Social Studies

Welcome to my Social Studies class! 

7th Grade New Mexico History

Click on the syllabus to see what this year is going to look like in our class. 

We will be using Google classroom a lot in Social Studies! Our students will do their classwork and homework(if possible) through this. In this classroom, we write, do comprehension assignments and also link into other sites to access curriculum in different ways. 

Click on the Google classroom Picture to take you to your class.

How to sign in to Google classroom: Your child has been added to my class, however they need to sign in to accept the invite. go to sign in to the side by using student (example: then password is intials.birthdate, 2 digit month 2 digit day and 2 digit year (example: jh.030405) Once singed in, you will see a Waffle like picture on the left top of screen click on that and go to google classroom. Once in there you will see a plus sign. Push that and enter class code: kka4txu. I will be notified once your child has been added. 

Vocabulary Spelling City 

We will be using this program to help with vocabulary word knowledge and understanding to use while reading the text. It is a great way to practice!


Readworks has many articles in which we will be  using to help with understanding of the curriculum.