Handbook and Policies

Cell Phones

Students will not use cell phones for any reason (phone calls, texting, picture taking, browsing, etc.) during any Upward Bound activity. An Upward Bound activity is defined as formal classes, creative electives, outdoor activities, physical education, etc. Students may use their phone during free time, between classes/activities, and during meal times. If this policy is violated, the student's phone will be confiscated and will be returned to them at the end of the day. Violations will be dealt with in accordance with the Upward Bound disciplinary policy.  

Supervision and Safety

The UB Staff members are committed to providing appropriate supervision for all UB Students while participating in our program. During UB meetings, a sign-in and sign-out system will be closely monitored. Families must submit the names of anyone who is allowed to provide transportation to and from UB meetings for their student. While participating in UB activities on or off the ASU campus, UB Students must remain in groups of three or more. Safety and security are of utmost concern, but ultimately depend on the choices and decisions made by each UB Student. 

Communication Code

UB Students will always use kind and appropriate language. If a problem arises, UB Students will try to solve the problem themselves and then seek assistance from a staff member or UB RAs. 

Dress Code

UB Students are expected to dress reasonably and appropriately for all UB meetings and events. The following guidelines apply:


UB Students are expected to attend and participate in all UB meetings, events, and weekend and summer academies throughout their high school career. UB activities are designed to help UB Students enhance their academic skills, learn about themselves, and gain realistic insights into college life. The U.S. Department of Education makes a significant investment in each participant as a means of ensuring that upon graduation from high school, UB Students will be prepared to succeed in college. It is very important that UB Students and their families support full participation in all activities with the UB Program.

If a UB Student is unable to attend a meeting or event, the Student (or a family member) must contact a UB staff member to discuss the situation. Individual circumstances concerning each UB Student's attendance and absences will be taken into consideration and are subject to the Director’s approval. 

Personal Responsibilities

It is extremely important that UB Students always represent the ASU UB program in a positive, respectful, and responsible manner. Public displays of affection are strictly forbidden. While interacting with others, UB Students will practice acceptance and cooperation and will value the decisions of others without passing judgment. UB Students will approach all UB activities with an open mind and positive attitude. UB Students will show the utmost respect to themselves, each other, staff members/leaders, and our environment ~ wherever we may be. 

Respecting the Boundary Between UB Student and UB Resident Advisor (RA)

When seeking appropriate mentors for our UB Students, successful App State students are very often ideal candidates for the UB Leader positions. The majority of the RAs are education majors who will be pursuing teaching careers or careers that will involve working with and counseling young people. While we greatly value the relationship that UB RAs and students develop, it is imperative that appropriate boundaries are maintained at all times. Therefore, RAs will not communicate with UB Students via personal Facebook, e-mail, cell phone, twitter, or other media outlets.

Medical Services

Except in the event of an emergency, students are required to contact a family member and have that person speak with a UB staff member to approve a visit to a medical facility. If a Student is too ill to attend classes (virus, upset stomach, headache, etc.) and the condition persists for more than one day, it will be necessary for a family member to pick the Student up and allow him/her to recuperate at home. Upward Bound staff members need to have written notification about any medication a student takes on a regular basis, including information about any potential side effects. 

Belk Library and Information Commons, University Bookstore and Plemmons Student Union

UB Students are encouraged to utilize all of the resources available while on the App State campus. The library has a multitude of materials available for UB Students to borrow. UB Students are responsible for any overdue book fees and/or damages. The University Bookstore has a variety of supplies, materials, and books for sale. The Student Union has quiet places to study, areas for meetings, and the Hawksbill Game room. 

Computer Use Policy

App State provides UB Students computer access and capabilities through Information Technology Services, Academic Computing Services and various colleges and departments. While using thes computers, UB Students will adhere to applicable state and federal laws, as well as the University’s computer use policy. For the full text of this policy, please refer to http://support.appstate.edu/about/computer-use-policy