

Fun Field Trip 2022 - ABQ Biopark and Zoo!

Music Performance Assessment 2022

Performance Score: Excellent

Sight-Reading Score: Superior

Left to right: Anthony Martinez,
Jeremy Lopez-Norton, David Hailey, Hailey Astorga, Noah Martinez, Jaedyn Renteria, Isaiah Grajeda, Calliope Kiser, Deshawn Williams, Andru Esquerra, Krystal Diaz, Fryda Soto, Riley Starks-Miller,
Daniel Ordonez, Hayli Flores, Janelly Gallegos, Arianna Guzman-Chavez, Diamarie Trillo,
Mr. Xander Allen, James Jenkins, Melvin Moreno

Winter Concert 2021

Advanced Band

Intermediate and Beginning Band

APS Honor Band 2021 (left)

Congratulations to Jaedyn Renteria, Andru Esquerra and Daniel Ordonez for being selected out of thousands of students for APS Honor Band.

Holiday Market 2021 (right)

Pictured (left to right):Takiera Kennedy, James Jenkins, Isaiah Grajeda, Andru Esquerra, Calliope Kiser, Hayli Flores

Basketball Pep Band 2021

Pictured: Deyanira Ramirez,Genesis Benavides,Ivanna Almeraz,Arianna Guzman Chavez,Jaser Holguin,Arturo Molinar,Reese Weebothee,Allison Trejo Robles,Eduardo Villalobos,Diana Martinez,Nick Pimentel

8th Grade Night with AHA Band 2021

Pictured:Jamy Barraza, Miguel Castillo, Jesse James Deherrera, Krystal Diaz, Andru Esquerra, Janelly Gallegos, Isaiah Grajeda, Ariana Guzman Chavez, David Hailey, James Jenkins, Takiera Kennedy, Calliope Kiser, Jeremy Lopez-Norton, Jayden Lopez, Noah Martinez, Melvin Moreno, Daniel Ordonez, Deyanira Ramirez, Jaedyn Renteria, Johnny Sanchez Jr.,Lorenzo Savedra, Stephanie Segura, Fryda Soto, Riley Starks Miller, Aubree Torivio, Diamarie Trillo, Deshawn Williams

Volleyball Pep Band 2021

Left to right: Calliope Kiser (8th), Jeremy Lopez-Norton (8th)

Krystal Diaz (8th)

Left to right: Noah Martinez (8th), Isaiah Grajeda (8th)

Volleyball Team

Leadership Color Guard

Left to right: Takiera Kennedy (8th), Daniel Ordonez (8th)

Top left to bottom right: Jaedyn Renteria (8th), Deshawn Williams (8th), Arturo Molinar (7th), Noah Martinez (8th), David Hailey (8th), Isaiah Grajeda (8th), Jamy Barazza (8th), Fryda Soto (8th), Andru Esquerra (8th), Nick Pimentel (7th), Diamarie Trillo (8th), Krystal Diaz (8th), Calliope Kiser (8th), Jeremy Lopez-Norton (8th), Mr. Allen, Takiera Kennedy (8th), Daniel Ordonez (8th)

Pep Rally 2021

Left to right: Jamy Barraza (8th), Diana Martinez (7th), Deshawn Williams (8th), Riley Starks-Miller (8th), Andru Esquerra (8th), Takiera Kennedy (8th), Jude Martinez (8th), Diamarie Trillo (8th), James Jenkins (8th)

Foreground left: Arturo Molinar (7th), David Hailey (8th)

Foreground right: Calliope Kiser (8th), Hailey Astorga (8th)

Open House 2021

Left to right: Krystal Diaz (8th), Jeremy Lopez-Norton (8th), Calliope Kiser (8th), Fryda Soto (8th), Noah Martinez (8th), David Hailey (8th), Deshawn Williams (8th), Mr. Allen, Daniel Ordonez (8th)

Collaborating Across Content Areas 2021

Band students performing for first grade students

Band students answering questions from ELD learners

Band students demonstrating their instruments to second grade students