Español III

Bienvenidos a la clase de español III

Welcome to Spanish III!

All student assignments and projects are posted in our Google Classroom. To login, you must use your student's ID and your student's password.

Teacher: Sra. Figueroa


Phone, checked weekly: 505-890-0343 ext 37132 (For quicker response, please email)

Period 2 & 6 Google Classroom codes: Please check with your student or email the teacher. For security reasons, Classroom codes are not public.

New Mexico Seal of Bilingualism and Biliteracy: Any student who completes four years of language study with grades of 'C' or higher may sit for the AAPPL or STAMP proficiency exams in February and, with a qualifying score, earn the New Mexico Seal of Bilingualism and Biliteracy on his or her transcript.


The profe is available on Mondays at lunch and Tuesdays 2:30-3:00 :