World News

Team Trees

By Yobani Loera

Elon Musk, PewDiePie, TheOdd1sOut, JaidenAnimations, and JackSepticEye. What do all these people have in common? All these people have donated to Team Trees! Team trees is a project by the Youtuber Mr Beast who has the goal of planting 20 million trees by January 1st 2020.

In this project one dollar is equivalent to 1 tree being planted. This project has brought many social media influencers together to meet the same goal. The Team Trees shows how There has been donations ranging from just $1 to over $1,000,000. Both Elon Musk (Most known for hosting Meme Review and being the CEO of SpaceX) and Tobi Lutke (CEO of Shopify) have donated +$1,000,000 to this cause. People from all sorts of online communities like the beauty community, the gaming community and even CEO’s of big companies have played their part in this project. All donations go straight to the Arbor Day Foundation which is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to tree planting. Charitywatch, a website used to give information about charities and even rates them gives Arbor Day a solid A- and is top rated by them.

A Freshman at Albuquerque High School, Eric Padilla says “I love the fact that they are doing this because it is healthy for the Earth. I love it so much that My family and I have donated to this cause. I want them to be Oak trees planted.” and “Mr Beast is doing this to repay all his subscribers who constantly asked him to plant trees to save the environment because of the current status it is in.” When looking at the Team trees website you can see that the highest amount donated is $1,000,001 by Tobi Lutke. Erik is hoping that Will Smith will be the next person to donate a large amount of money to this cause.

The History of Black Friday and Cyber Monday

by Evan Diaz

Black Friday and Cyber Monday is just around the corner. That means thousands of people across the nation scrambling to get as many deals as possible. “I went Black Friday shopping to get good sales” says Tristen Mendez, a 10th grader from Albuquerque High. It can get hectic and even deadly at times. Black Friday begins the holiday shopping season. But how did Black Friday come to be?

Many decades ago, stores would record their losses in red and profits in black. The story often tossed around is that stores would suffer in losses all year long, except for the day after Thanksgiving. This is when customers would spend huge amounts of money on gifts. This story is inaccurate.

According to History, in the 1950’s, police in Philadelphia would use the term Black Friday to describe the chaos that ensued on the day after Thanksgiving. This is when many shoppers and tourists crowd the city for the Army-Navy football game. Officers had to work late because of the crowds. Additionally, there’d be many shoplifters that police had out watch out for. The term began to catch on and “Black Friday’’ was seen as negative. The city’s merchants even tried to change it to “Big Friday.” Sometime in the 80’s, however, retailers managed to make the term positive, and many forgot about the roots of the term.

Cyber Monday’s got its name similarly. All they did was replace “Black” with “Cyber” to reflect online shopping deals. Cyber Monday debuted on November 28, 2005. According to Reader’s Digest, in 2014, Cyber Monday became the biggest sales day of the year in the United States. Before that, most companies thought that online shopping was just a gimmick.

Both Cyber Monday and Black Friday are events that come yearly for people to get a chance to buy gifts for cheap. It is the start of the Christmas shopping season. If you plan on going, remember to have fun and stay safe.

Celebrating December Traditions

By Erick Padilla

Did you know that there are over 75 December holidays? They include: Hanukkah, National Llama Day, National Ice Cream Day and Christmas. Many of these holidays have a variety of traditions that reflect their cultural origins.

On December 24th, millions of families gather together to celebrate the very famous and well-known holiday Christmas. On this holiday, families join each other to have a wonderful meal and give each other gifts. On December 25th, Christmas day occurs. On Christmas day, the magical being known as Santa Claus delivers presents to every household with a child who has the Christmas Spirit. “The first christmas was thought to be on the birth of Jesus Christ, and how he brought salvation to earth. It's the day the Christians receive their saviour.” said Susana Martinez a local Christian Pastor from Albuquerque.

The Jewish holiday commonly known as Hanukkah is celebrated on December 22nd through December 30th. Hanukkah is also known as Chanukah or Festival of Lights. Hanukkah is an eight-day Jewish observance that remembers the Jewish people's struggle for religious freedom. Between these eight days numerous things happen. Jewish families celebrate this holiday by lighting a special Hanukkah menorah, a candelabrum with holders for 8 candles, one for each day of celebration, plus a ninth, the shammash or “server”, used to light the others during Hanukkah. One candle is lit on the first night, two on the second, three on the third, through to the eighth night when all are lit. A special prayer is recited during the lighting and while the candles burn it is a time for songs and games, including the four-sided toy called dreidel. The dreidel is popular among children. Some children try to knock other players' dreidels down while others try to spin as many dreidels as possible at one time. Other customs include gift-giving, especially to children, and decorating the home – much like the Christmas celebrations in Christian homes around this time of the year.

2020 Comic Con

by Jonah Maestas

“ComicCon is nerd Christmas. People go wanting to have fun” is how Chris Hardwick describes ComicCon in BrainyQuote. A comic book convention or “ComicCon” is a festival that is made to celebrate comic books and other forms of “nerd culture”. These conventions are usually held in large open spaces or college campuses. Providing a wide range of activities and games.

Comic Con was founded as the San Diego’s West Coast Comic Convention, in 1972 according to Comic Con International:San Diego. Comic con is a nonprofit and charitable foundation. With their recent years, their attendance has went from mere hundreds to 150,000 people. Comic Con has grown to be the central point for the worlds comic convention. They also provide hundreds of special guests every year, ranging from comic book writers to exclusive actors, and cosplays, which are people who dress as fictional characters.

Comic Con started out as a small little festival that was a humble little gem in the vast sea of festivals and attractions. And as it still is humble, it has grown to be a worldwide gathering that is celebrated by people multinationally. Not only is it widely agreed that it is a must see gathering, it is also considered to be fun, and an all around enjoyable time for anyone. It manages to mix not only the video game loving world with the comic book loving world, but it mixes and merges them together. By combining and making them appreciate each other differences, along with deepening them and their cultures. By mixing and blending their cultures and communities, it makes them more conjoined and universal. Which makes it a more comfortable place for all people. On general Comic Con is a nationally acclaimed festival that provided entertainment for all different types of people.