Senior academy Teachers
ELA Dept. Updates
ELA Dept. Updates
Students are currently reading A Raisin in the Sun! Students have also been given two other novels to read during their own time!
Math Dept. Updates
Math Dept. Updates
Science Dept. Updates
Science Dept. Updates
Social Studies Dept. Updates
Social Studies Dept. Updates
Enrichment Dept. Updates
Enrichment Dept. Updates
Students can work closely with their Enrichment teachers to continue their Senior Capstone Project!
Dr. Collins
Dr. Collins
12th Grade Sponsor
AP Literature | Multicultural Literature | ENGL 1101 | Journalism II
Mr. Fultz
Mr. Fultz
Ms. Jacobs
Ms. Jacobs
Ms. Williams
Ms. Williams
Mr. Williams
Mr. Williams
AP Micro/Macro | Personal Finance/Economics | Ethnic Studies | SEL Tools for Success
Ms. Bacon
Ms. Bacon
Multicultural Literature
Ms. Cook
Ms. Cook
Ms. Hakim
Ms. Hakim
Personal Finance/Economics
Ms. James
Ms. James
Statistical Reasoning
Mr. Squires
Mr. Squires