Mrs. May's Blog

Wednesday - October 7, 2020

Hi, my friends!😍 I hope that distance learning is going well for you so far. It can be challenging at times but it's so nice to be connected to you all until we can go back to our building. What do you miss MOST about being together at school? What do you LIKE about on-line learning? Please let me know in an email to me: I would love to hear from you!❤ I have been enjoying the cooler weather and celebrating Fall with mums & pumpkins. And you know my cat, Kevin! 😺 He is always getting into something or meowing for treats. LOL Ok, hope you have a GREAT week and I hope to see or hear from you soon!


Mrs. May

Friday - September 4, 2020

Hello, everyone! I have missed you all! Are you ready for school to start next week? Me too!!! I am really looking forward to seeing all of your faces as we work together virtually. If you get a chance, please let me know on my Flipgrid what your favorite thing was that you did this Summer. You can always contact me by email @ too. Can't wait to hear from you & see you VERY soon!


Mrs. May

Wednesday - May 13, 2020

Hi friends! I miss you all so much!! I have been wondering how you are and what you have been doing since we left school. I have been meeting with students on Google Meets to do Art Therapy where we have been talking & drawing fun cartoons. Please join us Mondays through Fridays from 9:00am-11:00am by typing the code mayart in Google Meets. You can also send me an email at to get in touch with me at any time! I have been doing a lot of walking and hiking outside when the weather is nice enough. One weekend, I went on this magical walk that was full of blue flowers all over called Bluebells. It was like walking in a painting! Here are some pictures below for you to see. :) Hope you are all doing well! I can't wait to see you again soon!


Mrs. May

This is a close up of the Bluebell.

This is me & my husband, Jake.

Look how beautiful they are all together all over!

Tuesday - April 21, 2020

Hey, everyone! I hope that you are doing well and hanging in there as we do school remotely from our homes. I would love to see your faces and chat so email me at or Google Meet me at 9am-11am Monday through Friday using the code mayart. I have also been posting Flipgrid videos so I would love to hear your answers to my QUESTIONS when you have some time! I shared a picture of my cat, Kevin, the last time I posted on here. I thought I would share some more pictures of him and a cartoon Kevin we drew in Art Therapy Google Meet this week. Hope to hear from you soon!


Mrs. May

Kevin getting comfy on me!

Kevin at Christmas

Kevin in the dog's bed

Cartoon Kevin

Monday - April 6, 2020

Hey, Friends! Hope life is good for you while we are away from each other right now. Are you getting outside to enjoy the nice weather and the sunshine like me? What have you been doing? Send me an email to let me know: or answer my Flipgrid questions I have been posting HERE :) Here is a picture of my cat, Kevin. Some of you have heard me talk about him at school. He is a funny cat who meows a lot and loves his food. LOL Hope to hear from you all soon!

Love, Mrs. May

Monday - March 30, 2020

Good morning, friends! I am missing you all very much and hope that you are doing well. This past weekend was a bit rainy, to say the least, so I spent some time giving my dog, Griffin, a much needed bath & haircut. What do you think? Drop me an email at to share your opinion with me! I also went on a windy but sunny hike on Sunday once the weather cleared up and I shared some pictures with you below. Here is an art project you can try at home using a picture from a magazine - try it HERE ! If you try it, I would love to see the result one morning at 9 am Monday through Friday so meet me HERE :) Hope to see you very SOON!


Mrs. May

He's a little chilly now with less hair.


Winter hair, don't care!


All cleaned up for Spring!

It was FINALLY a nice day outside....

and VERY windy!

The little buds are beginning to pop up on branches all over.

Can you see the teeny snake slithering through the leaves?

Monday - March 23, 2020

Good Morning, everyone! It's a pretty cold and gray day today outside so I will be inside staying busy just like you. If you want to share with me what you have been up to, please feel free to email me at . I would love to hear about what you all have been doing since we have been off from school. I have been cooking, hiking & walking, and doing yoga videos on YouTube. My favorite yoga videos are by a woman named Adriene and you can try it out HERE .

This week I am going to start painting so I am excited about that! If you would like to do some art, I have another video to guide you through a cool art project that you can do at home. It all starts with a mark, a dot, or a scribble and where you can go from there! :) Here are some MORE ideas below to get CREATIVE while you are at home during this extended break from school. Hope you have a GREAT day!


Mrs. May

Thursday - March 19, 2020

Hi, guys and gals! Hope this post finds you all doing well :) I know this time off from school and our normal routines being VERY different right now can be weird and stressful. I had a bad dream the other night and wondered if any of you are having bad dreams or are worried about what is going on in our world right now. I thought I would share this list of TIPS to help if you are feeling worried or stressed out.

Now, you all already know that my favorite one on here is #7 - CREATE ART! So just in case you want to try some art at home, here is a step-by-step video of how to make a POP ART BEE just in time for Spring. You will need a blank sheet of paper, a pencil or pen, and something to color with if you have some supplies at home. I can't wait to try this myself!

Speaking of Spring, I went for a walk today around my neighborhood to stretch and get some fresh air. Look what I saw popping out from the ground! A little baby flower called a Snowdrop. Isn't it sweet? Tomorrow is the First Day of Spring if you didn't know! I am working on a yoga video to share with you with some Spring Yoga poses so keep checking back in! Hope you all are having a good day. If you need to chat, tell me about a dream you had, or just want to say Hello, you can email me at .


Mrs. May

Wednesday - March 18, 2020

Good Morning! It's going to be a good day! If any of you are interested in drawing, Mrs. Hardin shared this Facebook post with me that shows you how to draw using the LETTERS of the alphabet. How cool is that??? Thank you, Mrs. Hardin!! Check it out HERE ! And here's a picture of my dog, Griffin, after he got a bath to make you smile. :) Stay busy & stay healthy friends! #washyourhands

March 17, 2020 - Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Hello, everyone! With all this time on my hands, I find myself needing some inspiration to get creative. I really like this YouTube channel to get me excited to paint or even to just zone out and watch. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do! There are sooooo many videos so don't just stop at one. I also made a stop at McDonald's today to grab a Shamrock Shake to celebrate the holiday. :)