
The Speech & Debate and Model UN Team has team meetings to organize for tournaments and conferences but regular practices are scheduled by Event Captains and the Coaches.

We are a group of students dedicated to improving our public speaking skills, competing with other schools, and having fun by arguing or performing.

Ms. Jennifer Eberhart, Room C10

Ms. Eberhart returned to education after a 15-year career as Director of Marketing and Training in the healthcare industry. She has been teaching gifted courses at Sandia for five years; she teaches the Theory of Knowledge in the International Baccalaureate® (IB) program; in addition to co-coaching Speech & Debate, she sponsors the tea club. Her passion is working with gifted students with a focus on their social and emotional needs. When not at school, she enjoys spending time with her three daughters and four dogs.

Nicholas Depascal, Room E11

Mx. Jonathan Seyfried, Room E9

Mx. Seyfried teaches history, specializing in AP World History. Their love of travel helps them to bring enthusiasm to Model UN and they eagerly draws on their own experience in high school Speech & Debate. They are a Level 2 Google Certified Educator, an AP Consultant for World History, and has been a finalist for New Mexico Teacher of the Year. Most importantly, they love cats!