Meet the Teacher! - Parent Letter

September 2023Hey there!
I just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself, and give you a quick rundown on what to look forward to this year in Gifted 6-7 and PreHonors ELA.   My name is Erika Thompson-Redlin and I am beyond excited to be your child's ELA teacher at Miller South to serve your student's reading and language arts enrichment needs.  I have been teaching since 2014, and my career has taken me from Thessaloniki, Greece to Moncks Corner, South Carolina.  However, I always wanted to come back home to Ohio, and I have been with APS since 2018.  I have a Bachelor’s degree in Integrated Language Arts from Ashland University with an endorsement in Gifted and Talented Education from the College of Charleston.
The best way to get a hold of me is via email.  The best way to see your student's progress, feedback,  and any missing assignments is to look in Google Classroom.  In Google Classroom you can see daily agendas of classwork, success criteria and what we are learning. The best way to see your student's grade is HAC.  HAC is used for the final outcome of grades, and will be updated on a weekly basis, but will not provide much specific feedback.  Please see the syllabus (posted below)  for grading policies and weighted categories used.
The main difference between G/T and Pre-Honors English and Language Arts is the differentiation models that are utilized in the classroom.  My instruction utilizes the ICM (Integrated Curriculum Model) from the College of William and Mary the Depth and Complexity models.  I find both websites listed below to be useful in outlining philosophies in G/T education schools of thought. 
I am a very passionate teacher, and I am honored to be a part your student's journey to new discoveries.   I hope each student will take charge of their learning this year, and embrace the challenges presented.  Grit will take them far with whatever path they take in their future.    Thank you for being an essential part of our Miller South STARS :)
Most Sincerely,Ms. Erika 

Google Classroom

thompson 2021 - Syllabus ELA

SYLLABUS ☝ Phone Policy 👇

Miller South Yondr Student Phone Policy

Aps - Portal

Summer Reading Project 2024.pdf

"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them." 

Mark Twain

Virtual Library

Students are to read one book over the summer and 5 novels independently throughout the year. They will fill out a book report (linked in Google Classroom and in the virtual library above), and complete a creative project (as outlined in Google Classroom).

  • Fill out a late form for assignments that are missing (NT) in HAC
  • Assignments will have 10% off if turned in beyond a week after the due date.  Assignments need to be turned in before the grading window closes (see school calendar for dates)
  • Even if you have an excused absence, please fill out a late form (no penalty for excused absences)
  • Assignments turned in on time will receive priority with grading - late grades will be updated before interim windows close.

Assignments from Google Classroom will link to the Google Calendars below.  

Daily/Weekly agendas are posted in Google Classroom with success criteria checklists.

"As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.  "

Henry David Thoreau