School News

A Proud Bulldog

By: Madison Behncke

Although Albuquerque High has welcomed some new administrators to the school, many people do not recognize the many alumni that are still part of the AHS community. Mr. Herbert Stanley is one of the many proud bulldogs that is still actively part of the AHS community. Mr. Stanley grew up in the neighborhoods that surround our school. He grew up with two older sisters and three younger brothers who were all raised by his mother and father. When Mr. Stanley was a senior at Albuquerque High, before the school was expanded to its current location, he claims that he “never saw himself coming back to the school and surely didn’t want to become a teacher or administrator at any school” but as we all know, his mind was changed.

Once Mr. Stanley graduated from high school, he went on to Adams State College in Alamosa, Colorado on a scholarship where he earned his special education and P.E. minor. During his junior year of college, he still was not entirely sure of the career path he wanted to take. It even took the encouragement of a former professor to convince Mr. Stanley to get his minor in special education and P.E.

After he graduated from Adams State, he came back to New Mexico and taught at Rio Rancho High and Highlands High, before coming back to his roots at Albuquerque High. This is where Mr. Stanley says he “belongs”. Mr. Stanley says he, ”loves being at AHS and believes that this is his calling.” Mr. Stanley has contributed so much to Albuquerque High and many of the kids that attend our school, look up to him with respect. Mr. Stanley truly demonstrates our school motto, “Pride, Tradition, and Honor.”

Home Coming flyers!!!

All information needed to know about HomeComing is located on flyers all around our school. If you need more details refer to the bottom of the flyer. All of this information is also located on our schools web site and home page,

2018 Homecoming

Written By: Kayla Gonzales

Homecoming season is upon us; it's the time for dances and the annual homecoming football game. Homecoming season brings fun and good times along with memories that will be with us forever. This years theme is "Outta this world". So colors to go along with that would include, Darker colors.

Dance tickets will go on sale this Wednesday September 26- October 5 for $20. You can also purchase the tickets the day of homecoming for $25. So get them while they're still cheap.

The Homecoming football game will be on October 5 followed by the Dance on October 6, from 8pm-11pm.

Spirit Week

By: Isabel Barajas

This past week, there was pride in our school halls. Many people, dressed up for the days designated for a specific attire.

Before,the actual spirit week, we had a Tie-Dye day on Thursday for a teacher who has recently passed.

After that Thursday, the next week began with students in fun filled outfits and dressed up in fun costumes.


by: Antoinette Lopez

Upcoming Events:

  • Deca Ceremony: Thursday, September 20th, at 5:30 Pm.

The DECA Ceremony is an event all members can attend, welcoming new members to the chapter and providing an opportunity to students to make a commitment to being a productive member for the organization.

I asked the DECA officers about the program, they all said "it definitely takes a lot of dedication". As a DECA officer, they have a lot of responsibilities " We have to take time during lunch to help sell food for the snack bar, have to wrap pizzas, order the Popeye's and pizza before lunch and help set up everything. " They also said "DECA is a great program to get more involved with school, and to get a good learning experience about business.

Get To Know Mrs. Marroquin

By: Liz Alderete

This school year brings many new things to AHS. Not only are things changing within the school, but we also get many new teachers and staff. One of those staff members is our new 9th grade principal, Martha Marroquin. Out of so many schools, why did Mrs. Marroquin choose ours? “It’s because I graduated from here, I will always be a bulldog” she said.

Although she is new to us this year, this obviously is not the only school Mrs. Marroquin has taught at. She worked as a 4th grade teacher at Alamos Elementary for 8 years, worked 2 years district at Title One, and did her internship at Ernie Pyle.

I asked Mrs. Marroquin what her goals were for the freshman class since she is now in charge of them specifically, to which she replied: “I want each and every freshman of mine to graduate and to be successful in life”. Curious about her own personal goals as a 9th grade principal, i asked “What about your goal personally as a 9th grade principal?” and she told me, “My goal is to be able to support people and push them in a positive way as much as I can”.

Our school does many things throughout the year. Sports games, spirit weeks, dances, etc. and so a question that I asked her was “what are you most looking forward to not only this year, but in the future as you keep working here?” Mrs.Marroquin said she was looking forward to all of the fun activities, but she mostly emphasized academic things, as she said “This year, i’m looking forward to seeing my first class keep moving and eventually graduate, but overall, I look forward to continue to be a part of the community in a positive way”

Lastly, since the school has changed so much each passing year, I asked “what do you think about AHS so far?” and replied “I love the school and i am so happy to be back home! The students and staff are great”.