7th Grade Spanish

Pruebas, Exámenes, y Proyectos (Quizzes, Tests, and Projects)

Weekly Duolingo-Will NOT be accepted for late credit.

Due the following Friday unless otherwise stated.  All XP should be NEW.

Semester 1

Intro 8/16-8/26

20xp 8/26 

Phrases 9/2

50xp 9/9

Family 9/16

50xp 9/23

School  9/30

75XP 10/7

Travel 2 10/14

50XP 10/21

Traditions 10/28

50XP 11/4

150XP 11/14-11/28 

Fun facts:

Sra. Hollin had a baby, Adaline, last October!

All of Sra. Hollin's pets are named after famous people: Freddie Mercury, Rocky Dwayne, and Thor Odinson (aka Odin). *Check out their photos in the Virtual Classroom.*

Sra. Hollin's birthday is 11/11 and her husband's is 12/12.  Adaline's is 10/22/22.

Sra. Hollin's favorite holidays are Halloween and Día de los Muertos. 

Sra. Hollin loves Gordon Ramsay and even met the head chef of his restaurant in Las Vegas.

Sra. Hollin is currently learning Irish, Portuguese, Arabic, Japanese and High Valyrian on Duolingo.

Sra. Hollin loves to grow succulents and cacti and they were a big part of her wedding flowers. (Photos on Left, top and bottom.)

Virtual Classroom

Virtual Classroom