Hikuwai 1 - 2- 3 

Hikuwai 3:  Matua Blair 

Team Leader 

Hikuwai 2:  Whaea Carolyn 

Hikuwai 1:  Matua Dan 

Release Teacher:  Matua Matt 

Wednesday: Hikuwai 1

Friday: Hikuwai 3

Term 4 Week 1 

Kia Ora Whanau 

Welcome back!  It has been an amazing week in Hikuwai.  The students have settled quickly back into their routines and lots of them are bringing their hats.  Hikuwai 3 (Matua Blair's) ako class will soon be heading over to the other side of the hub.  This will free up a lot of space in Hikuwai and the students will be in a much more comfortable setting.   On Thursday, the students took part in Save the Teddy, it was a wonderful event and hopefully the students will remember how to perform basic CPR.  

Reminders:  Term 4 Week 2 - 3 

Monday 21st : Futsal (students don't need to bring in anything)

Tuesday 22nd:  CRT (Science, Drama and Art day).    Lego brick sessions (tbc)

Wednesday 23rd:  Library day 

Friday:  Curiosity Clubs

Week 3 

Monday 26th: Labour Day (School closed)

Kind regards

Dan, Blair, Matt and Carolyn 

Wā Tuatoru Wiki Tuaiwa | Term 3 Week 9

Kia ora ano Hikuwai whānau,

Welcome to the last edition of the Hikuwai 1/2/3 blog for this term, can you believe there is only one term left of the year. They do say time flies when you are having fun which we do here in Hikuwai 1/2/3. We hope you all have an amazing holiday and we will see you all back on Mane (Monday) 14th Oketopa (October) for term 4.

Ararira Art Show

Next Tūrei (Tuesday) 24th & Wenerei (Wednesday) 25th there is a whole school art exhibition taking place in the hall. Our ākonga have been working hard to create some mīharo (amazing) toi (art) to display. There will also be collaborative pieces that are up for silent auction, so if you are looking for a new piece to add to your collection you may get a work of art from the next Ralph Hotere or Rita Angus. Check out the poster below for more details.

Water for Life 

Our first two Water for Life trips are on Mane (Monday) and the last one on Tāite (Thursday).  Please see the attached list  (click) to confirm which day your tamaiti is going. Please ensure they are wearing sensible shoes, have their jersey, cardigan or jacket, their lunch and drink bottle.

If you have any questions or queries please email your child's ako teacher.  


Next term pōtae (hats) are required during outside play. Please ensure your tamaiti (child) has theirs and it is named as we have a kura (school) policy of no pōtae, no play. 

Hikuwai Update

As per Whaea Claire's Hero post/email, a few changes are happening in Hikuwai. As the new prefabs will be ready next term Hikuwai 5 & 6 (Year 5/6 classes) will move in there. This means that Hikuwai 3 (Matua Blair's ako class) will move across to the space occupied by Hikuwai 5 & 6. Hikuwai 1 (Matua Dan) and Hikuwai 2 (Whaea Carolyn) will stay where we currently are. If you have any pātai (questions) please feel free to ask.


Part of our water inquiry has led us to an online calculator for household water usage - you can find it here - and over the next week, you will have a 'water saver' kit come home. The kit includes five water-saving tips for the tamariki to try. Please look at the calculator and the kit together - you can compare the amount of household water used when 'not using the kit ideas' and the amount used 'after trying the kit ideas'.

Here is the inquiry: How much water could / did we save? Can we rank the water-saving actions in order of the most effective to the least, (or the easiest action to the hardest).  We could even reflect on which action or actions are going to be continued by our whanau. 

Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori

Ka mau te wehi!, It has been awesome seeing everyone submit their mahi (work) for the Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori wero (challenges) on Hero. Also, the amazing kōrero (talking) during the week of our native language has been inspiring.

School Photos

A big thank you to everyone for bringing their best smiles to kura for school photos. Information on how to order these will be available shortly.

Library/reading books

Can you please check to see if your tamaiti (child) has any library/reading books that need to be returned to school. 

Lucky Book Club

The following dates are when Lucky Book Club orders need to be placed.

Issue 6 2024 - Friday 27th September

Kia pai tō mutunga wiki,

Blair, Carolyn, Matt & Dan

Upcoming Events

Hot Chocolate Thursdays

Term 3 is back with Hot Chocolate Thursdays!  

Cost: $2.50 per hot chocolate includes one marshmallow (if wanted)

Bring: Your own cup in a ziplock bag (to rinse and store it after use without any leaks)

Order: Via Kindo by Wednesday evening, 5 pm sharp

Serve Time: 8:30 am - 8:50 am in the school hall

Hikuwai 1-2-3

Wā Tuatoru Wiki Tuawhitu | Term 3 Week 7

Kia ora ano Hikuwai whānau,

Welcome to another edition of the Hikuwai 1/2/3 blog. We are enjoying this warmer weather as it gives us the opportunity to get outside more and soak in some sunshine. Thank you to Whaea Carolyn and the awesome ākonga who led our hui this morning, ka mau te wehi!

Hikuwai Update

As per Whaea Claire's Hero post/email, a few changes are happening in Hikuwai. As the new prefabs will be ready next term Hikuwai 5 & 6 (Year 5/6 classes) will move in there. This means that Hikuwai 3 (Matua Blair's ako class) will move across to the space occupied by Hikuwai 5 & 6. Hikuwai 1 (Matua Dan) and Hikuwai 2 (Whaea Carolyn) will stay where we currently are. If you have any pātai (questions) please feel free to ask.


Part of our water inquiry has led us to an online calculator for household water usage - you can find it here - and over the next week, you will have a 'water saver' kit come home. The kit includes five water-saving tips for the tamariki to try. Please look at the calculator and the kit together - you can compare the amount of household water used when 'not using the kit ideas' and the amount used 'after trying the kit ideas'.

Here is the inquiry: How much water could / did we save? Can we rank the water-saving actions in order of the most effective to the least, (or the easiest action to the hardest).  We could even reflect on which action or actions are going to be continued by our whanau. 

Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori

Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori is taking place on 14 - 21 o Hepetema (September). There will be wero (challenges) that your whānau can complete to gain entries into the draw to win some mīharo (amazing) prizes, keep an eye out for details. Also, check out reomāori.co.nz for more ways to learn our indigenous language.

School Photos

School photos are taking place on Tūrei 17th & Wenerei 18th o Hepetema (Tuesday 17th & Wednesday 18th of September). At this stage the timetable is TBC but there will be individual, sibling, and class photos.

Water for Life 

A big thank you to all the parents who have offered help with our trip.  We still have space for other parents to join us if you are keen.  We have made the three groups based on which parents were able to help.  Please see the attached list  (click)

If you have any questions or queries please email your child's ako teacher.  

Parents on the trip you will likely to have a small group of students to manage.

Hot Dog Day

Next Paraire (Friday) 13th Hepetema (September) the THT (Te Hapori Tautoko) is selling American-style hot dogs for $3. These can be ordered on Kindo with orders closing on Tūrei (Tuesday)10th Hepetema. These will be delivered to class on Paraire at 1:15 pm.

Library/reading books

Can you please check to see if your tamaiti (child) has any library/reading books that need to be returned to school. 

Lucky Book Club

The following dates are when Lucky Book Club orders need to be placed.

Issue 5 2024 - Friday 20th September

Issue 6 2024 - Friday 27th September

Kia pai tō mutunga wiki,

Blair, Carolyn, Matt & Dan

Upcoming Events

Hot Chocolate Thursdays

Term 3 is back with Hot Chocolate Thursdays!  

Cost: $2.50 per hot chocolate includes one marshmallow (if wanted)

Bring: Your own cup in a ziplock bag (to rinse and store it after use without any leaks)

Order: Via Kindo by Wednesday evening, 5 pm sharp

Serve Time: 8:30 am - 8:50 am in the school hall

Wā Tuatoru Wiki Tuarima | Term 3 Week 5

Kia ora ano Hikuwai whānau,

Welcome to another edition of the Hikuwai 1/2/3 blog. The past fortnight has been busy with amazing learning happening across the hapori (community). We have finished the first of our two-week maths strand rotations where the ākonga got to learn how maths is used in real-life contexts. The ākonga continued with their art, science and drama learning on Tūrei (Tuesday) with Whaea Megan, Whaea Andrea and Whaea Annabel. Some of our amazing year 5 athletes took part in the rugby and netball zones on Wenerei (Wednesday) and they all did themselves proud with their efforts. By the amount of mud on their knees it looked like they had fun. The disco last Paraire (Friday) was great fun with the ākonga dancing the night away and also decorating Matua Blair & Matua Dan with UV paint so they looked like tigers (the ākonga said cats, but we know they meant tigers).

Daffodil Day

Next Paraire (Friday) 30th Āhukata (August) is Daffodil Day. Kura (school) wide we are encouraging ākonga to come dressed in yellow and/or green to show our support, they may like to dress up like a daffodil. Also, a gold coin donation would be amazing to help tautoko (support) this amazing day and help those who are affected by cancer.

Year 5 Swimming

Next week our year 5's will be partaking in a two-week swimming programme starting Mane (Monday) 26th Ākuhata (August). Please ensure that your tamaiti (child) brings their togs, towel, goggles and a bag suitable for wet togs/towels every day. 

Water for Life

As part of our inquiry about water, we are going to be visiting the Christchurch City Council Water Pumping Station in Beckenham. This will be taking place over three sessions to accommodate all our ākonga and we will be travelling by bus. We will be needing parent help for this for each ako class, if this sounds like you please email your child's ako teacher. 

Library/reading books

Can you please check to see if your tamaiti (child) has any library/reading books that need to be returned to school. 

Lucky Book Club

The following dates are when Lucky Book Club orders need to be placed.

Issue 5 2024 - Friday 20th September

Issue 6 2024 - Friday 27th September

Kia pai tō mutunga wiki,

Blair, Carolyn, Matt & Dan

Upcoming Events

Hot Chocolate Thursdays

Term 3 is back with Hot Chocolate Thursdays!  

Cost: $2.50 per hot chocolate includes one marshmallow (if wanted)

Bring: Your own cup in a ziplock bag (to rinse and store it after use without any leaks)

Order: Via Kindo by Wednesday evening, 5 pm sharp

Serve Time: 8:30 am - 8:50 am in the school hall

Wā Tuatoru Wiki Tuatoru | Term 3 Week 3

Kia ora ano Hikuwai whānau,

It has been a busy two weeks in the Hikuwai hapori. On Monday we got to enjoy a performance from NZ Playhouse with their play The Reluctant Dragon. We have also started our first two-week maths rotation, each ako class gets to learn from each kaiako in an area of the maths strand curriculum. Matua Blair is teaching statistics, Whaea Carolyn geometry and Matua Dan measurement. 

Water for Life

As part of our inquiry about water, we are going to be visiting the Christchurch City Council Water Pumping Station in Beckenham. This will be taking place over three sessions to accommodate all our ākonga and we will be travelling by bus. We will be needing parent help for this for each ako class, if this sounds like you please email your child's ako teacher. Matua Blair will be sending out more details shortly.

School Disco

In our last blog post, I noted that our year 4 ākonga could choose if they wanted to go to the junior or senior disco. Unfortunately, they can only attend the junior disco for years 1-4. Year 5 ākonga can attend the senior disco for years 5-8. 

Mō taku hē (my apologies), 

Matua Dan 

Library/reading books

Can you please check to see if your tamaiti (child) has any library/reading books that need to be returned to school. 

Kia pai tō mutunga wiki,

Blair, Carolyn, Matt & Dan

Upcoming Events

Hot Chocolate Thursdays

Term 3 is back with Hot Chocolate Thursdays!  

Cost: $2.50 per hot chocolate includes one marshmallow (if wanted)

Bring: Your own cup in a ziplock bag (to rinse and store it after use without any leaks)

Order: Via Kindo by Wednesday evening, 5 pm sharp

Serve Time: 8:30 am - 8:50 am in the school hall

Packaging Fundraiser

We’re excited to announce that there’s still time to participate in our packaging fundraiser! Kaunuku Year 8 students are raising funds for their upcoming camp to Wellington in November, and we need your support.

We’re offering high-quality catering foil and baking paper, perfect for your kitchen needs. Orders can be placed conveniently through Kindo.

Key dates:

Orders close: Friday, 9th August (Week 3)

Distribution date: Friday, 23rd August

All orders will be delivered to your child/ren.

Wā Tuatoru Wiki Tuatahi | Term 3 Week 1

Kia ora ano Hikuwai whānau,

Nau mai, hoki mai ki te kura. It has been great having the ākonga back at kura and hearing all about their holiday adventures. We are looking forward to an exciting term ahead with the days getting longer and the weather improving we can get outside more. This term we are learning about the Paris Olympics and the movement of water in our inquiry. We have also started the iDeal structured literacy programme to support our learners with reading, writing, and spelling. 

Library/reading books

Can you please check to see if your tamaiti (child) has any library/reading books that need to be returned to school. 

Upcoming Events

Hot Chocolate Thursdays

Term 3 is back with Hot Chocolate Thursdays!  

Cost: $2.50 per hot chocolate includes one marshmallow (if wanted)

Bring: Your own cup in a ziplock bag (to rinse and store it after use without any leaks)

Order: Via Kindo by Wednesday evening, 5 pm sharp

Serve Time: 8:30 am - 8:50 am in the school hall

Packaging Fundraiser

We’re excited to announce that there’s still time to participate in our packaging fundraiser! Kaunuku Year 8 students are raising funds for their upcoming camp to Wellington in November, and we need your support.

We’re offering high-quality catering foil and baking paper, perfect for your kitchen needs. Orders can be placed conveniently through Kindo.

Key dates:

Orders close: Friday, 9th August (Week 3)

Distribution date: Friday, 23rd August

All orders will be delivered to your child/ren.

Turou Parea, Turou Hawaiki,

Blair, Carolyn, Matt & Dan

Term 2 Week 7

Kia ora Hikuwai whānau 

Thank you to all whānau who were able to make it to Learning Conversations this week. We loved being able to celebrate your child's recent learning and showcase some of their learning. We realise that not everyone was available to make it in for 15 minutes during the scheduled times - please email if you have any queries or concerns when comments appear on Hero in the coming weeks.

Next week is the week - Ararira's Got Talent! is happening on June 19th. Our in-school showcase for talented tamariki is scheduled for 12:45 pm on Wednesday. 

The following Wednesday, June 26th, we will be setting up our Hikuwai Art Exhibition in the hall - there is a lot to see from all the children across Hikuwai! Pop in for a look at what they have been working on.

Hot Dog Day today was an amazing success (and explains why Subway orders were turned off this week). Thanks to everyone who supported this THT fundraiser by purchasing a hotdog or two for their child. The next THT fundraiser is our annual quiz night - see the poster below for more details on how to support the quiz. It's going to be held on August 23rd so it's a good time to start organising your teammates and keep an eye on Kindo for when tickets go live (we know they sell quickly). 

Have a lovely weekend ~ ngā mihi

Blair, Dan, Matt and Carolyn 

Upcoming Dates:

Please look at the school newsletter and the website for more information and dates.