About Our Team

My name is Christina Leonard, and together with my co-teacher Maggie Young and education assistant Tessa Rosales, I teach specialized reading and writing to Kindergarteners and 1st graders who have IEPs. We also teach math for kindergarteners, 1st and 2nd graders who receive math services.

Our Osuna Tiger pride runs deep; this is my 21st year as a teacher and my own three children attended Osuna. Mrs. Rosales has been an Osuna parent for 13 years and has worked with me as an educational assistant for 5 years.

This is Miss Young's first year as an Osuna Tiger. She is participating in CNM's Special Education Teacher Training program. As part of that program, we will be co-teaching through this year together. Miss Young has a high school-aged daughter and has worked in the medical field for 20 years.

Students come to our class during their regularly scheduled reading or math times from their general education classroom. Children will grow a lot in our class. We are going to work together to help students identify and achieve goals that they set for themselves.

My teaching philosophy is that the key to helping students achieve to their full potential lies in engaging them in meaningful learning activities and giving them a sense of belonging. We celebrate successes in behavior and learning. Good learning behavior supports good learning, so we celebrate both.

To that end, please let me know if your child has any allergies to food; we often celebrate successes with little candies or popcorn or other treats. Please advise if you foresee any problems with this, and we can make alternate arrangements.

Thank you, and I look forward to working with your family this year! Should you ever have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me:

  • christina.leonard@aps.edu

  • 505-289-0267 is my personal number (Texting is fine anytime. If calling during school hours, please leave a voice mail message for me to return later.)

  • 505-296-4811 ext 31928 is our classroom phone number (will not ring audibly between 7:50-2:00, but you can leave a message anytime.)