
Term 4

Week 9

Christmas Decoration

Using the materials available in the classroom (e.g. paper, card, paint, pencils, string) design and create a Christmas decoration for your home. Think about how you can make it unique and stand out (e.g. 3 dimensional, interesting materials, use of colour).

Term 4

Week 8

Black Out Poetry

Blackout poems are created using the pages of old books. Using the pages of an existing text, blackout poets isolate then piece together single words or short phrases.

Give it a go! Grab an old page from the station box and a black vivid or pencil. Write your own poem by blacking out the page, leaving individual words or phrases to form your own poem.

Term 4

Week 7

Scavenger Hunt

Continue completing the Enviro Scavenger Hunt activities. With a partner, design your own activity/challenge to share with another pair.

Link to Activities

Term 4

Week 6

Design a Game

In a group of 2-3, design your own fitness game. You may use the equipment available in the classroom. Record the instructions in your book. Your instructions must be specific and in logical order. After you have shown a teacher, you can go outside to test your game.

Term 4

Week 4

Predator Free 2050: Trap Design

Last week, we learnt about the work of Manaaki Whenua. Look at the website link provided to learn about NZ's goal to become predator free by 2050. Your task is to design and create a prototype of a trap that could catch either rats, possums or stoats, using resources available in the classroom (e.g. lego, cardboard, scrap paper/magazines, etc.). You must plan your trap before you begin creating and it must be humane.

Predator Free NZ

Example of a Plan

Term 4

Week 3

Optical Illusions use colour, light and patterns to create images that can be misleading to our brains. Look at the website to explore the different illusions. Then create your own optical illusion using one of the two video tutorials.

Explore Illusions

Tutorial No. 1

Tutorial No. 2

Term 3

Week 10

Stations W10 T3

Term 3

Week 9

Stations W9 T3

Term 3

Week 8

Stations W8 T3

Term 3

Week 7

Stations W7 T3
Setting Pictures.pdf

Term 3

Week 6

Stations W6 T3

Term 3

Week 5

Stations W5 T3

Term 3

Week 3

Stations W3 T3

Term 3

Week 2

Stations W2 T3

Term 3

Week 1

Stations W1 T3