Thursday 18th - Friday 19th March 2021


Discover new ways of working with Arbor MIS

ArborFest is your chance to meet (online!) the growing community of over 1,500 schools and 130 MATs using Arbor MIS to transform the way they work

In partnership with:

This year’s ArborFest is all about exploring innovative ways of working at school.

Already use our MIS? Join sessions designed to help you learn new tips and tricks in Arbor, share best practice with other schools, or attend masterclasses on topics like data analysis.

New to Arbor? Hear from schools and MATs who have recently made the switch, or join sessions with our customers to get a behind-the-scenes look at how we work.

Plus, there’s a keynote speaker, a mindfulness workshop, and feedback forums. And the best thing - it’s completely free!

The ArborFest Stages

We're running sessions across five stages. Click the images below to book your free tickets

Join Arbor’s CEO to open and close the festival, and see our guest Keynote Speaker, Mary Myatt

The Arbor Team lead sessions showcasing tips and tricks for a range of Arbor modules

Join Feedback Forums with fellow Arbor users to shape the future of our MIS

Sessions designed for schools thinking of moving to Arbor, led by schools who use us already

Special sessions for our support and integration partners

What can I expect?

After the success of ArborFest in November 2020, we’ll be going fully digital again. You can join us from wherever you're based, whether that's from the comfort of your home or at school.

  • Best practice - Learn new tips and tricks for getting the most out of a range of Arbor modules

  • Advice from current Arbor schools - Hear stories from schools who recently made the switch

  • Keynote speaker - Hear from Mary Myatt, who will speak on doing "fewer things in greater depth"

  • Feedback Forums - Get the opportunity to share your feedback on Arbor

  • Masterclasses - Join sessions with education experts on topics like data analysis

November's ArborFest in numbers…

2,000 tickets sold 700 attendees 432 schools and MATs

Who should come?

ArborFest is open to all schools and trusts using Arbor MIS, schools and trusts interested in learning more about our MIS, and the Partners we work with.

What's ArborFest all about?

Click below to see what the original ArborFest was like in February 2020

Let us know if you'll be joining us!

Tag us on LinkedIn: @arboreducation

Mention us on Twitter: @ArborEdu

#ArborCommunity #ArborFest

A virtual, two day festival of talks, workshops and feedback forums