AP Course Descriptions & Minimum Criteria 

For additional detailed AP course & exam information, please refer to: Official College Board Course & Exam Descriptions

In order to be approved for Advanced Placement (AP) Courses, students must meet all grade level/prerequisite requirements. ADDITIONALLY, students must meet the minimum requirement in TWO of the following:

Due to space restrictions, minimally qualified students may not be approved. APPROVAL IS TENTATIVE AND DOES NOT GUARANTEE PLACEMENT IN THE COURSE.  If you meet the prerequisite course requirements but NOT the grade level requirements, there may be a way for you to apply and possibly be approved. The online application will guide you through this process.


AP Seminar (10th Grade)

AP Seminar provides sustained practice of investigating issues from multiple perspectives and cultivates student writing abilities so they can craft, communicate, and defend evidence-based arguments. Students are empowered to collect and analyze information with accuracy and precision and are assessed through a team project and presentation, an individual written essay and presentation, and a written exam.  Students taking this course will get credit for their 10th grade English/Language course.  

Prerequisites & Co-requisites:  9th Grade ELA and SS (Civics and/or AP Human Geography) 

Minimum Unweighted Subject GPA for Prerequisite/Co-requisites:  80 in 9th grade ELA.  (Students who do not have the 80 in ELA will be considered if they have a PROFICIENT in their 8th grade end-of-course LANGUAGE ARTS assessment and at least a 75 average in their 9th grade ELA course.)  

AP Research (11th / 12th Grade)

In AP Research, students develop the skills and discipline necessary to conduct independent research to produce and defend a scholarly academic thesis. This second course in the AP Capstone experience allows students to explore deeply an academic topic, problem, or issue of individual interest and through this inquiry, students design, plan, and conduct a year-long mentored, research-based investigation. The course culminates in an academic thesis paper of approximately 5,000 words and a presentation, performance, or exhibition with an oral defense.

Prerequisites & Co-requisites:  Acceptance into the AP Capstone Program; AP Seminar 

Minimum Unweighted Subject GPA for Prerequisite/Co-requisites:  AP Seminar Teacher’s Approval  

English Language ARts

AP Literature & Composition (12th grade)

AP Literature & Composition is a preparatory class in World Literature and Composition leading to the administration of the national AP Examination in English, Literature, and Composition at the close of the second semester.  Students will study four primary forms of literature – myth, tragedy, comedy, and satire.  Students also will review the use of terms for analyzing narratives, poetry, and drama with numerous practice AP essays which emphasize precise use of the terms.  Students will be able to analyze imagery, metaphor, and symbols in lyric poems and analyze point of view, characterization, irony, and symbolism in narratives.

Prerequisites & Co-requisites:  9th, 10th, 11th English Lit. & Comp. 

Minimum Unweighted Subject GPA for Prerequisite/Co-requisites:  85 in Honors Eng. & SS; (90 in non-H Eng. & SS)  

AP calculus BC

AP Language & Composition (11th grade)

Course Description: AP English Language and Composition engages students in becoming skilled readers of prose written in a variety of rhetorical contexts, and in becoming skilled writers who compose for a variety of purposes. Both their writing and their reading will make students aware of the interactions among a writer’s purposes, audience expectations, and subjects, as well as the way genre conventions and the resources of language contribute to effectiveness in writing.  The primary source material for the course will be American Literature to fulfill the Georgia graduation requirement for 11th Grade Literature & Composition.  AP US History may be taken concurrently. 

Prerequisites & Co-requisites:  9th, 10th English Lit. & Composition, AP Seminar; AP US History may be taken concurrently 

Minimum Unweighted Subject GPA for Prerequisite/Co-requisites:  85 in Honors Eng. & SS; (90 in non-H Eng. & SS)   

AP SEMINAR (10th grade)

AP Seminar provides sustained practice of investigating issues from multiple perspectives and cultivates student writing abilities so they can craft, communicate, and defend evidence-based arguments. Students are empowered to collect and analyze information with accuracy and precision and are assessed through a team project and presentation, an individual written essay and presentation, and a written exam.  Students taking this course will get credit for their 10th grade English/Language course.  

Prerequisites & Co-requisites:  9th Grade ELA and SS (Civics and/or AP Human Geography) 

Minimum Unweighted Subject GPA for Prerequisite/Co-requisites:  80 in 9th grade ELA.  (Students who do not have the 80 in ELA will be considered if they have a PROFICIENT in their 8th grade end-of-course LANGUAGE ARTS assessment and at least a 75 average in their 9th grade ELA course.)  


AP Calculus AB (11TH / 12TH gRADE)

The objectives for this course follow the AP syllabus developed by the College Board for the AP Calculus AB Examination.  Topics include limits, continuity, derivatives and various applications, integrals and various applications, and algebraic, transcendental, and trigonometric functions.  A Texas Instruments TI-84+ graphing calculator or equivalent is required for this course 

Prerequisites & Co-requisites:  Accelerated Pre-Calculus or Pre-Calculus

Minimum Unweighted Subject GPA:  85 

AP Calculus BC (11TH / 12TH gRADE)

A rigorous course which follows the standards set forth by the College Board for Advanced Placement Calculus BC. The course permits the students to further examine and explore properties of functions and graphs; limits and continuity; differential calculus; and integral calculus. Additional topics include parametric equations, polar curves, vectors, and infinite sequences and series.  TI-84+ graphing calculators are required.

Prerequisites & Co-requisites:  AP Calculus AB 

Minimum Unweighted Subject GPA for Prerequisite/Co-requisites:  90

AP Statistics (10TH / 11TH / 12TH GRADE)

The objectives for this course follow the AP syllabus developed by the College Board for the AP Statistics Examination.  Topics include organizing data and looking for patterns, producing data, probability, and statistical inference. Students will be expected to write numerous papers using the tools of statistical inference.  A Texas Instrument TI-83+ graphing calculator or equivalent is recommended for this course.

Prerequisites & Co-requisites:  Accelerated Geometry B/Algebra II or Algebra II 

Minimum Unweighted Subject GPA:  85 

AP Computer Science A (11TH / 12TH GRADE)

The Computer Science A course provides a solid foundation for computer-related careers: computer programming, mathematics, engineering, business, and the natural sciences.  This course was designed for students with little or no background in computer programming.  The topics studied include sequence, repetition, conditions, functions, one- and two-dimensional arrays, recursion, and an object-based approach to classes. Currently, the programming language used on the exam is Java.

Prerequisites & Co-requisites:  Geometry; Algebra II (may be taken concurrently)   

Minimum Unweighted Subject GPA:  85 

AP Computer Science Principles (10TH / 11TH / 12TH GRADE)

AP Computer Science Principles introduces students to the foundational concepts of computer science and challenges them to explore how computing and technology can impact the world. With a unique focus on creative problem solving and real-world applications, AP Computer Science Principles prepares students for college and career. AP Computer Science Principles offers a multidisciplinary approach to teaching the underlying principles of computation. The course will introduce students to the creative aspects of programming, abstractions, algorithms, large data sets, the Internet, cybersecurity concerns, and computing impacts. AP Computer Science Principles will give students the opportunity to use technology to address real-world problems and build relevant solutions. Together, these aspects of the course make up a rigorous and rich curriculum that aims to broaden participation in computer science.

Prerequisites & Co-requisites:  Geometry 

Minimum Unweighted Subject GPA:  85 


AP Physics 1 (11TH / 12TH GRade)

AP Physics 1 is an algebra-based, introductory college-level physics course (equivalent to a first-semester college course in algebra-based physics) that explores topics such as Newtonian mechanics (including rotational motion); work, energy, and power; mechanical waves and sound; and introductory, simple circuits. Through inquiry-based learning, students will develop scientific critical thinking and reasoning skills.  Students explore principles of Newtonian mechanics (including rotational motion); work, energy, and power; mechanical waves and sound; and introductory, simple circuits. The course is based on six Big Ideas, which encompass core scientific principles, theories, and processes that cut across traditional boundaries and provide a broad way of thinking about the physical world. The following are Big Ideas:

• Objects and systems have properties such as mass and charge. Systems may have internal structure.

• Fields existing in space can be used to explain interactions.

• The interactions of an object with other objects can be described by forces.

• Interactions between systems can result in changes in those systems.

• Changes that occur as a result of interactions are constrained by conservation laws.

• Waves can transfer energy and momentum from one location to another without the permanent transfer of mass and serve as a mathematical model for the description of other phenomena.

Prerequisites & Co-requisites:  Biology, Chemistry; Algebra I and Geometry 

Minimum Unweighted Subject GPA for Prerequisite/Co-requisites:  85 in Honors Science/ Accel. Math/Alg. II. (90 in non-H/Adv level)

AP Biology (11th / 12th grade)

The objectives for this course follow the AP syllabus developed by the College Board for the AP Biology Examination.  Topics covered are biological chemistry, cells, energy transformations, molecular genetics, heredity, evolution, taxonomy and systematics, monera, protista, fungi, plants, animals, and ecology.

Prerequisites & Co-requisites:  Biology, Chemistry or Environmental Science  (May need to take Physics concurrently to meet graduation requirements.) 

Minimum Unweighted Subject GPA for Prerequisite/Co-requisites:  85 

AP Environmental Science (12th grade)

AP Environmental Science is the equivalent of a one semester, introductory college course in environmental science. The goal of the course is to provide students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world, to identify and analyze environmental problems both natural and human-made, to evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems, and to examine alternative solutions for resolving and/or preventing them. Environmental science is interdisciplinary; it embraces a wide variety of topics from different areas of study including biology, chemistry, earth science, social sciences, and politics. There is a strong laboratory and field study component to this course that requires students to participate in some activities outside of the normal classroom hours.  Experiences both in the laboratory and in the field provide students with unique opportunities to explore how classroom learned concepts apply to the “real world."   

Prerequisites & Co-requisites:  Physics, Chemistry, Biology; Algebra II or Accelerated Geo/Algebra II 

Minimum Unweighted Subject GPA for Prerequisite/Co-requisites:  85 

Social Sciences

AP African American Studies

AP African American Studies is an interdisciplinary course that examines the diversity of African American experiences through direct encounters with rich and varied sources. Students explore key topics that extend from early African kingdoms to the ongoing challenges and achievements of the contemporary moment.  Given the interdisciplinary character of AP African American Studies, students in the course will develop skills across multiple fields, with an emphasis on developing historical, literary, visual, and data analysis skills. Students will encounter primary sources on a daily basis; here are some examples. Students will:  


Prerequisites & Co-requisites:  World History and 9th/10th ELA; 85+ average in SS/ELA

AP World History (10th grade)

Although this course is for sophomores, it should be noted that it is a college-level course that requires a great deal of self-directed work. The course conforms to College Board guidelines for the AP World History Examination and covers the political, cultural, economic, and social development of civilizations.  Students will study the development of ancient civilizations, the emergence of nations through trade/communication, intellectual development, scientific and technological development, emergence of nation states, nations in conflict, & the emerging interdependence of nations. 

Prerequisites & Co-requisites:  AP Human Geography and/or Civics 

Minimum Unweighted Subject GPA for Prerequisite/Co-requisites:  85 in Honors Eng. & SS; (90 in non-H Eng. & SS)   

AP US History (11th grade)

AP U.S. History is designed to provide students with the factual knowledge and analytical skills necessary to deal critically with the problems and issues central to our American history and culture.  Students will learn to interpret and evaluate the relative significance of primary and secondary source materials, and to present evidence and conclusions clearly and persuasively in essay format required for the AP U.S. History Examination.  The course material covers a broad range of topics including Colonial America, Revolutionary America, Federalism, Nationalism and Jacksonian Democracy, Expansion and Sectionalism, the Civil War and Reconstruction, Industrial America, the Progressive Era, World War I, the Depression Era, World War II, the Cold War, and Modern American Society.

Prerequisites & Co-requisites:  AP Human Geography and/or Civics, & World History; (AP Lang. & Comp. may be taken concurrently) 

Minimum Unweighted Subject GPA for Prerequisite/Co-requisites:  85 in Honors Eng. & SS; (90 in non-H Eng. & SS)  

AP US Government & Politics (11th / 12th grade)

U.S. Government and Politics includes both the study of general concepts used to interpret U.S. politics and the analysis of specific examples. It also requires familiarity with various institutions, groups, beliefs, and ideas that constitute U.S. politics.  Six broad topics form the structure of this course: Constitutional underpinnings of U.S. government; Political beliefs and behaviors; Political parties, interest groups, and mass media; Institutions of national government; Public policy; and Civil rights and civil liberties. 

* All AP U.S. Government students will take the AP course in the fall (1/2 credit), and

**All AP U.S. Government students will be required to take U.S. and the Law (1/2 credit) as a continuation in the spring of the same school year.

Prerequisites & Co-requisites:  AP Human Geography and/or Civics & World History 

Minimum Unweighted Subject GPA for Prerequisite/Co-requisites:  85 in Eng. & SS 

AP Psychology (11th / 12th grade)

This course introduces students to the systematic and scientific study of behavior and mental processes of human beings and other animals.  Students are exposed to the psychological facts, principles, and phenomena associated with each of the major sub-fields with psychology.  They also learn about the ethics and methods psychologists use in their science and practice.

Prerequisites & Co-requisites:  AP Human Geography and/or Civics & World History 

Minimum Unweighted Subject GPA for Prerequisite/Co-requisites:  80 in Eng. & SS

AP ECONOMICS (AP Macroeconomics & HOnors Economics) (11th / 12th grade)

The course is divided into two parts.  In the fall, students study Honors Economics in order to gain a thorough understanding of the principles of economics that apply to the function of individual decision makers, both consumers and producers, within the larger economic system.  In the spring, students study Macroeconomics.  Macroeconomics covers measurement of economic performance and national income, and price determination and growth.  Students will examine the effect of government budget deficits, consider the issues involved in determining the burden of the national debt, and explore the relationships between deficits, interest rates, and inflation.  This is designed as a yearlong course. The State has mandated that only 11th and 12th graders can take the Honors Econ course. 

Prerequisites & Co-requisites:  Accelerated Geometry B/Algebra II or Algebra II; (Pre-Calculus or AMDM - concurrent is ok)

Minimum Unweighted Subject GPA for Prerequisite/Co-requisites:  85 

World Languages

AP Latin (11th / 12th grade)

AP Latin will consist of advanced readings of Latin poetry in accordance with the College Board recommended syllabi. Student will read and translate selections from Vergil's Aeneid and will read the entire poem in English. In addition to accurate and precise translation, the course will focus on critical analysis of the text through free-response essays, scansion and figures of speech, as well as background knowledge of the cultural, social and political history surrounding the Aeneid.

Prerequisites & Co-requisites:  Latin I, II, & III 

Minimum Unweighted Subject GPA for Prerequisite/Co-requisites:  80 

AP Spanish language & culture (11th / 12th grade)

In AP Spanish Language, students hone their skills in listening, reading, storytelling and writing, using correct Spanish grammar.  Students should already have a basic knowledge of the language and culture of Spanish speaking peoples and should have a reasonable proficiency in listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing.

Prerequisites & Co-requisites: Spanish I, II, & III or Study Abroad  

Minimum Unweighted Subject GPA for Prerequisite/Co-requisites:  80