"Everything I learned in life, I learned in Kindergarten!"

Nov. 4- Hawk's Night Out- Grassburger

Nov. 5- No School- Election Day

Nov. 11- No School- Veterans' Day

Nov.- 18-22- Oral Presentations

Nov. 27-29- No School- Thanksgiving Break

In the event of a snow delay (abbreviated day), please know our school day will begin at 11:15 a.m. and we will be on an abbreviated bell schedule. Students will be dismissed at 4:00 (normal dismissal time). 

In the event of severe weather conditions that result in a snow day and the closure of our school, we will transition to asynchronous learning, allowing students to access their assignments from the safety and comfort of their homes.

Here's what you need to know:


Asynchronous Learning:

Device and Internet Access:

Our top priority is the safety and well-being of our students, and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation during these unforeseen circumstances. We understand the excitement of a ‘snow day’ and we want our students to be able to share in that excitement. 

Abbreviated Day Schedule:

Bell Rings at 11:15

Dismissal at 4:00

Snow Day -NO SCHOOL Asynchronous Learning Day:

click on the icon above for a list of activities for students to complete. 


Every Friday students can purchase popcorn for $1.00. Please send in on Friday if you want to purchase. Also, please check PTSA web site to purchase a popcorn pass for the whole year for $10.00.

contact me: teupell_j@aps.edu