40 Book Challenge

The 40 Book Challenge

The goal of the 40 Book Challenge is for 5th graders to leave their reading comfort zone and explore new reading genres. I would love to see my students’ love of reading flourish, as well as for students to make significant academic gains in reading comprehension. The best way to become a better reader is to read voraciously and the 40 Book Challenge helps with this!

I know 40 books sound like a lot, but students will only have to average about 1 book a school week. This can be accomplished by reading during our daily independent reading time at school and spending at least 30 minutes reading nightly at home. They can always use holidays to move ahead or get caught up. Students will have the opportunity to visit the school library once a week to checkout appropriately leveled books and genres to complete the 40 Book Challenge. My classroom library is also filled with a variety of choices that students can check out as well. 


Students will be keeping track of the books they read by completing the following steps below. Now, get ready, get set, and READ!

Steps to the 40 Book Challenge

1. The student will choose a book from one of the genres. Your child will be recording their nightly reading in their agendas so students can use it as reference for the start date. 

2. The student will independently read daily in school and 30 minutes or more at home nightly so to reach the goal of 40 books or more!

3. When the student successfully finishes a book, they will complete The 40 Book Challenge Form.

4. Add this title to their Book Shelf

5. Complete a cover card for the book.