Mr. Rogers Social Studies 

Understanding the purpose of government and knowledge of how our economy functions are essential to be productive in our society. When it comes to world history, you will get a first hand look at what's been right and wrong about leadership. You are the director of your own movie. Don't like some parts? Cut it out and make it the way you want it. No matter what you do or say, the movie (history) will be made, so make it great! Your success is the most important task I have and I take it very seriously. I expect that you will too! We are  born to learn and learning never, ends. Becoming smart means that you work problems through longer than most other people, BE THAT PERSON. YOU ARE SMART. 

2023-2024                                                                                                                                  Futbol, Inter Milan vs Spal

1st Period Government / D13                                           

2nd Period World History  D13

3rd Period Economics  w/ Hilligoss

4th Period Economics / D13

5th PLT

6th Economics/ Government

7th Period World History

The answers to questions that you might have

How do I contact you?


What are your expectations?:  Please review the pages in Google Classroom (in the Classwork) for: Attendance, 

E-mail Etiquette 

How do I know what my current grade is? You will be able to see your progress in SYNERGY and in Edgenuity, but the only true and accurate grade will be posted in Edgenuity. That is where the grades for both platforms will be posted. My goal is to update grades in both each and every week.

To get into edgenuity:

Username : Your ID# aps

Password: Your ID#