Library Policies

South Atlanta High Library Media Center Policies and Procedures 2023-2024

The media center’s hours of operation are from:

M, Th, F - 8:00 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.

Tues. and Wed. - 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 

The media center utilizes flexible scheduling.

Neither students nor teachers are allowed to have food or drink in the media center.

Utilization of Materials

·         Teacher resources must be signed out in the media center.

·         Students and teachers are not allowed to check out materials for one another.

·         A Request for Media Services Form must be completed within a 48-to-72-hour timeframe for all items to be checked out in the media center. All teachers and staff members will receive one hard copy and a copy through APS email.

·         All equipment must be checked out and returned by the teacher who intends to use the equipment. Equipment must be returned by 3:45 p.m. on the      day of checkout.

·         For additional days, all equipment and books must be checked out again.

·         The loan period for books for students is 14 days.

·         The loan period for books for teachers is 30 days.

·         Laptop and Mac Carts can be checked out for one day only. Mac Carts must be returned by 3:45 p.m. daily.  Please see the librarian for assistance with checkout.

·         All equipment must be returned in the same condition as issued. Equipment will be pre and post checked by media staff.

·         Advisory teachers will be given notices for students who have overdue materials quarterly.

·         The Media Center will adhere to board policy for all damage or lost items.

·         Please do not move furniture or adjust lighting without speaking with the librarian.