Upcoming Important Dates

January 7th -Students return to school 

January 20th - NO SCHOOL 

(MLK Jr. Day ) 

Week of Jan. 20th- 

Share Oral Presentations

January 28th- 100th Day of Kindergarten! 

January Oral Presentation Schedule
January Oral Presentation .pdf

*In the event of a snow delay (abbreviated day), please know our school day will begin at 11:15 a.m. and we will be on an abbreviated bell schedule. Students will be dismissed at 4:00 (normal dismissal time). 

*In the event of severe weather conditions that result in a snow day and the closure of our school, we will transition to asynchronous learning, allowing students to access their assignments from the safety and comfort of their homes.

*Please see below for more info and click on the "Snow Day" icon for links to the Kindergarten home learning lessons for a Snow Day. 

Here's what you need to know:


Asynchronous Learning:

Device and Internet Access:

Our top priority is the safety and well-being of our students, and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation during these unforeseen circumstances. We understand the excitement of a ‘snow day’ and we want our students to be able to share in that excitement.