ADVISORY 4/24/23

Click this link to watch the video for Class ElectionsAll students grades 9-11 can vote at, starting Monday at 10:15am and closing on Thursday at 1:00pm. If a student can't vote in the right election, it means that they enrolled after school started or they were reclassified as of August. If this is happening to you, go to the Activities Office and they will help. 

ADVISORY 3/27/23

Click this link to access the Grade check Form. Make a copy of the form before you start filling it out. Complete this form and email it to me: 


PER Dr. Johnson:

Please complete this survey for yearbook:

Please show the following video which is a DECA project on Domestic Violence. 

"Students, this video is about domestic violence. If you feel at any time that you need additional support, I will allow you to go to the counselor. The counselors will be available during the day if you feel you need to speak to one."