Who We Are

Who We Are

We are faculty and staff who value collegial relationships and positivity in the workplace. We want to work in an environment that fosters kindness, compassion, thoughtfulness, and sensitivity.

Membership in this group is fluid; those who are interested and able participate once a month in a Random Acts of Kindness activity. Some are ongoing members, and others engage sporadically as life permits. The trait that we have in common is that we derive as much pleasure from doing and encouraging random acts of kindness as we do from receiving random acts of kindness from others. We draw inspiration from the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation.

What We Do

The primary activity of RAK@App is creating and disseminating a variety of communications that encourage faculty and staff to make our campus—and our world—a kinder place. If you wish to be a part of the movement to spread kindness, please contact us!