20 Minute Mentor Commons

20 Minute Mentor Commons - A library of short videos addressing common teaching and learning topics presented by highly respected experts, and each session is meant to be practical and actionable. Below is just a small sample of available topics. Click here to see a complete list of available topics.

Instructions to Access Videos - There are two ways to access the videos below:

  1. Through Magna Website: Register for a Magna Publications account at this registration page, and use Group Authorization Code = APU2173. Once your account is activated and you're logged in, you can access the videos below.
  2. Through LMS (available soon): Log into Sakai and click on Magna Publications, located on global navigation on left side of the screen.

Earn Rewards for Your Learning - APU faculty members could earn a small reward upon submitting a reflection for each video viewed. All APU faculty are encouraged to participate, especially full-time faculty at regional campuses and senior adjunct faculty. Please go to Personalized Learning Program website for more details.

The rapidly expanding body of instructional technologies can quickly overwhelm you, but it doesn’t have to when you know how to narrow your options. This program presents some simple guiding principles for choosing technology to use in the classroom.

Discover how you can use Twitter as an educational tool. Whether you’re new to the world of hashtags and tweets or you feel like you at least know your way around a Twitter handle, this program will provide you with practical techniques you can use to integrate social media into your classroom.

This presentation will provide an overview of contemporary technology and the research supporting or negating the effectiveness of social media in the online classroom.

Discover the two types of memory and the key roles they play in learning and become familiar with the tools to prepare your own interactive online content. A series of embedded screenshots demonstrates these tools in action.

Lectures are not effective for all students. Help all your students make the most of their education by adding experiential learning to your instructional toolkit. Find out how you can bring this high-impact educational practice into your classroom and increase student engagement in learning with this 20 Minute Mentor.

Introverted students can find themselves at a disadvantage in the contemporary college classroom. Learn effective teaching strategies to engage introverted students in class discussions and how to guide them beyond their comfort zones.

Thriving from the Start - Success Tips for the First Day of Class

Dr. Laurie Schreiner, Professor of Higher Education, has compiled a list of success tips for the first day of class.

How Can Student Learning Begin Before the First Day of Class?

Learn to improve upon traditional first-day classroom activities and replace stilted introductions and syllabus review with active learning by utilizing distance learning tools.

How Can I Create Meaningful Assignments for My Students?

Assignments are where students get to practice, engage with course content, demonstrate their growing mastery, and alert you to problems. Learn 16 research-based strategies proven to support student learning and how to apply several of these techniques when designing your course assignments.

How Can I Teach Routine Courses with Energy and Enthusiasm?

This presentation enlightens your understanding of where you are as a teacher, where you want to go, and how to get there. You’ll see how to work around your weaknesses and maybe even accept things you can’t change. You’ll develop different strategies to keep your teaching engaging through mid-career.

How Can I Move My Teaching Forward at Midcareer?

Teachers will learn how to keep themselves present—when they go to class tomorrow and for the balance of their careers—by following the presenter’s down-to-earth diagnosis of the problem and prescription for solutions.

How Do Mini-lectures Improve Student Engagement?

Learn proven techniques you can use immediately to transform your lectures from necessary evils to persuasive presentations. Discover how educating and motivating students gets easier when you develop mini-lectures that are based on how the brain works.

How Do I Create the Ideal Learning Environment for Modern Learners?

Based on a unique blend of current research and cognitive and educational psychology, this session offers practical and action-oriented techniques instructors in all disciplines can use to increase student engagement.

How Do I Promote Civil and Thoughtful Engagement in the Classroom?

This session will show you 15 proven, practical, and action-oriented tips for engaging students and establishing exciting, positive learning environments.

What Do Modern Learners Expect from Their Instructors?

This video will help you analyze your interactions with students, and exploring student perceptions of ideal instructors.

How Can I Get Students to Take Responsibility for Their Own Learning?

Learn how incorporating findings from cognitive and educational psychology research can help you encourage students to take charge of their own learning.

How Do I Get Students to Read Their Assignments Before Class?

Even though many faculty members routinely spell out course requirements in syllabuses and give announcements and reminders, students continue to come to class unprepared. We provide several dynamic strategies that you can use to help students learn the value of reading.

What Learning Activities Help Student Veterans Succeed?

Learn practical techniques you can implement immediately to help student veterans succeed. Techniques include understanding the differences between military and academic decision-making as well as how to teach student veterans how to reflect and write for an academic environment.

How Do I Accommodate Student Veterans with Disabilities?

Veterans returning to higher education face cognitive and physical challenges. Discover effective responses to the learning needs of today’s disabled student veterans and understand the impact of acquired disabilities on learning.

How Can I Reduce Student Apathy and Increase Motivation?

There are things you can do to improve student focus and connection to the course. In 20 minutes learn how to increase relevance in five areas of your teaching—your course design, your syllabus, your classroom, your assignments, and your exams.

What Kinds of Questions Encourage Student Interaction?

Changing how you use questions requires a few simple tweaks to your approach and not a major overhaul of your teaching methods. Learn the subtle things you can do to make your questions more powerful and your classroom interactions with students more fruitful.

How Can I Help Students See that Sweat—Working Hard and Smart—Is Key to Their Success?

Discover techniques for getting students to work smarter, not just harder. This programs covers questions of metacognition, the value of low-stakes feedback, and innovative ways that tests and quizzes can drive students to make more neural connections and increase long-term retention.

What Are the Secrets to Providing Highly Effective Feedback to Students?

You’ll learn ways to give substantive feedback and recycle comments to save time and effort. You’ll see the type of questions that help or hinder student achievement and acquire tips to ignite students’ curiosity, respect their thinking, and stoke their engagement.

How Do Master Teachers Create a Positive Classroom?

There are simple ways you can liven up the classroom experience so it feels fresh. This program shows you how to incorporate creativity, optimism, enthusiasm, approachability, and humor to re-energize your teaching and create a positive classroom environment that engages students and supports learning.

How Do I Build Community in My Classroom?

Community is an essential ingredient in the educational experience. Studies show that community-building can increase retention, improve students’ cognitive intellectual development, and promote contributions to society. Find out why it’s important for you to know how to create community.

How Can I Create Effective Mini-Lectures?

Active learning is important in higher education, but regardless of the emphasis placed on engaging students, information still has to be disseminated. Learn how to create effective mini-lectures.

How Do I Discuss Academic Integrity During the First Class?

All faculty members have students who cheat in their classrooms. Should our primary response to classroom cheating be prevention, punishment, or indifference? With 11 pages of supplementals, we explain how a developmental approach can ensure that all your students stay on the track to ethical academic success.