from nature but are forces of invisible phenomena that can be felt, not seen.
My work is intuitive and direct, using unforgiving materials that resist erasure. This demands that my love of detail doesn’t overwhelm the negative space and allows subtractive techniques to create light and energy to then become the subject.
"Between Ambiguous Loss and Tenuous Hope" explores an otherworldly space of highly charged energy. Using China marker, acrylic, ink and graphite on watercolor paper, this series of drawing / paintings was created in the summer of 2021 during the Covid-19 Pandemic in New York. Like many residents, I was sequestered and isolated in my apartment.
What unconsciously emerged in these intense, kinetic works were glimpses of bird imagery, in light or slightly shaded negative space. In the unnatural silence of a great city without its usual street noise, the sounds of songbirds became a prominent daily occurrence. As losses escalated, this reminder of the natural world prevailing gave hope, however tenuous. Where birds might ominously appear as omens of doom, they also offer the possibility of escape.
The intention to avert negative forces is the basis of my ritual in creating art that carries psychic energy against the darkness beyond our control. In describing my work, the Lexington Herald-Leader wrote, “Its power lies in its ability to invite and unnerve simultaneously.”
"Between Ambiguous Loss and Tenuous Hope" is my response of resilience to the Pandemic and invites the viewer to respond with intuitive strength and imagination.
2020-2021 School of Visual Arts, New York, NY
Continuing-Education Website (Contemporary Drawing Studio: The Drawing Habit)
2010 North Central Missouri College, Trenton, MO
The Doris Rider Gallery
2002 University of Rio Grande, Rio Grande, OH
The Esther Allen Greer Museum
1999-2001 The John E. Anderson Graduate School of Management at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA
1998 Minot State University, Minot, ND
Northwest Art Center
1997 Synagogue for the Arts, New York, NY
1997 Ansonia Gallery, New York, NY
1996 Bloomsburg University, Bloomsburg, PA
Hass Gallery of Art (Visiting artist and lecturer)
1995 Cazenovia College, Cazenovia, NY, Chapman Art Gallery (Two-person exhibition)
1994 Barnes & Noble, New York, NY
1993 St. Hilda’s House, New York, NY
1988 Northport Galleries Juried Competition—EXPO VII, Huntington, NY
Judge: Madeline Burnside, Director—Islip Art Museum, Islip, NY, Award (Three-person exhibition)
2021 Maggi Peyton Gallery, Manhattan Borough President’s Office, New York, NY
“Welcome Back,” works from the Pandemic (Juried)
2007 Makor Gallery, Makor/Steinhardt Center of the 92nd Street Y, New York, NY
“Metropoly”—Fall 2006 Makor Artists-in Residence program
2005 Fredericksburg Center for the Creative Arts, Fredericksburg, VA (Juried)
2005 Morehead State University, Morehead, KY
Claypool-Young Art Gallery – “Town & Country: Contemporary Images of Landscape” (Juried)
2004 Synagogue for the Arts, New York, NY
2004 Vermont College of Union Institute & University, T.W. Wood Gallery & Arts Center, Montpelier, VT
“Spectrum: A Show on the Theme of Color” (Juried)
1999 “End of the Millennium Group Show,” Lindenburg Gallery, New York, NY
1998 Bristol Art Museum, Bristol, RI (National Juried Exhibition)
Juror: John Udvardy—Rhode Island School of Design
1993 Appalachian State University, Boone, NC
Halpert Biennial—A National Juried Visual Art Competition, Catherine J. Smith Gallery
Juror: Robert J. Evans—Danforth Museum of Art, MA
1993 The Seventh National Art Competition (Juried)
Merrimon Galleries, Asheville, NC
1989 Rockland Center for the Arts Tri-State Juried Competition
“Nature—Fact & Fantasy,” West Nyack, NY
Juror: Dr. Paul Albert Chew, Director—Westmoreland Museum of Art, PA
Merit Award (sponsored by Chemical Bank)
1988 Eighth Holiday Invitational Exhibition, A.I.R. Gallery, New York, NY
1988 Third Annual Exhibition (Juried) Del Bello Gallery, Toronto, Canada
1988 Emerging Artist Exhibition (Juried)
Selected for the Artist-In-The-Marketplace Program
The Bronx Museum of the Arts, Bronx, NY
1988 Museum of the Hudson Highlands—Seventh Annual Exhibition, Cornwall-on- Hudson, NY
Juror: Renato Danese, Director—Pace Gallery, New York, NY
1987 Second Annual Exhibition (Juried) Del Bello Gallery, Toronto, Canada
1986 First Annual Exhibition (Juried) Del Bello Gallery, Toronto, Canada
1985 Fifth Holiday Invitational Exhibition, A.I.R. Gallery, New York, NY
1985 Group Show, AMMO Artist Exhibition Space, Brooklyn, NY
1984 Fourth Holiday Invitational Exhibition, A.I.R. Gallery, New York, NY
1983 Group Show, Just Above Midtown/Downtown, New York, NY
1982 Juried Senior Show, Pratt Institute Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Award: Honorable Mention
1980 Studio Scholar Awards Show, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn NY
1980 Studio Scholar Awards Show, The Newhouse Gallery
Snug Harbor Cultural Center, Staten Island, NY
2006 Residency—Makor Gallery, Makor/Steinhardt Center of the 92nd Street Y, New York, NY
1994 Residency—Palenville Interarts Colony, Palenville, NY
1993 Residency—Studios Midwest, Galesburg, IL
1991 Residency—The Cummington Community of the Arts, Cummington, MA
1991 Residency—N.Y. Mills Arts Retreat, New York Mills, MN
1989 Residency—The Ucross Foundation, Ucross, WY
1988 Residency—The Millay Colony, Austerlitz, NY
1987 Fellowship—The Woodstock School of Art, Woodstock, NY
1980 Ford Foundation Grant
2007 “Metropoly” Makor Gallery, New York, NY (gallery talk)
2001 University of Rio Grande (studio talk in New York City)
1996 Bloomsburg University, Bloomsburg, PA
1991 N.Y. Mills Arts Retreat, New York Mills, MN
Benita Heath, “Landscapes Exhibit a Show of Force: Contemporary Works Instill Respect for Artists, Nature”
Lexington Herald-Leader, Lexington, KY, 2/11/05
Paula Lindekugel-Willis, “An art lesson: Minot State University faculty and New York artist Miriam Kurman put work on display,” Minot Daily News, Minot, ND, 2/26/98
Kate Christenson, “New York artist’s paintings featured in exhibit.” Red & Green, Minot, ND, 2/26/98
“Paintings of trees recall haven from childhood trauma for artist” Communiqué: A newsletter for faculty and staff at
Bloomsburg University, Bloomsburg, PA, 2/8/96
Robert Franklin, ‘In this town, it’s art for art’s sake—New York Mills farm has become retreat for artists”
Star Tribune, Minneapolis/St.Paul, 12/30/91
Tim Hennagir, “Artist Residency Program continues—Painter from New York City latest visitor to
N.Y. Mills Arts Retreat,” The New York Mills Herald, MN, 6/6/91
Arlyne Boltson, “Northport Galleries Seventh Annual Juried Art Competition”
East Northport Voice, Long Island, NY 3/25/88
Helen A. Harrison, “Exploring Creativity as Process,” The New York Times, 3/20/88
Karin Lipson, “A Show of the Best Art,” New York Newsday, 3/11/88
“Galleries Open a New Facility with EXPO VII,” The Observer, Long Island, NY, 2/25/88
Long Shot, Vol. 4, Long Shot Productions, New Brunswick, NJ, 1986
Goddard College, Plainfield, VT—M.A., 1997
Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY—B.F.A. with Honors, 1982
Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI, 1970-72
Norma Greenwood
"NEST" 28 x 40 Oil: terraskin-paper
The idea of pillows as “dream catchers” intrigues me- pillows contain our breath and dreams! My series of bed and pillow paintings are sensual and about relationships.The work I am submitting uses images of beds and pillows to convey the emotion of isolation and despair during Covid.
“Out of Time” expresses overwhelming loss and despair though color and texture, The work includes torn fabric collage and is on archival prepared unprimed canvas. In both “Homestay” and “Nest: the bed is trapped in tight suffocating space. There is isolation and particularly in Nest, a sense of withdrawal. The paintings hint at the passage of time in the same way as images of light and shadow describe a fleeting moment. “The Gift” is an expression of guarded optimism and hope.
Hunter College, NYC: BA, Art and M.S, Fine Arts and Education
2008 Jacksonville (FL) International Airport, Public Art Installation, (mosaic, permanent) completed in 2008
2007 MTA Arts for Transit, NYC, finalist
2006 Infiniti–Study In Red (LED photo installation), Penn Station, NYC
2021. Artists’ Fellowship, Inc. Grant
2013 BAU Artist Residency: Otranto, Italy
2012 Artist Documentation Project for Research Center for Arts & Culture
National Center for Creative Aging Art Cart, Saving The Legacy. Catalog artist work to be housed at Columbia University, NYC.
2011 NYFA Award:Artist As Entrepreneur Bootcamp
2009 MTA Arts For Transit Subway Mural Installation, Finalist Award
2008 RFP Public Art Commission Award, Jacksonville International Airport
2008 The Sugarman Foundation Award
2007 Ludwig Vogelstein Award
2007 Fellowship: National Academy Museum Of Arts Mural Workshop
2002 Sumei Arts Workshop Grant
1991 NYSCA production grant
1990 NYSCA Grants Panelist-Queens Council on the Arts
1989 NYSCA Art grant
The 9/11 Memorial Museum Collection: The Unity Canvas Jacksonville International Airport, Jacksonville, Fl. Columbia Pictures Ind.
AT&T Corporate Collection
Queensborough Community College Gallery, NYC The Museum of American Folk Arts, NYC Children’s Hospital, Jacksonville, FL
Lost and Found Curated on-line exhibition NY Artists Circle. www.nyartistscircle.com Islip Museum “Forever Young” Curated by Holly Gordon
Fragile Earth Curated on-line exhibition NY Artists Circle. www.nyartistscircle.com
Flora Fiction publication and on-line magazine
Flat File 2021 on-line exhibition
Hammond Museum, North Salem, NY. August *Virtual Exhibition , Curated by Bibiana Huang Matheis
Hole In the Head Review publication and on-line magazine
Hammond Museum, North Salem, NY. August *Virtual Exhibition , Curated by Bibiana Huang Matheis
Islip Museum, Islip, NY * Virtual Exhibition “New Beginnings” Curated by Holly Gordon http://www.islipartmuseum.org/2020_Vshow_50.html
El Bario Art Space PS 109 NY,NY. “Women Celebrate Women” Curated by Rolanda Ramos Ely Center of Contemporary Art, New Haven, Ct.*Virtual Exhibition “What Now” Curated by
Debbie Heese https://www.elycenter.org/what-now-call
USPS Art Project, Curator-Christina Massey. Pelham Art Center, Sunset Art Studios, Dallas, TX, Art Gym Denver, Co.
“Portraits”. Curated by Ann Landi *Virtual exhibit http://www.nyartistscircle.com “Stillness” Curated by Elizabeth Mead Virtual exhibit http://www.nyartistscircle.com
Albin Polosek Museum, Winter Park, Fl.-Rachel Frisby, Curator Catalyst Gallery, Beacon, NY
“Not Random Art” On-line magazine interview
Sideshow Gallery Exhibiton, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, curated by Richard Timperio
Six month Extended Travel and Residency including Berlin, Barcellona, Paris and The Veneto , Italy. Residency project: Illustrated Journal- working title; “ Never Too Late to Savor Adventure” 2016
The Pierro Gallery of South Orange NJ “Like An Egyptian”
Sideshow; Exhibition, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, curated by Richard Timperio Viridian Gallery; “Internal Politics”
Jamaica Center for Arts and Learning; Exhibition
Ceres Gallery, NYC. Women Looking In, Women Caucus for Art
Affordable Art Fair, NYC; New York Artists Network
Po Kim Gallery NYC; Federation Modern Painters
Sideshow; Exhibition, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, curated by Richard Timperio
Arts Guild New Jersey: Featured Artist Exhibiton and on-line Calendar Feature Sideshow; Exhibition, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, curated by Richard Timperio Hullaballoo : Armory Show
Featured in Winter edition Art/Image magazine.
Half The Sky, public art project Beijing, China. Womens Caucus For Art; Finalist
Curate NYC; online exhibition by guest curator Paz Tanjuaquio, Co-Founding Director, TOPAZ ARTS, Inc.
Jeffrey Leder; Small Works, exhibition. LIC. NY
La Guardia Community College, Queens, NY, “Bridging The Gap”, Curated by Amy Winter Hektoen International Journal, Winter issue
New York University Kimmel Gallery, NYC; Exhibition
Gallery 128, “El Verano” Rivington St. NYC, curated by Kazuko Miyamoto Sideshow; Exhibition, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, curated by Richard Timperio
St. Elizabeth College, Morristown,NJ, , “Personna” Curated by Virginia Fabbri
GE. Corporate Headquarters, Fairfield,Ct. “Picture That” curated by Valerie Cooper
Katonah Museum of Art, NY, Tri-State Exhibition, Donald Sultan, curator Jamaica [NY] Center for Arts and Learning (drawing), exhibition
The Armory Show Fountain Art Fair, Hullaballoo Collective, NYC
NYFA Headquarters Bootstrap Festival Exhibition, Brooklyn, NYC
The Brooklyn Artists Gym, Brooklyn, NY “Gentrified”
The Chelsea Art Museum, NYC, Exhibition The Guild Hall, Easthampton, NY, Exhibition The Haskell Gallery, Jacksonville [FL] Airport
Cheryl Pelevin Gallery , Chelsea, New York, exhibition
The Prince Street Gallery, Chelsea, New York, exhibition
National Academy Museum, NYC, group exhibition
Between Then and Now solo installation, The Foundry, NYC, funded by the Queens Council on the Arts.
NYU Small Works Show curated by Jack Shainman
Guild Hall: Easthampton, NY Spring Exhibition
Sean Kelly Gallery, NYC, photographs, curated by Cindy Sherman Penn State College , Williamsport, PA, solo exhibition
Washington Arts Club, Wash. DC, solo exhibition
ACME Art - Columbus, OH, solo exhibition
Sumei Arts Center, installation
Queens Council on the Arts Echoes of a New Millennium
Under The Influence - Islip Art Museum, curated by Catherine Valebza; Clocktower Gallery, curated by Kendal HenryArts for Transit;
Offspring, curated by Charlotta Kotik, Tom Eccles, Jane Riker
Cooperstown [NY] Art Association, National Exhibition, curated by Jerome Witkin 1997
The Matchbox Show, Art In General, NYC, window installation
The Queens Museum, Annual Exhibition
Featured Artist
101 Super Hot Artists for 2015 www.artbookguy.com
The Artist Catalogue: Summer 2014
The Art Book Guy September 2014
http://www.curatenyc.org/2013/author/ptanjuaquio http://greenwood.nyartistscircle.org
Art/Image winter 2014 :www.artimagemagazine.com/

Peter Cramer
C OVID TIMES. 5.5 x8.5, 2021. Zine printed on cardstock paper.
The Virus Is US, Mask Up. 16"x 20", 2021. Text printed on poster paper.
Peter Cramer (aka Peewee Nyob) - Called by i-D Magazine as " radical queers creating a powerful community through progressive politics, community gardens, wild parties, and colorful performance,” Peter is multi-media artist/performer, co-founder of the art garden Le Petit Versailles and non profit Allied Productions, Inc. His work has been presented by Anthology Film Archives, Danspace Project, ABC NO Rio, MIX NYC, Hermann Nitsch Museum, Microscope Gallery, FRISE/Hamburg, Center for Contemporary Culture of Barcelona, New Museum, Deitch Projects, Visual AIDS and Venice Biennale.
Most recently invited to collectively create AIDS OS Y Version 10.11.6, a zine for Lost and Found Platform Danspace Project 2016, and presenting Spaghetti Wrestling performance at Museo Hermann Nitsch, Naples, Italy.
With Jack Waters, my partner of 40 years, they created of Allied Productions Inc, a non profit arts umbrella in 1981, served as directors of ABC No Rio alternative art collective from 1983-1990 and founded Le Petit Versailles (1996) a NYC community garden.
Peter Cramer lives and works in New York CIty. Other artistic collaborations include Kembra Pfahler, Barbara Hammer, Geoff Hendricks, Lorraine O’Grady, Stephen Winter, Carl George and Ethan Shoshan.
Further histories are in various books including Alternative Histories: New York Art Spaces, 1960 – 2010 and Gentrification of the Mind: Witness to a Lost Generation and is subject of oral histories conducted by ACT UP Oral History Project (#50) and Art Spaces Archives Project of Smithsonian Institution/Archives of American Art.
Film/performance/visual works are viewable at FilmMakers’ Cooperative, Visual AIDS,NY Public Library of Performing Arts, Fales Downtown Collection, MOMA, and Allied Productions’ archives. Films have been preserved with the support of Estate Project for Artists with AIDS and National Film Preservation Fund
Residencies include the Emily Harvey Foundation, Harvestworks, and Yaddo.
Recipient of 2014 Kathy Acker Award,
C OVID TIMES is a photographic portfolio that serves as diary of the tumultuous times of the last two years living thru the pandemic and protests against violence against people of color. It also includes documentation of 2 major artistic events - Generator: Pestilence Part 1 and In The Realm of Anansi from Assisi that I was working on both as covid emerged and continued thru the summer of 2020. That the theme of Generator is specifically about how diseases affect culture having survived the worst part of the 1980's AIDS crisis, it is uncanny and unsettling too that covid affects the entire world in an altered echo of that same uncertain time. As a collaborative team with Jack Waters , we are known for our experimental cross disciplinary multimedia works that encompass experimental, non narrative, documentary and personal history strategies. We bring a broad based knowledge and technical skills to practices of socio-political and cultural engagement responsive to issues of ethnic, sexual /gender identity, AIDS activism and archival histories using the mediums of photography, film/video, installation and performance to engage and develop ideas that seek to value the process of creation as one of the most highly regarded part of the experience rather than the end result of a final “product”.
Deerfield Academy 1972-74
Skidmore College - 1975-76
School of American Ballet, Merce Cunningham School, Manhattan School Of Dance 1979-85.
Interdisciplinary Artist/Performer - 1980-2016
Co-Founder/ Director- Le Petit Versailles Garden 1996-2013
Publisher of PLOT Zine - 2006/2007/2019
Executive Director - Allied Productions Inc.. 1987-2010
Co-Director - ABC NO RIO 1983-90.
Technical Director - Danspace Project 1989-98
Lighting Design- 1970-2021
In The Realm Of Anansi from Assisi, 2020 Le Petit Versailles
Generator: Pestilence Part 1,La MaMa Downstairs Theater, 2020
Various online web galleries with Visual AIDS 2005-2021.
Secrets of the Great Pyramid: The Pyramid Cocktail Lounge
as Cultural Laboratory. Howl Happenings 2015
U&I - MIX 2015
Ephemera As Evidence - Visual AIDS @ La MaMa Galleria 2014
Arsenic & O’Lace. MIX 2013
NOT OVER: 25 Years of Visual AIDS. La Mama Galleria, NY 2013
Not Only This, but ‘New language beckons us.
Bobst Library/Fales Collection, New York University. 2013
HPSCHD - Eyebeam New York 2013
Forest of the Future. 2013
Papyri: Guestbooks,Bookworks,and similar departures,
Emily Harvey Foundation, Venice. 2012
Mixploratorium - La MaMa Galleria,New York, 2011
Ars(e) Moriendi - MIX NYC 2010
I Want to be left A Loon, MIX NYC. 2009
Triple Threat- FRISE, Hamburg Germany 2009
Anal it’s cracked up to be! - Home Sweet Home, NYC 2009
One Way Empire - PS 122 New York 2009
Mousa'a Muse' - MIX NYC 2008
Undetectable - Berlin Temp , Berlin. 200
Lo Vamos a Hablar – Centro de Cultura Contemporánea De Barcelona (CCCB) 2005,*
Pagano Primavera. “My Comrade” Relaunch- New York 2005
War Is Ovah, If You Want It Or Give Peace A Break! - Welcome to the Avant Garde Festival, Cleveland ,Ohio. June 2003
En Plein Air – Video Non Stop, Pinerolo, Italy 2003
Groundswell Benefit, White Columns, NYC 2003
Critical Art Practices - Shedhalle, Zurich Switzerland 2001
PRIDE 2001 NYC Public Library/Donnell Media Center 2001
Buried Treasure ABC NO RIO, 2001
* CoCurator
U & I. 2015.
Pestilence- Visual elements for Opera. 2014- 2020 *
Landscape (Western Hemisphere) Lorraine O’Grady, 2012**
We Are Cinema- 50 Years FilmMakers’ Coop, NYC 2012
Giornalisti en Maschera* - Millenium Film Archives/Union Docs 2009/2010.
One Way Empire. FRISE, PS 122 NYC, Berlin Temps 2008/2009
Two Gentlemen of Lucca*- Festival Côté Court à Pantin. Lucca Film 2008
Whitney Biennial, Nova- NPR/Illuminated Corridor, NYC, 2008.
Mousa'a Muse' - MIX Festival, New York 2008
Stag Nation- Issue Project Room New York 2008
Heidi HO! - Womanizer Show @ Deitch Projects 2007
LPVTV *- Manhattan Neighborhood Network cable TV. 2005/06
Sacre Coeur 2001 MIX NYC Festival premiere
Peter Palace Porn, 2001 MIX NYC Festival premiere
Söma,Söma,Söma: Geoff Hendricks,William Pope.L, Patty Chang 2000
Short Memory/No History: AIDS Art Activism -2000, NewFest, OUTFest
* Co-produced with Jack Waters
** Director of Photography
Voluptuous Horror of Karen Black@ The Kitchen,Deitch Project, Whitney Biennial, 2002-2017
Pestilence Opera - 2006-15 @ LMCC, Emily harvey Gallery, Harvestworks,NYC
Ephemera As Evidence - Visual AIDS @ La MaMa Galleria 2014
Arsenic & O’Lace. MIX 2013
NOT OVER: 25 Years of Visual AIDS. La Mama Galleria, NY 2013
HPSCHD - Eyebeam New York 2013
Forest of the Future. 2013
Emily Harvey Foundation, Venice. 2012
Mixploratorium - La MaMa Galleria,New York, 2011
Ars(e) Moriendi - MIX NYC 2010
I Want to be left A Loon, MIX NYC. 2009
BLACK & WHITE STUDY: THE DANCE - Danspace Project 1999
PIPELINE (Fun ,Fun, Fun, 'til they take my dead body away) 1999
PUTTI -1995/96 Danspace project
The Ring, Our Way 1989-91
Caza Moscas: Homage to Coney Island 1988
POOL Performance - Cat's Paw/ Shot in the Arm/ Foho Tell Dreams 1982-86
Emily Harvey Foundation, Venice. 2006 /2013 Residency Artist
Yaddo Art Colony November 2001 Residency Fellow
Choreographic Commission Initiative-Danspace Project/Jerome Foundation 1999
National Endowment for the Arts - InterArts 1988
Gentrification of the Mind: Witness to a Lost Generation. 2012
Alternative Histories: New York Art Spaces 1960-2010. 2012
Garten Eden. 2011 Szene Hamburg- September 2009
“Furious Fun” and “Tripping the Light Fantastic” by Ves Pitts 2009.
Beautalism- Deitch Project/Whitney Biennial. 2008
Art Spaces Archives Project /Smithsonian Archives of American Art. 2007
On Guerilla Gardening 2007
Temporary Urban Spaces: Concepts for the Use of City Spaces, 2006
Village Voice, May/August 2006
The New York Times, Jennifer Dunning, May 1999
NY Blade, Sarah Schulman, April 1999
Art In America: Annual, August 1985
OCTOBER, Rosalind Kraus/Cara Gendel Ryan. Winter 1984
ABC No Rio Dinero - The Catalogue of a Lower East Side Art Gallery 1984
New Observations; Tricia Collins & Richard Milazzo, Fall 1983
Rosaire Appel
"Corona Panic Scores" original drawings, ink on vintage music paper, four spreads: 13"x19", 2020
"Corona Panic Score" softcover book, 2020, 8.5x11", available at Printed Matter
Our languages are what connects us. Abstract visual language is the territory I am exploring. I used to write, then I drew writing. I bridged the gap between verbal writing and its non-verbal calligraphic counterparts through asemic writing. Asemic writing is a kind of mark making that looks like writing but has no semantic value. It is ancient as well as contemporary. (See Peter Schwenger’s scholarly study “Asemic The Art of Writing” (2019). Asemic writing enabled me to explore architectural structures of language without adding furniture. I drew abstract sentences and paragraphs, poems as well as entire stories. I also drew abstract comics and graphic novellas. I have created numerous visual books from this work, both one-of-a-kind and commercially printed.
Expanding my exploration of mark-making languages led me to considering sound. Sound has a written language of staves and notes, called music. But what of sound that is outside of music, ambient sound, that is always present everywhere. Since sound is invisible, it is wide open to visual representation. Some of my drawings delve into interior regions of a sound, others explore duration and pattern, intervals and vibrations. I invent rather than transcribe. I have sometimes used the term asemic music to categorize this work.
Just before lockdown, a friend gave me a sheaf of blank music pages, vintage stock. I occupied the pages and myself by furiously mimicking the panic that was permeating everything in those first months of lockdown, before we had factual information, when the streets were deserted and friends were absent --and the vaccine had not been developed. I just drew, in ink, letting the pages accumulate. No doubt the pervading silence of those days, accentuated the noise of my mind. The energy was frazzed, relentless, unstable. There was no specific beginning and no end in sight.
Eventually I scanned and edited these pages and made a book (available at Printed Matter, NYC and Amazon) entitled Corona Panic Score.
“Reach”, 2020, Exhibit of sound drawings and books at N0.3 Reading Room. Beacon, NY.
“Unsettled Scores”, 2019, solo exhibit at Scholes Street Studio, Brooklyn, NY
“Visual Books” 2016, Backroom Gallery at 57 W 57St Gallery, NYC.
“Untranslated”, 2013, solo exhibit at Schema Projects, Brooklyn, NY
Mercedes Matter Awards Show, 2021, NYC
Salon Zurcher, part 4 /2021 / 11 women of spirit at Zurcher Gallery, NYC
The One and the Many / 2020-21 / curated by Geoffrey Dorfman, Resnick Passlof Foundation
Scrivere Disegnando Geneve / 2020/ Centre d’Art Contemporain Geneve
Towards sound #1, 2020, Hilbert Raum, Berlin – curated by Ruth Wiesenfeld
TSA_NY (Tiger Strikes Asteroid, Bushwick, NY) 2019-2020/ Flatfiles / 2 unique books
Ink, Press, Repeat: National Juried Printmaking and Book Art Exhibition, University Galleries, William Patterson University, Wayne, New Jersey. (2020)
“TEXT” Park Place Gallery, Brooklyn. Group exhibit curated by Michael Holden
“Double Vision: artists who Instagram” 2019, group, curated by Janice Caswell and Erick Johnson, The Teaching Gallery, Troy, NY
“The Idiosyncratic Pencil Resharpened” 2019, Harper Gallery, Clinton, SC
“Pulled in Brooklyn” 2019, group, IPCNY, New York
“The Idiosyncratic Pencil” / 2018, Harper Gallery / Clinton, S.C
X marks the spot, 2018, New York Studio School, Alumni exhibit
LMAK Gallery, 2017, group exhibit.
Line Of Vision
Curated by: Jaynie Crimmins and Etty Yaniv
Line of Vision (In-case Art Projects) curated by Janie Crimmins and Etty Yaniv
119 Ingraham Street, Brooklyn, 11237
Ink, Press, Repeat: National Juried Printmaking and Book Art Exhibition, NJ
The Writing on the Wall, 2016, The painting Center, NYC
Recent Books / available online and at printed Matter
“Seranades”, 2021, Non Plus Ultra, Denmark
“The Other Side of a Family” 2021 / press rappel
“There’s No Telling What” (2020) Press Rappel, New York
“Soundtrack/s” published by Editions Adverse, Paris / 2020
“Corona Panic Score” / Press Rappel / 2020
“Projection Lamp Catalog” / Press Rappel/ 2019
“Dearest...” Press Rappel/ 2019
“Beyond Question” with Barbara Henry/ Press Rappel/ 2019
“Perturbations” published by Editions Adverse, France/ 2019
“Connect Here” published by Small Editions, Brooklyn/ 2018
“Branching / with luggage” Press Rappel/ 2018
“Sonic Malfunctions” 2018, chapbook, published by Simulacrum Press, Canada
“Zinc Zanc Zunc” , an asemic conjugation / 2017 Post Asemic Press
Sally Boon Matthews
"Evidence" ink on paper of fingerpritns
I have a multi-disciplinary practice and let the idea choose the medium, incorporating drawing, bookmaking, video, photography, and sculpture, separate and all together.
My work circles human mark-making through history:- how we have touched the world. I often thread together macro-micro layers from nature, religion, and human interactions, introducing the possibility of new relationships. When exploring these residual traces, and ethers caused by the actions of body, speech, and mind I consider how might their histories affect our present conditions and in what ways can we interpret them before considering our future actions?
2018 Tatattva Yoga Risikesh, Indian. Ashtanga Teacher training certificate
2009 Boston University, Mass. USA Graduate Studies in History and Philosophy
1995 Columbia Teachers College New York, NY 10023 Certificate in Photo-Etching June 1995
1980 The Arts University Bournemouth UK BA,(Honours) Art and Design
1976 Bournemouth and Poole College of Art, Dorset, England Foundation Degree in Art
London College of Printing, London UK Summer Graduate Course in Documentary Photography July 1982
2019 Vermont Studios Artist Residency
2018 Vermont Studios Artist Residency
2017 Vermont Studios Artist Residency
2017 Angel R Foundation Grant
2017 Swannanoa Chamber Music Festival Artist-in-Residence
2017 PS-CUNY Professional Development Grant
2015 ASL Scholarship
2013 Invited photographer Governo do Estado Sao Paulo,
Brazil Cutlura Program
Art and Spirituality Book. Curated by Cosmina Ene
Art Spiel Online. Artists in the Pandemic
The Seeds of Creation Book. Curated by Cosmina Ene
Tricycle Magazine, NY Times, Penguin Books, Random House, A and M Records, Blitz Magazine, Blitz Book, Om Yoga, Buddha Book, Grove Press, Warner Books, The Free Press, British Journal of Photography, Mail on Sunday Magazine, Battersea Museum of Art, Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Louisiana Museum of Art
Seth Ruggles Hiler
‘Two’ 48 x 24 x 1.5 in, 2020, Oil On Canvas
IG: @sethpaintsus
Seth Ruggles Hiler received an MFA from the New York Academy of Art and BFA from Syracuse University. He is the Assistant Professor of Visual Arts at Bard High School Early College Manhattan where he brings his creative process into the classroom, partnering with local organizations and facilitating community engagement through the arts. He is the Artist in Residence and Bushwick Abbey in Brooklyn and is represented by Leonides Arts NY, where he is the Director of Programming.
Seth Ruggles Hiler paints moments of experience and through layering of imagery, he allows the viewer to unearth their own emotional take or even narrative. As he moves into more expressive abstraction in his painting, it allows for a dimensional layering of these memories - of his own experiences, or even those imagined by studying a family member’s documentation of the past. This process became even more essential during the pandemic, as all we had to connect to most physical places and people was memory, our unearthing and rearranging of moments from our past, and connecting them to our surreal present and undetermined future.
Seth defines his work as ‘abstract realism.’ Each image is based on something real, whether painted from life or from other documentation, but each image is abstracted, for as he believes, that is what painting does. It breaks down form into more limited shapes and colors and tones and gestures. When puzzled together, they can build back up into something understandable. When layered, the hiding and seeking of imagery allow for so many possibilities. Hiler may know his sources, as they are his experiences and observations, but he is hopeful that each viewer’s takeaway varies - may even be different every time one viewer takes in the image, so that the artist may leave behind an opportunity for an abstracted uncovering and a connection to what is real.
“The Landscapes of Seth Ruggles Hiler,” The United Nations Global Compact Headquarters, NY, NY “Abstracting Nature,” Bushwick Abbey, Brooklyn, NY
“Faces and Places,” Bushwick Abbey, Brooklyn, NY
“Painting America,” Throne, Brooklyn, NY
“Transitions,” ANNEX Arts Space, Williamsburg, NY
“The Paintings of Seth Ruggles Hiler,” Tides Art Gallery, Asbury Park, NJ “Portraits on Pine Street,” Gallery 73 See, Montclair, NJ
“Studio Visits,” DUO Multicultural Arts Center, New York, NY
“East of Orange,” Bergen Community College, Paramus, NJ
“Faces of SAGE,” The SAGE Center, New York, NY (ongoing installation) “Back to the Light,” Right Angle Uptown, Hoboken, NJ
“Solos,” Gallery 33, Jersey City, NJ
“CROPPED,” Guerilla Galleries (GuGa) at Gallery One, Newark, NJ
“NJ Emerging Artists Series: Seth Ruggles Hiler - Portraits,” The Monmouth Museum, Lincroft, NJ “ Seth Ruggles Hiler – Paintings,” The Collonade Gallery, Newark, NJ
“Twenty Something,” BOI’s of New Hope Gallery, New Hope, PA
”Being, Human: Portraits by Seth Ruggles Hiler & Steve Mantinaos,” curated by Patrick Neal, The Local NYC, Long Island City
“R(love)ution,”Artfront Galleries, Newark, NJ
”Endangered, Can Art Save Them,” Art Impact International, online exhibition
”un-Paralled: The Journeys of Bob Hill and Seth Ruggles Hiler,” Art Institute at Maplebrook, Amenia, NY “OUT/SIDE,” Curated by Ricardo Osmondo Francis, West Orang Public Library, West Orange, NJ
“Ribbon Cutting,” Curated by Rafael Cuello, Newark Pride Center, Newark, NJ
“Bombay Sapphire Artisan Series,” The White Space Chelsea, NY, NY “Which Hunt,” Friday Studio Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
“Out Loud,” Art Front Galleries, Newark, NJ
“Self Portraits, Faculty and Staff Exhibition,”Fashion Institute of Technology, New York, NY
“The Transcendence of Us,” Brooklyn Fire Proof’s ‘Gallery 104,’ Brooklyn, NY
“Art at the Abbey,” The Great Hall Gallery, Brooklyn, NY - group show, curated by Seth Ruggles Hiler "EVERYBOOTY," Brooklyn Academy of Music, Brooklyn, NY
“New Queer Art 2016,” DMAC Gallery, New York, NY
“Season of Creativity,” Palette Art Studio, Woodbridge, CT
“Artists Emerged: NJ Emerging Artists Series New Works,” Monmouth Museum, Lincroft, NJ “Personality Test, Contemporary Portraiture,” Mikhail Zakin Gallery, Demarest, NJ "EVERYBOOTY," Brooklyn Academy of Music, Brooklyn, NY
“X Contemporary Exhibition,” Art Basel, Miami, FL
“KUNSTKAMMER,” Parenthesis Art Space, Brooklyn, NY
"EVERYBOOTY," Brooklyn Academy of Music, Brooklyn, NY
"EVERYBODY IN LOVE" Brooklyn Community Pride Center, Brooklyn, NY
“Selected Junior Scholarship Members Salmagundi Club,” Denise Bibro Fine Arts, NY, NY
“Strangers,” Curated by Parenthesis Art Space, The Wix Lounge, NY, NY “Unity of the Spheres,” CCM Visual Arts Gallery, Randolph, NJ
“25th Anniversary Gallery Night,” North Jersey Community Research Initiative, NJ
“NY Emerging Artists Exhibition: The Work of Seth Ruggles Hiler & Dawn DiCicco,” curated by The Monmouth Museum, Colonial American Bank, Shrewsbury, NJ
Song Rao + Acudus Aranyian
1. Installation
Masked Land, Size- 216" x 20.5", Oct 4th, 2021
Medium- Mixed Medium with Cardboard + Used disposable masks + AR design
Collaborators- Yvonne Zhou & Reto
2. Photo (Acudus Aranyian)
Soho to Met, a walk during the pandemic, Size-8.5" x 11"
Song Rao is an environmental researcher/ artist lives in Brooklyn, NYC whose work discusses the interaction between people, society and natural environment.
Coming from Beijing China, Rao has completed his second master degree in Sustainable Environmental Systems at Pratt Institute Brooklyn. Combining with his previous professions in stage art and communication, he aims to create a new language to link up with local community to reconsider the adverse environmental impact and social impact by human activities.
From March 2020, Rao started to collect his used face masks. Until today, he has already collected more than 600 pieces of used disposable face masks from different sources. Some of the masks came from his own, some from classmates and friends, some from the streets and also Rockaway 90th beach.
The initial goal of the project was to understand the environmental impact by the production and recycling process of disposable face masks. Through the time, more and more arguments of wearing masks popped up from the media and public groups, all holding different opinions. Face masks are no longer just a personal protective equipment with a public health view, they also carry many messages.
In early 2021, Rao made a decision to use Face Mask as a symbol to discuss the interrelationship of public health emergency and personal choice. He cleaned all the masks and collabed with multiple artists, aiming to use young people's accepted language to talk about the matter.
Susan Grucci
"You Are Here" Outside size: 10 3/4" x 8 3/4" - opening with 2" Mat - 7" x 5", - April 2020, Mono-type with Pen & Ink- Mixed Media
artwork archive.com/artwork/susan-grucci
Susan Grucci- Facebook and Instagram
For many years, I concentrated on traditional landscapes in a large format. I used my own photographs and sketches as the basis for my work. Photography has been one of my many passions throughout the years
Besides the large canvas paintings, I added smaller canvases and a new technique. My new approach can either start with pencil applied directly to canvas or at some other point. I then use palette knife and brush or objects to create an abstract landscape...At 'that' point in the process I search for figurative suggestions and movement within the paint. Finally, in delicately rendered marks, I address the details of the landscape Unfailingly, music helps and guides me as I work.
The process requires time. I find that I am spending many weeks on a relatively small 8x10 canvas in between painting larger paintings at the same time. Yet for me, the rewards are incalculably rich. Exhilarating freedom, confidence-inspiring command.
The time I've spent at the Artist in Residency at Carter Burden/ L. Covello Mono Printing in East Harlem has influenced my work in painting. Also, this process is similar, in which I can spend much time adding to my original print. Collage has become a go to medium for me for the last 5 years using my own prints to add to backdrop prints.
Back story - During the Pandemic - What was Lost and Found.
My personal Vision:
So many things lost, so many things taken away. The one thing that can never be lost or taken is our creative spirit, it is the part of us that keeps us from a world of only ordinary things. When painting could not be done drawing is found, collage is found, small art books are created that especially delight my daughter and we find a time from long ago.
So we continue to create, we really don’t have another option.
"You Are Here" Mono-Type, Mixed Media
While during the middle of the quarantine, John and I took a walk through Central Park - The park was much busier than it was at the beginning and while I sat and drew on my print, I heard snippets of peoples conversations - here and there.
I was compelled to jot down what I could hear. It dawned on me while there, that the Universe, the World, the United States, New York State, New York City, and lastly Central Park - went through a ragging Pandemic and we were all in the same box!
Hence the name “ You Are Here”. ( find the Box with the dot )
2021 August - Women Celebrate Women - Brick and Mortar Exhibition @ El Barrio Artspace.
2021 August - NYArtistscircle - One line exhibition - Lost and Found.
2021 Summer through Fall - Gallery Sitka - "Earth Day" In Gallery and Virtual.
2021 Carter Burden Gallery/Arsty - Spring Exhibition - "One Year Later"
2020 - Jan - Artist Talk and Reception: Carter Bburden Network/Covello -Exhibited 30 of my pieces on view until March 4th, 2020
2020- Oct-Dec - Harlem Art Walk - El Barrio presents SPARK
2019 - Sept-Dec - Carter Burden Network/L. Covello, Artist in Residency Program, in East Harlem.
2019/Jan. 4th - Artist talk and Reception
2017 - Nov - Dec- Carter Burden Network’s Artist in Residence Program. ”.
2016 - Artist in Residency for one month, at Carter Burden Network/Covello.
2004 & 2005 - two consecutive summer sessions at the "92Y School of the Arts. Residency in Pinzolo, Italy": Painting, Water Color, drawing en Plein Air, in The Dolomite.
2005 - 92Y School of the Arts - Exhibition of Summer in Pinzolo.
2020 - Virtual Exhibition with Artsy and Carter Burden Gallery - Summer Show "Consolations"*
Virtual Exhibition with The Catskill Art Society - Summer Show August and September 2020 "Art in "Quarantine,
January 2019 - Artist Talk at Carter Burden Network- East Harlem
2019-Two Oil Paintings were Exhibited at "El Barrio" East Harlem - 312 East 99th Street. 'New York1 - TV', aired the Exhibit and ended it by Focusing on Two Oil Paintings to close the show.
January 2019 - Tuesday Class Group Exhibit at 92Y School of the Arts, N.Y. I have exhibited for 26 years a mix of Pottery and Oil Paintings at The Weill Art Gallery - 92Y School of the Arts.
1993-2019- 26 Juried Shows at The Weill Art Gallery, Manhattan. 92Y School of the Arts.
August - 2011 - The Lawrence Rockefeller Antique and Art Gallery", Lew Beach, New York - Catskills. Landscape Oil Painting.
December, 2012, The French Consulate NYC ~ Watercolor print exhibited and sold at the Silent Auction to benefit - "The French/American, Children's Fund" to help families after Hurricane Sandy.
March, 2016- Volunteered with a group of New York Artists who have helped with the curating and success of TWITTERARTEXHIBIT - 'Foster Pride Charity'.
2019- The office of The Manhattan Borough President Gail Brewer - Selected Exhibition - Oil Painting. Award
2016, 2017, 2019 Exhibitions and Artist Talk. - Carter Burden Network - Exhibited 2 - 3 and 4 monthsResidencies- in at Leonard Covello, East Harlem. Oil Painting, Mono-Type, Drawing and Collage
Suzanne Russo
"Testing Lines" 7"x"10 marker sketch on paper
"Bronx Bound" 8"x18" gouache on cold press watercolor paper
Suzanne Russo is an emerging NYC based artist. She is inspired by her love of the city & walks around her neighborhood, Washington Heights .Influenced by working 20 years as a fashion designer, she is drawn to interesting mixes of color, pattern and texture. She looks to capture the beauty of her neighborhood & surroundings in a real way using primarily marker & inks.
Through my artwork I try to show the beauty and energy of Washington Heights. I depict in a realistic way the every day life and architecture focusing on little details. A can of soda left on a bench, the graffiti on a sign post or a plant on a fire escape, no detail is too small. It's the details that can help evoke a sense of being here in the moment. I hope to give viewers a glimpse of what life is like in Upper Manhattan and inspire love and respect for the neighborhood that I call home.
Fashion Institute of Technology, State University of New York Bachelor’s in applied science degree Fashion Design
2021 - Ranked Choice Voting Exhibition Union Square, NYC
2022 - Group Exhibition Art In the Garden Ring Garden, NYC
2022 - Group Exhibition Forthcoming Word Up, NYC
Tamara Wyndham
"In Support of Essential Workers During the Pandemic" 16 inch diameter, 2020, contact hand print, acrylic on canvas
Tamara Wyndham has been making art all her life; encouraged by her mother, an artist. Born and raised in Los Angeles, California, she studied traditional drawing and painting at California State University, Long Beach; and more experimental drawing, book works, and performance at the University of California at Irvine.
Ms. Wyndham has been awarded artist residencies at the Henry Street Settlement, the Kate Millett Art Colony, the Vermont Studio Center, the Mariz Ceramic Workshop in the Czech Republic, Fundación Valparaíso in Mojácar, Spain, and an artist’s fellowship from Earthwatch to work in Orce, Spain.
I made this painting during the beginning of the pandemic in support of essential workers and their need for protective equipment, such as gloves, which were in short supply. This painting was used to make a sticker and a button.
2021 100 Mandalas Project, Art on The Terrace Gallery, Staten Island, NY, curated by Meg Graham
2021 Benefit for Black Mountain College Museum & Arts Center, Orphanage Gallery, Dayton, OH. curated by Chris Reynolds and Lova Delis. 2021 Rewriting Herstory, Drawing Rooms, Jersey City, NJ. curated by Anne Trauben
2021 Sotto Voce, Artfront Galleries, Newark, NJ. curated by Susan O’Rourke 2021 Scale, First Presbyterian Church gallery, New York, NY, curated by Cecilia André 2021 Women Celebrate Women, El Barrio Artspace, New York, NY, curated by Yvonne Lamar-Rogers
2021 Vulva - Deconstructing Femininity, House of Shadows, Tampa, FL, curated by Annie Rosse Gonzalez
2021 First International Festival of Manuports, Kohta kunsthalle, Helsinki, Finland, curated by Sona Stepanyan
2021 Life After the Revolution: Kate Millett's Art Colony for Women, Dorsky Museum of Art at State University at New Paltz, NY curated by Anna Conlan.
2021 KBLB / KBLB, White Lanes, Moscow, Russia. Curated by Natalia Konyukova
2020 Alchemy, KTO Temple, Salem, MA, Curated by Joseph Shepard 2020 Rituals of Resistance The Urban Collective, New Haven, CT Curated by The Urban Collective and Nasty Women Connecticut.
2020 The Roar Within, Riverfront Art Gallery, Yonkers, NY. Curated by Haifa Bint-Kadi.
2020 Womxn The Living Gallery, Brooklyn, NY. Curated by Nyssa Frank.
2019 A Burden to Bare, 1022 Wyckoff, New York, NY. Curated by Alissa Milano and Kaitlyn Power.
2019 WW3 Illustrated, Anarchist Arts Festival, Judson Memorial Church, NY, NY. Curated by Seth Tobocman and Sabrina Jones.
2019 Small Works Show, Gallery178, New York, NY. Curated by Anna Shukeylo.
2019 Mirror, Mirror Artfront Galleries, Newark, NJ. Curated by Susan O’Rourke & Janet Morgan.
2019 Continuity of Struggle Max Fish, New York, NY. Curated by Seth Tobocman.
2018 Group show, Harlem 45 gallery, Curated by Cigdem Tankut, New York, NY
2018 Beginnings OSA Gallery, New York, NY. Team curated
2018 Sympathetic Magic Westbeth Gallery, New York, NY. Curated by Elisa Decker.
2017 Et Tu, Art Brute? Andrew Edlin Gallery, New York, NY. Curated by Jamie Sterns.
Tony Setteducate
2 Untitled mixed media collage, 11x14” unframed
Instagram: tonynyartist
I am a late-life self-taught artist living and working in New York City. My work is inspired by my surroundings; the shapes and colors of a constantly changing city. You can see my work on Instagram @tonynyartist.
During the pandemic I couldn't use any of the studios where I paint. I was stuck at home, a small studio apartment with no room to set up an easel. Working at my table I was able to create mixed media collages on paper filled with my thoughts and fantasies of the world.
Virginia Mallon
Covid Returns 2020, 28x42, oil painting
Virginia Mallon is an American artist (painter/photographer). She is a graduate of Queens College of the City University of New York and apprenticed with Indian Space artist Robert Barrell. In addition to her art practice, she is a co-editor/curator of The Fat Canary Journal and Gallery, an online platform that celebrates and shares the work of emerging and contemporary visual artists.
Inspired by Arte Povera, I paint on slate, burlap, and other found items, as well as fabric and traditional canvas. I also take photographs using an old SONY digital camera and an iPhone. I do not follow the creed that good art needs to be a pretty picture or made using traditional materials. Following the mantra “grow where you are planted” I use locally found objects.
My work, created with a female point of view, contemplates religious, historic, and mythological legends, nautical spaces, personal histories, and the psychological undercurrents of contemporary society.
Perhaps intensified because of the pandemic, and having had Covid-19 myself, I am fascinated by ghosts and the afterlife and the long reaching consequences of trauma. This piece, titled Covid Returns, was painted in June 2021, two months after my second moderna vaccine, and right after learning that I had again contracted a case of Covid-19 as a breakthrough case.
It depicts a shroud colored Lady Liberty, wearing a crown of vaccines, surrounded by floating Covid germs.
Art/Art Advocacy Projects:
Fat Canary Journal - Founding Editor of the Fat Canary Journal an artist run, fine art journal celebrating the work of contemporary and emerging artists on a monthly virtual platform and in an annual print publication. Launched in 2018 and a virtual gallery venue was added in 2021. www.FatCanaryGallery.com
Artists for Social Justice 2020 – Curator of social justice collaborative for social justice themed project. Efforts included online exhibits, website design, drafting promotional and managing all aspects for gallery exhibits across the United States. The traveling exhibit was shown virtually , due to the pandemic, from New York to the heartland of America. It was featured in the Social Distancing Festival and other venues throughout 2020.
Gambling the Aisle - Art Editor for this bi-annual, Denver based art and literary journal from 2017-2018
Open Road Creations - Pro bono design services for artists, art organizations and non-profit entities including web design, virtual exhibits, marketing material, promotional brochures, and advertising.
#brokenwomenmendstronger, ARC Gallery, Chicago, IL – January 2019
Wake of the Dutchman, Alfred van Loen Gallery, Huntington, NY– February 2016
amulets spirits and everyday humans, National Association of Women Artists, NYC – October 2012
Life in Crab Meadow, Spoke, Huntington NY – November 2010
Crustaceans and Older Influences, HLW Gallery, NYC – June 1996
Select Juried and Solo Pop-up Exhibitions:
Anniversary Exhibit at Citti di Assisi with Arte Studio Ginestrelle – September 2020
Memorial. Monument. Movement. Exhibition, Artists Against Racism, New Jersey – March 2021
Up Arts Incubator, Alone/Together, Lansdale, PA – February 2021
2020 Political Discord, Las Laguna Gallery, Laguna, CA – October 2020
Hopkinton Center for the Arts, About What’s Going On, virtual exhibit, July 2020
Baruch College, CUNY, Small Work Exhibit, NY - February 2018
Huntington Arts Council, Huntington, NY - February 2018
ARTOUR-O IIMUST, Madeira, Portugal - November 2017
Wake of the Dutchman Solo, Northport Art Coalition, Northport, NY - October 2017
Wake of the Dutchman Pop Up Exhibit, Scherer & Sons, Crab Meadow, NY – August 2017
Providence Center for Photographic Arts, Juried Exhibit, Providence, RI – February 2017
Nave Gallery, Out of the Woods, Somerville, MA – November 2016
1st WASB (Worldwide Apartment and Studio Biennial), Eighty Miles a Day, Northport, NY – Oct.2016
International Contemporary Art Exhibit at Citta Di Assisi, Italy – November 2013 and 2015
Community of Artists, Danforth Museum, Framingham, MA – June 2014
Point Park University, Visions and Revelations, Pittsburgh, PA – March 2014
New England Biennial, Danforth Museum, Framingham, MA – September 2013
Long Island Museum; Let’s Go to the Beach – August 2013
National Association of Women Artists, Clothing Optional – July 2013
Spoke Gallery, Artists Choice, Huntington, NY – February 2013
Long Island Museum, Natural Wonder – June 2012
Las Femmes Artistes Vernissage at the Armory Center, FL – December 2011
Riverside Public Library, NAWA's Ev(e)olution, NYC – March 2011
Artists for Social Justice 2020, Kupferberg Gallery, Queens College CUNY, NYC – October 2020
Artists for Social Justice 2020, ARC Gallery, Chicago – October 2020
Social Distancing Festival, Toronto, Canada – March 2020
National Association of Women Artists Annual Member Exhibits– 2010-2019
Landfill Art Project, Wilkes-Barre, PA – April 2013
Annual Member Exhibit, Mill Pond House, Smithtown, NY – December 2012
Familiar Weight of Water, a Mallon Family Exhibit, Spoke, Huntington NY – November 2011
Huntington/Oyster Bay Audubon Society/Cow Harbor Festival, Northport, NY – September 2010
Summer Festival, Vanderbilt Museum, Centerport, NY – July 2010
National Association of Women Artists Newsletter, April 2019
Fat Canary Journal July 2018
Mystic Blue Review January 2018
The Woven Tale Press, June 2017
The Island Review, 2017
Gambling the Aisle Literary Magazine, 2017
Temenos Journal, Central Michigan University, 2016 and 2017
Calyx Journal, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020 including cover art
The Tulane Review, Tulane University, 2015
The Journal, Ohio State University, 2015
Noctua Review Art and Literary Magazine, 2014 and 2016 select work
Noctua Review - 2015 and 2017 including cover art
Glassworks Literary Magazine, Spring 2014
Tendril Literary Magazine, Winter 2013
The Colored Lens, Summer 2012
Forest Park School of Art, Woodhaven, NY – with Indian Space artist Robert Barrell
Queens College, City University of New York, Flushing New York BA Fine Art 1985
Senior Art Editor/Curator, The Fat Canary Journal and Gallery (visual arts) 2018
Art Editor, Gambing the Aisle Literary and Art Journal Winter 2017 - Summer 2018
Artist Residency – Arte Studio Ginestrelle, Assisi, Italy, November 2013
Archeological Dig in Poitier, France, Summer 1984 and Forcalqueiret, France Summer 1981
Yu Zhang
1. Praying Hand 10x10" 2020 oil on canvas
2. Invisible Spring 30x36" 2020 oil on linen
Zhang Yu was born in Beijing, China. She graduated from Beijing Science Technology College with a degree in Art Design in 1994, and continued her study at the Central Academy of Fine Art for another two years to refine her master program training in oil painting. After leaving the academy, she developed her own style and created works that reflect the political climate of the China at that period. Her subjects included political figure such as Mao’s wife Jiang Qing and a series on a new generation of empowered Chinese city girls, these paintings mirrored China as an emerging superpower. At the same time, Chinese contemporary art was being recognized on the international level for the first time.
In 1998, Yu relocated to the United States. She began to explore her art within a new culture and develop her vision through everyday life. A sense of self-identity began to emerge in her paintings. Subjects such as female figures, popular cultures and media permeated in her works. By the time she began her MFA studies at the City College of New York in 2007, her paintings matured and she established a unique style that challenges the notions of ideal beauty and self-identity.
Yu has received recognition such as the Koan J. Baysa Award in 2008. During her career, Yu has numerous solo and group shows in the United States, Japan and China. She has shown in Nasu-Kougen Museum, Japan; International Arts Festival ShangHai, China; and many galleries in New York City area including Gallery 456, Walter Wickiser Gallery, Hans Weiss (Ct), Thomas Erben Gallery, Artists Space, Exit Art, Ethan Cohen Fine Arts and White Box.
Zhang Yu currently lives and works in New York.
The pandemic caused our lives to passively return to its most basic state. When all the prosperity receded, people began to re-examine themselves and their relationship with the world. Those trivial matters of life that have been neglected by us are magnified and focused into a ritual. For example, our reliance on masks and gloves, and the transition from face-to face social interaction to online meetings. These seemingly absurd behaviors may be the living conditions of human beings in the future.
This series of my works tries to bring people’s attention to the details of certain physical actions. The description of these unreasonable self-protection measures and subconscious actions, such as washing hands or praying while wearing gloves, reveals people’s helplessness and fear of the epidemic. The seemingly familiar but meaningless actions in the picture make people feel that we seem to be living in a surreal world today.
What the work wants to show is the contradiction of opposites, the conflicts between reality and illusion, tradition and technology, as well as culture and ethnicity. The current questions and challenges of our strong desire for a sense of security that gradually awaken people’s wisdom and try to understand and surpass ourselves with the interaction in this impermanent world.
2007-2008 The City Collage of New York, USA
1994-1996 Central Academy of Fine Arts, China
1991-1994 Beijing Art Technical Business College, China
8/2020 Red Dot Phyllis Harriman Mason Gallery, NY
8/2019 Girls Create Art TBG Gallery, NY
9/2017 The Garden Walter Wickiser Gallery, NY
1/2015 Postcards from the Edge Luhring Augustine Gallery, NY
3/2014 Saatchi Art collective Show Saatchi Online Gallery
3/2013 Single Fare 3 RH Gallery, NY
9/2012 Yu’s New Work Solo Exhibition, Monika Oklo Gallery LI, NY
3/2012 The Scope Show NY
9/2011 The Sensuality of Yu Solo exhibition, Dib Gallery, NY
3/2010 The Great Unseen The Armory Art Week open studio show, NY
9/2009 Creation and Distortion Bennett Media Studio, NY
5/2008 Benefit Auction Show White Box Gallery, NY
8/2008 CUNY Exhibition koan J. Baysa Award Ise Cultural Foundation, NY
7/2007 About Love Nailya Alexander Gallery, NY
3/2006 The Love Show Hans Weiss, CT
3/2005 A Natural State Solo Show, Gallery 456, NY
6/2003 International Print Show Nasu-Kougen Museum, Japan
5/2000 PASSPORT Book publication and launch, Beijing China
6/1998 International Arts Festival Shanghai, China
7/1997 International Arts Festival Beijing, China
10/2021 Welcome Back Maggi Peyton Gallery, NY
9/2019 Art Splash Rockaway Artists Alliance, NY
2/2016 Postcards from the Edge, Metro Picture, NY
9/2015 Beauty, St. Paul The Apostle Church, NY
8/2013 Zhiqing Chinese American Zhiqing Association Gallery, NY
6/2013 Strange Flowers Equity Point Gallery, NY
11/2012 Kipton Art Rising Program Scoop NYC, NY
6/2011 Hell’s Kitchen Art Festival/ Open Studio, NY
5/2011 The 5th SAW Art Walk Bay Ridge , NY
4/2011 Within You Without You NARS Foundation,NY
1/2011 Poster From the Edge RCG Gallery, NY
11/2010 Confluence of Cultures VI Walter Wickiser Gallery, NY
2/2009 Confluence of Cultures III Walter Wickiser Gallery, NY
5/2008 Just the Figure Walter Wickiser Gallery, NY
2/2008 MFA Show The City College of New York, NY
9/2007 Confluence of Cultures I Walter Wickiser Gallery, NY
10/2006 Contemporary Chinese Visions Amy Simon Fine Art Gallery, CT
6/2006 Chinese Contemporary Art Thomas Erben gallery , NY
1/2006 New Chinese Occidentalism Ethan Cohen Fine Arts, NY
12/2005 Eat Art 8 AAWAA Gallery, NY
Yvette Cohen
The Difference Between Being OK and Not Ok is Paper Thin #1
The Difference Between Being OK and Not Ok is Paper Thin #2
Social Distancing Pears
Yvette was born in Cairo, Egypt and raised in Paris and Montreal. In 1976 she received a BFA from Concordia University in Montreal where she studied with Guido Molinari. After moving to New York she continued her education attending classes at the Art Student’s League, the School of Visual Arts and the Whitney seminars. For a year she worked in lithography at the Bob Blackburn Printmaking Workshop. In 1983 she established Plum Graphics Inc., a greeting card company, recognized for its unique images and products. There she received several nominations and a Louie award for her work. Louie awards are the Oscars of the greeting card industry.In 2004 she returned to the studio to pursue her fine art full time. She lives and works in New York City.The Katonah Museum of Art, FROSCH & CO Gallery in New York, the National Academy of Art in New York, the Paul Robeson Galleries at Rutgers University in New Jersey, the Washington Square East Galleries of New York University, as well as several site-specific installations are among the venues that have exhibited her work.
My work floats in an unframed space. I draw and I paint but I think sculpturally. My flat boldly colored shaped painting-sculptures, paintings that look like sculptures, are positioned to convey infinite air and unlimited possibilities. Shapes are created on canvas under wooden dowels, or simply canvas pieces. During the onslaught of Corona I was keeping it simple, working at home, making mediums from what was at hand; Assam Tea, Turmeric, Blueberries, Saffron, and Beets. The simplicity of drawing materials, allows me to connect with marks and the paper without interference.
Time Passes. Memory Fades. (Online), Jason McCoy Gallery, New York, NY
The One Who Best Understands the Significance of Light (Online), Jason McCoy Gallery, New York, NY (See ARTSY)
Shape In All Its Forms, (Online), Site:Brooklyn Gallery, Brooklyn NY
DO STACKS, Frosch&CO, New York, NY (See ARTSY)
Let the Globe, If Nothing Else, Say This Is True (Online), Jason McCoy Gallery, New York, NY
2021 (Online), FlatFile Gallery, New York, NY
VIRAL Collaboration, Bridgeport Art Center, Chicago, IL
8x8 Art On Paper, FlatFile Gallery (Online), New York, NY
On The Wall, FlatFile Gallery (Online), New York, NY
Hammond November virtual show, Hammond Museum, North Salem, NY
Hammond October virtual show, Hammond Museum, North Salem, NY
Hammond September virtual show, Hammond Museum, North Salem, NY
2018-19 Atmospheric Perspective, Curated by Christina Massey, Chashama Madison Avenue, NY
Atmospheric Perspective, Curated by Christina Massey, Chashama Madison Avenue, NY
LAS GRAVITAS, ODETTA Gallery, Bushwick, Brooklyn, NY
FLAT? Kentler International Drawing Space, Red Hook, Brooklyn, NY
GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH, NATION VI, Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Duality: Glimpses of the Other Side, Islip Museum, East Islip, New York
COLOR+SHAPE=SPACE, Site-Specific Installation in Flatiron District, Basta Pasta, New York, NY
NATION V THRU THE RABBIT HOLE!!! Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Speaking Volumes…and Voids, Sculptor’s Alliance, Governor’s Island, NY
Stack/File: Selections from the Kentler Flatfiles, Kentler International Drawing Space, Brooklyn, NY
SELECT Art Fair, ODETTA Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Diptychs, Triptychs, Multiples, City Without Walls, Newark, NJ
Art to the Point, Katonah Museum of Art, NY
Formed Perceptions, Corridor Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Defying Gravity-Sculptural Paintings at Cassina, A Solo Site-Specific Painting Exhibition, SOHO, NY
TROYART, Museu Brasileiro da Escultura, São Paulo, Brazil
Edwin Abbey Mural Fellowship, National Academy of Art, NY
Sculptors Alliance 30th Anniversary Exhibit: Then and Now, Tompkins Square Library Gallery, NY
Exquisite Corpse, Paul Robeson Galleries, Rutgers University, NJ
32nd Annual Small Works Show, NYU 80 Washington Square East Galleries, NY
Edwin Abbey Mural Fellowship, National Academy of Art, NY
Louie Award, Greeting Card Industry
Artist Talk on Art, July 2021. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jfk7IOP1P-E&t=7s
Las Gravitas Art Talk, ODETTA GALLERY, December 16, 2018.
https://artspiel.org/las-gravitas-at-odetta/ November 20, 2018 by Sharilyn Neidhart
The Artist Catalogue, Fall 2015
The Artist Catalogue, Summer 2014
Exquisite Corpse, Paul Robeson Galleries, 30th Anniversary
Wreath Interpretations, New York Times, December 5, 2014. Page C22
ItalianGoodNews: http://www.italiangoodnews.com/?p=7550
The Examiner: http://www.examiner.com/article/sculptors-alliance-inc-supporting-sculptors
Zhen Guo
"Enclosed by the Invisible Inevitable" Zhen Guo, 2020; Fabric, yarn, and acrylic on a burlap backing; 150 X 250 CM
website: www.ZhenGuoArt.com
Facebook: @zhenguoart
Instagram @zhenguoart
Zhen Guo, a Chinese-American artist and curator was born in Rizhao, Shandong, China. Inspired by art early in life she graduated from the Fine Arts Department of Shandong Art School in 1976. One of only two women admitted to her class, Guo graduated from the Chinese Painting Department of the China Academy of Art in 1982 and stayed on as a teacher at the Chinese Painting Department.
Zhen Guo was one of the earliest explorers of female ink art after the Cultural Revolution. In 1986, she came to the USA to study at the San Francisco Art College. In 1987 she went to the School of Art of York University in Canada as a visiting scholar. Moving to New York City in 1988, she set up Zhen Guo Art Studio.
Zhen Guo is known in the international art world as a female ink art activist and an Asian American contemporary ink art pioneer. She has participated in numerous international art exhibitions and has long been committed to exploration of international contemporary women's art. Sotheby’s and other international auction companies have repeatedly promoted her work. In recent years she has organized and participated in the “Existence” International Women's Art Exhibition in Changsha, China, “Please Touch, Body Boundaries” exhibition at the Mana Museum of Contemporary Art in the United States, and “Asian Women Artists Exhibition” at South Korea’s Jeonbuk Museum of Art. She also participates in academic lectures at universities at home and abroad. She is currently a member of the International Women's Art Association, the North American Artists Association, The Chinese Artists Association, and a visiting professor at several art universities.
Zhen Guo currently lives and works in New York City.
Enclosed by the Invisible Inevitable (Zhen Guo 2020, fabric yarn and acrylic on a burlap backing 150 X 250 CM)
During the Covid crisis everyone has been affected by the isolation and fear of this unknown disease. We have not known where to turn or how to proceed with our lives, or if this new reality would ever end and allow us to return to normal. Women have been particularly affected by the lock down. More women are vulnerable through employment as essential workers -- nurses, shop and grocery workers -- and are more often responsible for the care and education of children at home. Their stress is even greater and their health more at risk than male counterparts.
A woman's breast, my major motif for works of feminism, enclose a gendered face. A woman’s breast shows her softness and gentleness but also her strength. She hides them in modesty but when displayed they create fierce reactions. They demonstrate her youth and energy but disclose her age and her decline. They symbolize her virtue and her passion. These breasts, fashioned from fabrics ranging from simple cotton to exotic silks, bring with them the traditions of needle craft and quilting representative of a woman’s skill and importance to her family and society but at the same time the restrictions and limits placed upon her by culture and society dominated by men.
Misshapen by stress fear and an uncertain future, the face could be any one of us. Swarms of Covid enemies are stirred together with her friends and acquaintances. They cannot escape any neither can she. She does not understand what to do, how to escape, how to survive how to recover.
“International Art Triennial Exhibition” Hubei Museum Hubei PRC November 2020 – March 2021
"With Me" International Feminist Art Exhibition Online Curated by Zhen Guo September 2020
"Existence (2):Women's International Art Exhibition" Online May 2020
"Existence" Women’s Art Exhibition 798 Art Park, Songyang PRC October 2019
"International Feminist Art Exhibition," Mexi Emporium Exhibition Space Changsha PRC May, 2018
“Ethnic Chinese and their contribution to the world of art” St.Johns University, New York, July 201
"My Feminine Art and Experience” Lecture at Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, Tianjin PRC, May 2017
"International Fine Artists Charity Art Show,: Rizhao PRC, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015
Student Scholarship Foundation, Rizhao, PRC, 2011
“Muted Landscape” Published in China 2019
“A Denied Existence” Chinese American Arts Council Gallery 456, New York NY February, 2018
“A Woman Abreast” Zhen Guo Solo show Amerasia Art Gallery New York February, 2017
“Guo Zhen Feminist Charity Art Show,” Rizhao PRC, October 2015
“Guo Zhen Feminist Charity Art Show,” Yitai Art Space Hohahaote City PRC October 2015
”Soul Ink” Taihe Ar5t6 Gallery, Beijing 798,PRC May, 2014
“My Heart Is Red,” Connecticut College, New London CT, USA 2012
“Don’t Shut Up” Snug Harbor Art and Cultural Center, Staten Island NY August 2021
"Kulturtrotz(t) Corona/Existence Inselgalrie Berlin, Germany January 2021
“International Art Triennial Exhibition” Hubei Museum Hubei PRC November 2020 – March 2021
“Two Strong: Peepshow Space Gallery Brooklyn NY October 2020
“Futureless” SomoS Gallery Berlin Germany September 2020
“Dagger nternational Art Exhibit of Women Era” Wutong Museum Shanghai PRC September 2020
"With Me" International Feminist Art Exhibition Online Curated by Zhen Guo September 2020
"Some Will Remember Us" Plaxal Gallery Long Island City NY September 2020
"Ink Like Her" Beijng, PRC September,2020
"We Rise: The Feminine Agenda" Womenswork.Art gallery Poughkeepsie NY September,2020
“Existence (2): International Women’s Art Exhibition Online Curated by Zhen Guo, May 2020
“Within Global Isolation” Online www.withinglobalisolation.com April 2020
“Ann Arbor Film Festival” University of Michigan, Ann Arbor March,2020
“Identity Crisis” Royal Gallery, Brooklyn NY November – December 2019
“Ink and Things” Wuhan Art Museum November Wuhan PRC November 2019 – February 2020
"Existence" Women’s Art Exhibition Curated by Zhen Guo 798 Art Park, Songyang PRC October 2
“Subversive Stitch” White Box Art Space New York NY October 2019
“Rise Up: Me too in China” Access Gallery New York, NY October 2019
“Becoming: Experimental Video Works” Eli Klein Gallery New York NY October – December 2019
“Antidote” Mykonos Biennale Mykonos Greece September 2019
“Warp and Woof” Gold Coast Art Center Great Neck NY September- December 2019
“US-China College Art Summit” Penn State University, University Park PA August– September 2019 “Crashing the Party” Plaxall Gallery/LIC-A Long Island City NY July – August 2019
“Welcome to the Multiverse” Plaxall Gallery/LIC-A Long Island City NY July, 2019
“Cruzando el Puente” Mexico Contemporary Art, Museo de la Cancilleria Mexico City July 2019
“Export 2019” Mid-Hudson Center for Contemporary Art Poughkeepsie, NY April – May 2019
“Nothing Without Intention” School of Visual Arts, Brooklyn NY April, 2019
“Cross Cultural Practices” New York Technology College, Brooklyn NY April – May 2019
“Women’s Art and Nesting Program” ZERO Art Center, Beijing PRC March – May 2019
“Chinese Landscape Rethought” Lyman-Alman Museum, New London CT. March – June, 2019
“Chinese Artists in America” Gold Coast Art Center Great Neck NY March 2019
“Map and Territory” Jili University, Beijing PRC November – December 2018
“Through Her Eye” Mana Contemporary Chicago, September 2018 -February 2019
"International Feminist Art Exhibition," Mexi Emporium Exhibition Space Changsha PRC May, 2018
“Muted Views” Empty:China Wanzhou Abstract Art Exhibition, Guanzhou PRC May 2018
“Punching Bags” and “Mother” International Feminist Art Exhibition, Mexi Changsha PRC, May, 2018
“Please Touch: Body Boundaries” Mana Contemporary Art, Jersey City NJ April - August, 2018
“BIJIE Dictionary Bi International Invitational Exhibition” Shanghai Meibo Museum, Shanghai PRC
“Lotus Paintings” Biennale Art History Invitational Exhibition Series 8, Shanghai March 2018
“Seventh Abstract Art Exhibition of China” Suzhou Kenda Art Museum, Suzhou December, 2017
“Color Field 1 Female Artist International Exhibit” Wejnling Art Museum Kunming, PRC
“Color Field 2\ Female Artist International Exhibit” Dounan Museum, Kunming PRC November 2017
"Art Affects the Future” Changsha Meixi Art Museum, Hunan PRC,November, 2017
“3rd Annual Asian Art Exhibit: Asian Women Artists,”Jeonbuk Museum of Art, ROK September 2017
Wowu Shandong Wudi Di Village International Sculpture Garden Xin Jiayuan PRC September 2017
“Realistic and Abstract” Xicheng Time International Art Museum, Jinan, Shandong PRC, July 2017
”Spring Awakening -2017 Chinese Female Artist Exhibition” Hebei Art Museum, March 2017
“American Chinese Art Association Annual Show,” Los Angeles CA, June, 2017
“Female Art and ‘Nest Planning’” Beijing Zero Art Center, 798 District Beijing. PRC May 2017
“Power of Art Colleges –Visual Arts” Yitai Art Space, Hohahaote City, PRC, April 2017
“Bi Jie Dictionary International Art Joint Invitational Exhibition,” Shanghai PRC March, 2017
“Wake Spring: Chinese Feminist Art Exhibition“ Hebei Museum, Shi Jia Zhuang, PRC, March 2017
“A Woman Abreast” Zhen Guo Solo show Amerasia Art Gallery New York February, 2017
“New York Asian Art Exhibition,” Amerasia Art Gallery, New York, December 2016
“Muted View,” Jiaxing Contemporary Art Museum, PRC, October 2016
“American Chinese Art Association Annual Show,” Shandong PRC, September, 2016
“New York Art Salon,” New York, July 2016
“Annual International Feminist Art Show,” Shanghai PRC, March 2016
“Lotus Pond,” Jiaxing Contemporary Art Museum, Jiaxing PRC, December 2015
“City Matrix,” Shenzhen PRC, December 2015
“Guo Zhen Contemporary Feminist Charity Art Show,” Rizhao PRC, October 2015
“Guo Zhen Contemporary Feminist Charity Art Show,” Yitai Art Space Hohahaote City October 2015
”Art Biennial of Contemporary Women” Hebei Teachers’’ University Museum September 2015
“Artists United Against Breast Cancer” North Shore Art Guild, Port Jefferson, NY, September 2015
“Art of the Five” The Interchurch Center, New York, NY, September 2015
“The Temperature” Shenzhen Art Museum, Shenzhen PRC, August 2015
“Shenzhen Women’s Art Show,” Shenzen PRC 2015
”Eye and Heart” Shenzhen Art Gallery, Shenzhen PRC, July 2015
“Power of Art Colleges –Visual Arts” Yitai Art Space, Hohahaote City PRC, April 2015
Shanghai Himalaya Museum, Shanghai PRC, 2014
Tianjing Art Museum, Tianjing PRC, 2014
”Soul Ink” Taihe Ar5t6 Gallery, Beijing 798,PRC May, 2014
China National Painting Exhibition, Weifang, PRC, 2013, 2014
“Guo Zhen’s Lotus “Guo Zhen Art Show.” Rizhao Art Museum, Rizhao PRC, 2013
”Reality and Metaphor,” Nina Torres Fine Art, Miami Beach, FL, 2013
Six Summit Gallery Ivorytown, CT., 2013
“30 Rooms Exhibition,” Six Summit Gallery, New York, NY, 2013
Tai He Art Gallery, Beijing 798 Art District, Beijing PRC, 2013
“My Heart is Red,” Rizhao Art Museum, Rizhao PRC, 2012
“American Artists Professional League 84th Grand National Exhibition”, New York, 2012
“Shui Mo” Art Show, Nanjing PRC, 2012