Our Groups

Marching Band / Symphonic Band

Option 1 - Symphonic Band/Marching Band Combo - The Best Option for the active band student.  These students perform in BOTH the Marching band and the traditional concert band setting.

Concert Band

Option 2 - Concert Band - Both Bands rehearse Together during 1st period.  The Concert Band plays traditional band music AND supports all Pep activities.

Course Options for Students in BAND

Option 1 - Symphonic Band/Marching Band Combo - The Best Option for the active band student.

Option 2 - Concert Band - Both Bands rehearse Together during 1st period.  The Concert Band plays traditional band music AND supports all Pep activities.

Extra Course - STEEL BAND - This is an Island/Caribbean drumming course.  Please see the director if interested.  Most students will participate in this group in Addition to their regular band class.

Rehearsal Etiquette

The quality of work that a performing ensemble accomplishes during its rehearsal is an extremely important factor in the overall success of the group.  Efficient rehearsals or classes produce SUPERIOR musicians and bands.  There are a few factors that will contribute to great classes on a daily basis.  These factors will directly translate to your future profession.