Unit Handouts

Info About the Picture: President Barack Obama created a new national monument setting aside a half-million acres of federal land in southern New Mexico where Geronimo once roamed.

Unit 1: The Journey Begins

Essential Question: How does learning about New Mexico's history and geography help us understand our state today?

The New Mexico Journey Textbook pg. 2-43


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The History of New Mexico Textbook pg.

We are working on getting this textbook online.

Lesson 1: What is History?

Objective #1: Evaluate the variety of ways historians study history.

Lesson 2: The Geographer's View

Objective #2: Examine the term geography and the regions of the United Sates.

Lesson 3: A Tour of New Mexico

Objective #3: Identify how geographical conditions where and how New Mexican's have lived.

Unit 2: The First People

Essential Question: How did the prehistoric societies of early New Mexico shape our modern world?

The New Mexico Journey textbook pgs. 44-73

The History of New Mexico textbook

Lesson 1: Prehistoric People

Objective #1: Identify the early people of New Mexico and their contributions to the area.

Lesson #2: Pueblo Farmers

Objective #2: Examine the Pueblo and Non-Pueblo peoples of New Mexico.

Lesson #3: Non-Pueblo Indians

Objective #3: Compare/Contrast the Native American groups of New Mexico.