Ms. Nolan's

English 9 & 10

Welcome matadors!


As we look ahead to a new school year, be prepared for some challenging yet constructive and fun experiences. I look forward to the upcoming year and am excited to witness the growth of our students. Please feel free to contact me at any time via phone or email if any questions, concerns, or comments arise. Visit my Google Classroom to stay updated with everything occurring in the classroom. I’m looking forward to a great year! ☺

Contact Information:

  • Room: Yucca-123 (portable)

  • Phone Number: (505) 294-1511 ext. 30423

  • Email:

  • Google Voice Phone Number: (call or text) 505-750-3296

Ms. Nolan's Schedule:

1st period: Literacy Strategies

2nd period: Collaboration

3rd period: English 10

4th period: English 9

5th period: English 9

6th period: English 9

7th period: Prep