Classroom Rules

Google meet expectations

  • Please make sure to mute yourself until you're told otherwise so that we can hear the speaker.

  • Enter the meetings on time! Attendance to class meetings is MANDATORY, not optional.

  • Make sure that your camera is on and that you're in the frame so we can see your smiling face! ☺

  • Come prepared to learn! Most of the time you will just need paper and a pencil with you during meetings. I will let you know when you need any other supplies.

  • Try to get all of your wiggles & jiggles out before learning time!

  • Be kind and respectful to me and your classmates by following all the rules, paying attention and speaking kindly.

  • Make sure you're in a quiet working space free from distractions, so that you can hear us and we can hear you!

  • Raise you hand if you need to talk and wait until you're called on to unmute yourself.

  • I would prefer if you do not eat during our meetings, but I will allow it as long as it does not become a distraction.