Book Recs

Nevermoor by Jessica Townsend: Fantasy I would give this book four and a half stars. I was skeptical when I heard people mention this was for fans of Harry Potter and that they would love it. This is definitely a great recommendation for a reader who can’t get away from Harry Potter. Morrigan Crow is registered on a cursed child list and knows that she is supposed to die at the age of twelve when Eventide comes. Eventide arrives but so does a man known as Jupiter North who helps her escape a murderous group of hunters and brings her into a world known as Nevermoor. Morrigan finds a place of wonder and friendship as she enters into a competition to be part of an exclusive group known as the Wundrous Society.

Update: Second book is Wundersmith. I think this book was even better than the first!

SteelHeart by Brandon Sanderson: This is the first book in a series that I really feel boys would enjoy. Fans of I Am Number Four would really enjoy this book as well. Some type of comet has appeared known as calamity. It is turning regular humans into “epics”. A human who has acquire powers and has also become power hungry. David learns just how power hungry they are when his father is murdered in front of him at the age of eight. It is now ten years later and has made it his mission in life to take down the epic who is controlling the city and who was also responsible for his fathers death. This book is full of adventure and left readers with a twist at the end making us want more.

Alex and Eliza by Melissa De La Cruz: Historical Fiction/Romance: This felt like fan fiction for a Jane Austin novel. Alexander Hamilton falls in love with the middle Schuyler sister and their, courtship, if you can call it that, was a pleasant story or romance. Eliza is unlike anyone Alex has ever met with her plain clothes and sharp wit. I did wonder on and off throughout the story which historical events and details were true and which were not. I read through this novel very quickly and now want to brush up on my knowledge of the time period. It also inspired me to listen to the first song in the Hamilton musical, which was absolutely amazing.

Writing Radar by Jack Gantos: Writing How-To: I received a copy of this book at AASL and got to meet Jack Gantos. This book is a really great book for upper elementary and middle school. Jack describes how journaling can be done in a different way and that each and every one of us can write. We just have to learn to pay attention, use your own writing radar, and have a way to keep track of what we experience. This is a way to inspire yourself or others to get on track for writing. This book also made me laugh out loud with some of the crazy things he experienced growing up or when visiting students.

Nemesis by Brendan Reichs: Science-Fiction

What happened if every other year on your birthday since you were eight a man in a suit came and murdered you in a different way? For Min, this has been happening to her in her tiny Idaho town. After each time, she wakes up completely fine in the same location in the woods. Not only is she going through this but she discovers more is happening in her small town. There is an experiment of some sort that involves her entire sophomore class. I recommend this one for 8th grade, more mature readers, and some of your reluctant readers. Grabs you from the first few pages. First in a series.

Genius by Leopoldo Gout Science-Fiction

All over the world are incredibly genius people with talents in technology that surpass many of us. It might be in coding, engineering, or programming. Two-hundred of these individuals are being sent invitations to “the game,” a contest held by the CEO of one of the most advanced technological companies. Told from three points of view, the characters in this story are ready to make this game meet their needs. This book is great for any of your student’s who are really into technology. The ending left me thinking that second book may be even better than the first, which is unusual.

Counting by 7’s by Holly Goldberg Sloan recommended for all grades: This was a wonderful read for fans of the book Wonder. I really enjoyed the development of all the characters. This book made me laugh, cry, and think about how life circumstances influence so many aspects of our lives.

Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson recommended for all grades: This is a great book for fans of the books Smile and Sisters. It was a great story about how kids going into junior high or are in junior high have to figure out their identity and their friendships. It shows how people and friendships evolve. It is a very fast read and I also learned some things about roller derby that I didn’t know before reading this book. I really enjoyed Astrid’s character and how she navigated a tough time in her life.

Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard:

Mrs. Cox: recommended for eighth grade and for fans of the Hunger Games: This book was one of my favorite books for 2015. It has twists and turns and likable characters. There is a separation in the society between red bloods and silver bloods. Silver bloods have powers the red bloods do not so they rule the society. That is until Mare, a seventeen year old girl living in a poor section of society known as the Stilts accidentally discovers she has a power of her own. This frightens the silver bloods and they hide her in plain sight all while Mare helps a group of rebels change their world. It is part of a series and the next installment isn’t released until February of 2016, I can’t wait!

Winter by Marissa Meyer: Books in this series include:





And a bonus novel Fairest

Mrs.Cox: recommended for any fans of the Cinder series: This was the fourth and last book in the science fiction series that began with Cinder. All the characters are wrapped up in trouble and we follow their journey until the end of the book. I enjoyed it but it was longer that I had anticipated and at times some of the situations seemed very convenient and solved in ways that were not totally believable but none the less, a great wrap up to a series I really enjoyed overall. My favorite book of the series was probably book two, Scarlet.

Unwind by by Neal Shusterman

Mrs. Cox: recommended for 8th grade: This is a thought provoking novel and the first one in the series. In a future civil war between people for pro-choice and people for pro-life a constitutional amendment known as “The Bill of Life” has been passed. Human life cannot be touched except for between the ages of thirteen and eighteen in a process known as “unwinding” where parts of the body are used for other people but these parts are still alive. The story follows several characters that are signed away to be unwound and their paths cross in an attempt to escape their fate. Some of these characters have been chosen to be unwound because of their temper, not enough room in a state run home, and chosen before they were born for religious reasons.

Cinder by Marissa Meyer

Mrs. Cox: recommended for 6th grade and up: This is a futuristic series based around fairy tales. A plague has been killing people all over the world and a colony of people live on Luna (the moon) under the rule of a Queen who can’t stop herself from wanting more power. A cyborg mechanic who doesn’t think too much of herself, named Linh Cinder gets swept up in all of this when she meets the prince who needs his android fixed. From witnessing a loved one die of the plague, getting experimented on with the plague virus because of her stepmom and the cyborg draft, finding herself in jail, and discovering things about herself she didn’t even know, this is a novel that can be predictable but also a fun read. The first in this series was a little slow at times but the second and third installment, Scarlet (loosely tied to Red Riding Hood) and Cress (tied to Rapunzel), picked up the pace with interweaving story lines and plot development. The fourth book is called Winter and it is scheduled to be released in 2015.

The Sisters Grimm: Fairy Tale Detectives by Michael Buckley

Recommended by Mrs.Cox for 6th grade and up: This is the first book in the nine part series. Two sisters Sabrina and Daphne are orphans who are told that their grandmother is alive and that they are going to live with her. They soon learn that they are descendants from the brothers Grimm and that their famous book of fairy tales is actually a collection of case files. Sabrina and Daphne are swept into a mystery when a giant is set loose in the town by one of the magical residents living there known as an “ever after”.

If you like this series you might also try reading the original fairy tale stories, a series called A Tale Dark and Grimm, or The Goose Girl.

The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau

Recommended by Mrs. Cox: Cia is sixteen and graduating, she is also hoping to be of the honored graduates selected for “The Testing,” a way that the country chooses who will be the brightest and most respected professionals in communities across the country. When she is selected her dad informs her of his “testing” experience in the pieces that he can remember which are terrifying if they are actually true. Testing candidates have the memories of their time at the testing erased after it is over. Now Cia is on her guard and can’t believe what she is starting to notice, from cameras everywhere, to life and death situations. This is one of the closest books to The Hunger Games that I have read, almost too close at times. I enjoyed the first and second books in this series and will read the third when it is released but it wasn’t my favorite dystopian series.

The second book is called Independent Study and the third is called Graduation Day which will be released this summer.

Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo

Recommended by Mrs. Cox for grades 6th and up: I really loved the first two books in this series and I am really excited about the release of the third book this summer. In this first installment, Alina anad Mal were raised together as orphans and drafted into the army together. They are about to cross a place called the Fold, a dangerous place with tales of horrifying creatures who will attack when crossing. During their journey across the fold, they are attacked and Alina releases her magical powers that she didn’t even know existed to help save her friend. She is then swept away to be trained as a Grisha by a powerful dark lord of magic. This book kept me guessing along the way, had action, and suspense.

This is the first book in this series. The second book is Siege and Storm and the third book is Ruin and Rising released June 17th, 2014.

The Selection by Kiera Cass:

Recommended by Mrs. Cox recommended for 6th grade and up:This is definitely a story for girls who enjoy a quick read, love stories, and a touch of The Bachelor. In this story, a girl named America reluctantly enters into a contest called the selection to be chosen as one of thirty-five girls to possibly be chosen to marry Prince Maxon. She is already in love with a boy not many people would approve of because his place in their society is below her. Through the first of the tree books in this trilogy, she will question many things…

Second book is called The Elite and the third comes out May 6th and is called The One. There is also a bonus novel called The Prince and the Guard.

Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini

Recommended by: Mrs. Cox: Helen has always been a different kind of teenager. She runs faster than everyone, is stronger than anyone else, and has tried to stay hidden even though she is 5’9”. Then a new family moves to her small Nantucket town and when she meets them at school for the first time, she feels a sudden hatred toward them and wants to kill them immediately. This family has mutual feelings toward Helen. This is a story involving Greek mythology and a love that shouldn’t happen.

If you liked Twilight, Shiver, or Paranormalcy you will enjoy this book. The second book is called Dreamless and the third book is called Goddess.

Savvy by Ingrid Law

Recommended by a student aide A.C.: The main girl in the story in named Mississippi, and in her family everyone gets a special power when they turn thirteen. She has a brother who can control wind and an aunt who can control people’s minds. However, on her big day, her dad gets in an accident and is separated from her. She has to travel across the country with her brother and some friends to try to find him, and discover her savvy.

If you enjoy fantasy adventure books, you would love this book. The second book in this series is called Scumble.

The Alchemyst by Michael Scott

Recommended by a student aideR.T.: Sophie and Josh Newman go on an adventure with Nicholas Flamel, who is the alchemist, to take back a codex that was stolen by Dr. John Dee. This codex is capable of destroying the world; however, Josh tore out two vital pages of the codex rendering it useless and Dee will stop at nothing to get those pages. Meanwhile, they are also trying to rescue Nicholas’s wife, Perenelle.

If you like enjoy books about magic like Harry Potter you will enjoy this book. Also fans of Rick Riordan series will enjoy these reads. The rest of the books in this series are: The Magician, The Sorceress, The Necromancer, The Warlock, and The Enchantress.

Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare

Recommended by a student aide O.Y.: When Tessa’s brother Nathaniel sends her a ticket to come to London, she doesn’t know what to expect. She definitely didn’t expect to be dragged into the dangerous world of Shadowhunters. When she meets Will Herondale, she’s not sure what to make of him, but soon starts to fall for him. Filled with romance, action, and mystery – The Clockwork Angel is a great book to read.

If you enjoyed the Mortal Instruments series, you’re sure to enjoy this! The other books in this series are Clockwork Prince and Clockwork Princess. These are prequels to The Mortal Instruments series which include City of Bones, City of Ashes, City of Glass, City of Fallen Angels, and coming soon City of Lost Souls.

Michael Vey

Recommended by a student aide M.G.: Michael Vey is a 15 year old boy who is small for his age and always gets picked on but has a secret. His secret is he can shock people. He meets a girl named Tyra who can use her powers that come from electricity to reset your brain and make you confused. Michael has a very smart friend who loves food and his name is Ostan . Michael and Tyra want to find out if there are any children like them. Then these men come and take Michaels mom and Michael, Tyra and Ostan have to save Michaels mom and when they are doing that they figure out there are more people like them and they are using their powers for evil.

If you like adventure books, you should try this series.

A Million Shades of Grey By: Cynthia Kadohata

Y’Tin is a 13 year old boy living in a small village in Vietnam. This book takes place during the Vietnam War in 1973. Y’Tin has a perfect life living as a normal boy who attends school. His village is faced with bad news. The North Vietnamese Army is about to attack his village. His village is taken by surprise when the NVA arrive. He is captured and held a prisoner. He soon plans to escape with one of his friends. Once they escape they soon find another friend in the jungle. They have to face the challenges of the jungle, and the challenge of friendship. Will they soon reunite with their village or will they escape, survive, and die in the jungle?

Into the Wild (Warrior series) by Erin Hunter

Recommended by a student aide A.K. for 6th grade and up: House cat, Rusty, has a dream of chasing mice in the forest, but losing his prey to something with glowing yellow eyes, that day, he goes out into the forest, to hunt mice, only to be interrupted and caught by a gray tabby, with glowing yellow eyes, who called himself “Graypaw” who tells him of his clan, Thunderclan, and what they do, after, of course, he fights the ginger cat to the ground (with surprising difficulty), only to stop when he smells of his clan leader, Bluestar, and two of is clan elders. Rusty is faced with the choice to stay a restless house cat, or become a proud feral cat. But will the other clan cats accept his kittypet roots? Will he accept Starclan? Prepare for one of the biggest series’ in the library to knock you off your cat loving/cat hating feet, because you’ll love cats in the end.

This is a series of books, so if you like this first one, come and get the next one in our library.

The Angel Experiment: (Maximum Ride series) by James Patterson

Recommended by a student aideN.H.: Max is on the run with her flock. And they aren’t normal kids. They have wings. They are on the run from the Erasers, or the lupine human things.

Other books in this series include: Schools Out Forever, Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports, The Final Warning, Max, Fang, Angel, and Nevermore.

Gregor the Overlander by Suzanne Collins

Recommended by a student aide R.J. for 6th grade and up: The book takes place in an apartment in New York City. An 11 boy name Gregor and his baby sister Boots found another world through a grate in the laundry room. The land is called the Underlands. The land is filled with giant rats, bats, cockroaches, spiders, and many more. There is also pale skin violet eye people called Underlanders who live in the Underlands. Both the Underlanders and the rats are in a war. Gregor had no interest in the war until he discovers that the rats are keeping his father as prisoner. He goes on an adventure with his sister to free his father.

This is the same author who wrote The Hunger Games trilogy. Other books in this series include Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane, Gregor and the Curse of the Warmbloods, Gregor and the Marks of Secret, and Gregor and the Code of Claw.

Legend by Marie Lu

Recommended by Mrs. Cox: If you liked The Hunger Games series you will want to try this trilogy. In a future United States where flooding has devastated the country and caused a civil war everything isn’t what it seems. Two characters June and Day tell the stories from their point of view from very different worlds. June is top of her class and living in a world of luxury. Day is a wanted criminal who hates the government and lives in a very poor section of the city. Their stories will cross because of unfortunate circumstances. This series is action packed, fast paced, and all three books in the series keep your attention until the very end .

The second book is Prodigy and the third is called Champion.

The Maze Runner Series by James Daschner

Recommended by Mrs. Cox : A boy wakes up and finds himself trapped with other kids in an unbelievable maze. At night, huge gates close to keep out grievers, huge mechanical creatures that make a horrible grinding sound and if they catch you, they will inject you and you will go insane. Some of the kids are designated as “runners” and run out into the maze during the day to map a way out of this horrible place. Each night the maze actually shifts so it hasn’t been the same. Will they make it out? If they do, what will they find? This novel is pretty dark and a bit scary so stay away if that isn’t for you.

The second book is called The Scorch Trials, the third is The Death Cure, and a prequel called The Kill Order. This is coming out as a movie soon!

Graceling by Cashore

Recommended by a student aide A.K.: In a world where children can grow up to have a grace, a special ability, there is an evil king in one of the kingdoms, and Lady Katsa one of the kings niece, has the grace to kill, or so she thinks. A dashing romance, action, medieval type setting, Graceling is a great book.

Other companion novels are Fire and Bitterblue.


Recommended by a student aide R.P.: In the world of the living Riley Bloom has to leave her sister and her family to cross a bridge into the afterlife. Her dog named Buttercup had been reunited with her parents that are now settling in a nice, relaxing death. She had to assigned two jobs a teacher rand soul catcher. Riley later meets a boy named Bodhi a very quiet person to figure out. Radiance is a good book.

Other books in this series include: Shimmer, Dreamland, and Whisper.

The Fault in Our Stars By John Green

Recommended by a student aide A.C. for 8th grade and up: This is wonderful story about two teenagers, Hazel and Augustus, who are both cancer survivors. It is a cute story about their relationship. If you enjoy love stories that are really funny but emotional at the same time, you will love this book! This book is very emotional and is being made into a movie. This is more of a young adult story, so it is recommended for eighth grade.

Other suggestions if you like this book are Looking for Alaska, Paper Towns, If I Stay, and Speak.


Recommended by a student aide R.T.: This is a story about a menacing stranger, stolen gold, and a loaded gun. The story starts in a cable many miles away where Sig’s father laid dead in front of him. This story is a mystery-adventure type that will have you at the edge of your seat every time.

Between Shades of Grey

Recommended by a student aide A.T.: This is a sad but wonderful book about a family whose life changed in minutes before time. This is a book where if you like sad touching book’s this is a book for you. This book is all about a African family where whites are taking over many of people’s homes to take them to concentration camps in the wilderness. This is a beautiful and touching book hope you guys read this book and enjoy it.

I am the wallpaper By Mark Peter Hughes

Recommended by a student aide C.L.: Floey Packer is an ordinary girl in and ordinary, boring way. Her sister, Lillian, is outgoing, spontaneous, and everything Floey isn’t. At Lillian’s wedding Floey meets Calvin and is inspired to move out of the wall and into the room. Floey’s life is forever changed within the next few months after Lillian’s wedding when her cousins come to visit. Floey discovers that she isn’t the only one to be misunderstood and throughout this book you will discover this too.

Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight By Jennifer E. Smith